HelenKay Dimon

Copy That

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and watched his stomach dip in response. “You got knifed on your last assignment. It hadn’t healed when the guy hit you.”

      “And now I am on mandatory leave.”

      The laugh bubbled up before she could stop it. “This is your idea of rest and relaxation? Dodging bullets and running from fires?”

      “Believe it or not, no.”

      His broad smile caught her off guard. Since she’d done enough admiring of his strong jaw and sexy mouth, she looked around the room, anywhere not to stare at him.

      The room smelled like wet carpet, and the dark brown furniture and lack of sunlight made it resemble a tomb. Not the best place for a guy to recuperate.

      They both jumped when Joel opened the door, talking as he walked. “Pax and Davis are on the way.”

      She drew back her hand and inched away from Jeremy. “Who?”

      “More of Garrett’s men.” This time Jeremy scooted back until his neck rested against the headboard. “Why are they even here? I thought they were working out east these days.”

      “Had some business in town.”

      Jeremy nodded. “Understood.”

      “That makes one of us.” The shortcut conversation was making her crazy. She’d shoot them her best eye roll but was too tired to do anything but talk, and even that took more concentration than she possessed. “Now might be a good time to tell me what your brother does and why he has so many men helping him do it.”

      “I like her.” Joel laughed as he took up a position by the window, glancing at them each in turn and then looking outside. “Don’t get me wrong. I liked Sara, too, but this one has spunk.”

      That was the second or third time Meredith had heard the name. Each time Jeremy had frowned and shot her an unreadable look.

      Meredith couldn’t shake the feeling of being judged by Jeremy. “And while you’re at it, explain who this Sara person is.”

      Joel treated her to the typical she-lost-it look guys did so well. “She’s Garrett’s fiancée.”

      Meredith jumped off the bed. Nearly swallowed her tongue and bounced Jeremy off the mattress as she moved. “His what?”

      “I guess I should say ex. I mean, you guys are—” Joel’s smirk died. “Right?”


      Jeremy wrapped his fingers around her wrist and gave her a gentle tug until she looked down at him. “You still sure you’re not seeing Garrett?”

      “Positive. Never dated or even thought about it.”

      Jeremy pointed at his mouth. “You can resist a face like this?”

      “On Garrett, yes. Keep in mind he was never around.”

      Jeremy’s hold tightened before he let his hand drop. “Go back to your first comment. Only on my brother?”

      She’d hoped he’d missed that verbal misstep. No such luck. “I’m wondering why I’ve never seen this Sara person at the house.”

      The amusement faded from Jeremy’s eyes. “I’m worried about the same thing.”

      Joel held up his phone. “She didn’t answer any of the four times I’ve tried.”

      Meredith refused to panic. None of the information she’d heard made any sense. She rarely saw Garrett, but he’d never mentioned a fiancée and never bothered to bring her by to say hello. The pieces refused to fit together in any logical way. Still, Meredith had to believe a reasonable explanation lingered somewhere, maybe just out of reach, but there. “Couldn’t she be on vacation with Garrett? That would explain why we can’t reach either of them.”

      Something cold and bleak moved behind Jeremy’s eyes. He controlled the starkness almost immediately. “I can’t contact him through any of our regular channels and he’s not answering the emergency call signal.”

      Joel shook his head. “Damn.”

      From the reaction, she knew the lack of communication wasn’t standard. She might not see him for weeks, but Garrett clearly checked in with Jeremy and the team. The failure to do so now had the other men reeling. Their tension touched off a new round of swirling panic inside her.

      “Tell Pax and Davis to search for Sara. Credit cards, bank records. I want to know where she’s been.” Jeremy reached for his phone and frowned when it wasn’t in its place on the nightstand. “Once I fight off this painkiller buzz, I’ll check her house and some other places where she might be.”

      Meredith put her hand over her back pocket. If Jeremy saw the bulge he’d know she’d grabbed his cell. He’d likely jump to conclusions about her wanting to call for help. In reality she knew, deep down knew, she was safest with Jeremy and there was no reason to run.

      She also knew she had to hide his phone if she wanted him to rest. Having all those muscles meant nothing if he passed out at her feet.

      “Already ahead of you on the calls,” Joel said. “Davis and I will take surveillance. Pax is coming to check you out.”

      “Not necessary.” Jeremy shifted to the side of the bed.

      She moved to lean against the mattress, blocking his path to the floor. “Does this Pax have medical training?”

      Joel smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”

      “Then I like your plan. Pax stays. You remain in bed for now.” She nudged Jeremy until he fell back onto the bed.

      “Since when are you in charge?” Jeremy asked as he closed his eyes and leaned into the pillows.

      No way was she conceding even an inch in this verbal battle. “Since you lost a pint or two of blood.”

      Joel cleared his throat as he opened the door. “I’ll wait outside while you two hash this out.”

      She didn’t wait to ask the question burning a hole in her brain. “Why would Garrett hide a fiancée?”

      Jeremy didn’t open his eyes. “No idea.”

      “Did you think they were still together?”

      “They were having trouble but…” His eyes popped open. “I’ll feel better when I find her and Garrett.”

      “Let’s get back to his job. Who exactly is your brother?” Then they could circle around to Jeremy’s job, as well, before the curiosity ate a hole in Meredith’s stomach.

      She wasn’t ready to let the issue drop with a cursory explanation. Something these men did had gotten them in trouble, and as a result she was homeless with nothing more than the clothes she wore. She didn’t blame them. Not specifically. But she wasn’t going to be pushed aside either.

      “Are you rapid firing questions to keep me from having a second to change your orders to Joel about fetching Pax?” he asked.

      Smart man. “That and to get an answer or two out of you while your defenses are down.”


      She crossed her arms over her stomach. “It will be once you answer me.”

      He stared at her. When she didn’t move or even break eye contact, he exhaled long and loud. “Garrett’s job is top secret.”

      Not exactly the comment she was expecting. “How very Hollywood of you to say that.”

      “It’s true.”

      She dropped her hands to her sides. “Jeremy, come on. After everything that’s happened today, the least you can do is level with me. I think I deserve better than the ‘if I tell you I’ll have to kill you’ nonsense.”

      “It’s not my secret to tell.”