Alison Roberts

The Unsung Hero

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      Rick was listening carefully despite being fascinated by watching Sarah’s face as she spoke. She was genuine all right. Nuances of emotion played across her features and he could feel the agony she’d been through. God help him, but he had an insane urge to wrap her into his arms and hold her close. He shook it off and focused on what she’d been saying.

      HSCT. Haematopoietic stem-cell transplant. More commonly known as a bone-marrow transplant.

      ‘And that took you to the States?’ he asked. ‘To try and locate a donor?’

      Sarah’s gaze flicked in his direction. She hesitated before responding but he couldn’t read her expression this time. It was almost as if shutters had come down but he could tell she was struggling with something. Then she looked away from both her companions, her gaze raking the small crowd now scattered throughout the garden.

      Many were holding champagne glasses and some had plates, having helped themselves to a sumptuous afternoon tea from the table laden with silver, tiered stands that held everything from savouries and sandwiches to tiny cupcakes decorated with hearts. Imitating Sarah’s observation, Rick spotted Josh, who was sitting on the wide steps of the terrace beside Max, who was feeding Mattie with a bottle.

      Of course. She wouldn’t want to be discussing this if Josh was within earshot.

      ‘We heard that didn’t work out,’ he said gently. ‘But Auckland was more successful, yes?’

      ‘What?’ Those dark blue eyes flashed with…what?…alarm? ‘What makes you say that?’

      Rick sighed inwardly. He was only trying to be interested here. Supportive. Was she always this prickly?

      ‘Ellie mentioned that Josh was in hospital, that’s all. And that was why there was some doubt about whether you’d make it to the wedding. I knew you’d gone to Auckland because of another donor possibility so I was hoping that was due to a transplant happening.’

      ‘No.’ He could see the deep breath Sarah took. ‘He got sick. Pneumonia. A bug he probably picked up from the plane trip home.’

      She was watching Josh again. Ellie had gone over to the steps and was sitting beside her brand-new husband but leaning forward, talking to Josh on his other side. Then she stood up and began walking towards Rick. He glanced at Jet but there seemed to be nothing to say to break the suddenly tense silence enclosing the three of them.

      Josh’s condition was fragile. He might or might not still be in remission but even if he was, he was at risk due to his suppressed immune system that the maintenance drug regime would cause. Any bacterial, viral or fungal infection could be potentially fatal. Ellie joined the group but it didn’t relieve the tension. If anything, it went up a notch or two even before she spoke.

      ‘Sarah…I’m sorry but Josh isn’t feeling very well. He says he’s got a headache and he thinks he’s going to be sick.’

      ‘Oh, no!’ Rick saw the colour drain from Sarah’s face.

      ‘It could just be too many chocolate éclairs and sunshine but…’

      The tiny word hung in the air. It could be an infection of some kind. It could even be a sign of a central nervous system relapse, which would not only take away the status of remission but could escalate the progression of this boy’s disease.

      ‘I’ll have to get him checked.’ Sarah’s eyes were bright. Too bright. Glittering with unshed tears? ‘Oh, God…We’ve only just got over the last setback. He was so desperate to stay well enough to go to school again.’

      ‘I’m so sorry.’ Ellie was biting her bottom lip. ‘Jet could take you into Emergency.’ She turned. ‘You’ve got a shift starting later tonight, haven’t you?’


      ‘He knows everyone,’ she said to Sarah. ‘He’ll make sure Josh gets the best of care.’

      ‘I’ll go too,’ Rick announced.

      The others all looked at him in surprise.

      ‘Jet and I came together,’ he said quickly. ‘In my car. It’s not as if you guys are planning formal speeches or anything, are you?’ He didn’t give Ellie time to respond. ‘Jet can look after Josh and everything that needs to happen. I can look after Sarah.’

      It felt good to say that. And he meant every word. Smooth opening lines or first kisses were the last thing on his mind right now. This was about a potentially sick kid and the woman who was, effectively, his mother. There was no hidden agenda or ulterior motive.

      The ‘bad boys’ weren’t being disbanded by this marriage, he realised in a moment of sudden clarity. The tribe was simply expanding. Ellie was a part of it and, by association, Sarah came under the same protective umbrella. That was what this was about. Solidarity. A tribe thing.

      So why did Sarah and Ellie exchange a glance that made him feel as if he’d stepped into a minefield?

      ‘I think…’ Ellie spoke after a loaded pause and her voice sounded strange. ‘That might be quite a good idea, don’t you, Sarah?’

      Equally strangely, Sarah had closed her eyes as though offering up a silent prayer. She opened them slowly, stared at Ellie for a second and then turned her head towards Rick.

      The gaze was so intense it rang alarm bells that were positively deafening. What the hell was going on here?

      ‘Yes.’ Sarah sounded perfectly calm, which was weird in itself. ‘It is a good idea. Can we go now, please?’

      Josh had been diagnosed with leukaemia here at Queen Mary’s and it became rapidly obvious that he was a favourite patient amongst the paediatric oncology staff that got summoned to the emergency department. One of the registrars even called his consultant, Mike Randall, who said he would be coming in to see what was happening.

      A lot was happening. Numerous blood tests and a chest X-ray. An exhaustive physical examination, abdominal ultrasound and a lumbar puncture. Jet changed into scrubs and simply went on shift early but Rick was left with little to do but be there and observe, feeling somewhat ridiculous in his dinner suit and the bow-tie, which had come undone but he wasn’t about to bother retying it.

      Sarah would have probably felt absurdly overdressed, too, in that long frock and with the flowers still in her hair but it didn’t seem to occur to her. As pale as her nephew, she was there by his side for every moment. Holding his hand for the blood tests and curled protectively close to his head throughout the lumbar puncture procedure. Rustling in her long dress as she walked beside his bed when it was rolled to a different area. She said little but seemed grateful to have Jet and Rick there to smooth the admission process and the transition of care to the oncology department.

      Josh was just as stoical as Sarah. The hospital environment and these frightening and painful procedures were a part of life for both of them now and they were in it together. With every passing minute, Rick became more aware of the striking bond between these two. Of their courage. Josh didn’t cry, even once, and Rick was left convinced that Sarah was a vital component of any treatment for this child. The gentle way she touched him, almost constantly, and the way she held direct eye contact throughout the worst moments, infusing him with both strength and comfort, touched something very deep in Rick.

      All his younger patients had families that loved them and would do anything they could to help but he’d never witnessed a bond quite like this. They were both special but Sarah…she was astonishing.

      By the time the consultant, Mike, arrived, the early testing was complete and Josh had been moved to a private room in the children’s ward. Surprisingly, Max turned up at the same time.

      ‘What are you doing here, man?’ Rick asked. ‘It’s your wedding night! ‘

      ‘Ellie sent me in with some clothes for Sarah and to find out what’s happening. How’s Josh?’

      ‘I think we’re