Jo Leigh

A Lick and a Promise

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cupped around his brandy snifter but all he could think about was running his fingers down the enticing curve of her foot.

      It was nuts. He wasn’t into feet. He knew some men were, but he’d never given them a thought.

      He stole a look at Margot and was shocked to meet her very intense gaze. He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t.

      “It’s all right, you know,” she said, her voice very soft, meant only for him.

      “What’s all right?” he whispered back.

      “You can touch them.”

      His mouth opened, but, again, nothing. No response. Not a clue what to say.

      “They’re pretty rings,” she went on. “I got one of them at a flea market. The blue one was a gift.”

      His gaze finally moved from hers only to stare at the exotic toe jewelry. An image flashed in his mind, very vivid. So vivid, he had to shift on the couch.

      “What?” she asked, leaning a little forward.


      “Come on, Daniel. We know each other too well to hold back now.”

      He looked at her again. At the teasing smile, the coy arch of her eyebrow. “I don’t know you at all.”

      “I’m an open book. Ask me anything.”

      He raised the snifter to his lips and took a big sip. The heat slithered down his throat, expanding as it reached his chest. “Do you have rings anywhere else?” he asked.

      She nodded.

      He coughed. Turned away. Stared at an eighteenth-century highboy.

      “Do you want to know where?”

      Her voice snuck beneath his defenses, which weren’t many. He was too full, too drunk and too bewildered by the woman. He’d talked to the others tonight, but cursorily. Even when he wanted to, he couldn’t force his attention far away from Margot. Willing himself to be cool, to not let her know what she was doing to him, he sipped again at the brandy. But it was no use. He wanted to know about her other rings. Badly. He sighed. Then nodded.

      Again, that soft, knowing chuckle. “Well, I have these,” she said.

      He looked. He was constitutionally incapable of not looking. But all he saw were her hands. Long, beautiful hands with crimson nails. She did have rings. On each hand. One a pearl, the other a diamond. His chest sank with disappointment, which he realized was nuts. It’s just that she was so…exotic, he was expecting more. Different. Erotic.

      Then she leaned forward even more. When she had his gaze locked, she licked her lower lip with the tip of her pink tongue. “The others will have to wait until we’re alone.”


      She smiled, showing him her white teeth. “Two more. But I’m not going to tell you where. You’ll have to see for yourself.”

      “Oh, God.”

      Laughing, she leaned back against her pillow.

      The next thing he knew, she’d swung her legs off the chaise and stood. “Well, kiddies. It’s late, and I have a disgustingly early call. Thank you all for a magnificent evening. I look forward to next Sunday’s soiree where I shall be making dessert.” She pointed to Corrie. “You’re appetizers.” Her red-tipped finger moved to Devon and Eric. “Main course.” Then she pointed at Daniel. “You’ll help me.”

      She walked toward the kitchen. “I’m leaving,” she said to Anya and Rocco, who were just coming back to the living room. “I have to go. Thank you for everything.” She kissed both of them on the cheek. “Take care of each other.” Then she was at the front door. She waved her fingers. Closed the door behind her.

      For the first time since he’d met her, Daniel got a full breath. He sagged against the chaise, still boggled by the night.

      Corrie approached him. She patted his knee. “See? I told you it would be okay. I think it’s wonderful.”


      “You and Margot, of course.”

      “What are you talking about?”

      Across the way, Devon chuckled. “You’ll see.”

      Daniel looked at the man. “See what? What’s going on?”

      Eric yawned expansively, then sat up. “Nothing to worry about, Daniel old boy. Just relax. She’ll be gentle.”

      Daniel stood up. Put the snifter on the table. “I don’t know what the hell you people are talking about. If it’s some kind of cult—”

      Laughter cut him off. He didn’t realize he’d said anything funny.

      “It’s not a cult,” Corrie said. “It’s just Margot. And she’s wonderful. Kind and caring. She just wants to help.”

      “With what? I don’t need any help.”

      Corrie’s gaze raked him from head to toe then back again. She smiled kindly, with just a hint of pity. “You’re so sweet,” she said.

      “This is insane,” he said, bewildered by this wacko group he’d stumbled into. “All of you.”

      “Yep, but we mean no harm. So don’t fret.”

      “Thanks for the advice,” he said, heading to the door. “And I don’t think I’ll be available next Sunday. I’ve got a previous engagement.”

      No one tried to change his mind, but they gave each other disturbingly knowing looks. He had to get out of there. Now. This was out of control. And he wanted no part of it.

      MARGOT HAD TO GET TO SLEEP. Tomorrow, actually today, was really important, and she couldn’t screw it up. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Daniel.

      She’d been bad. Naughty, naughty. But it had been so much fun teasing him. He blushed! It was completely adorable, and she couldn’t wait to make him do it again. And again.

      She shifted under her comforter, punched her pillow into submission, but thoughts of Daniel just kept on coming. Halfway through dinner, she realized that teasing Daniel was way up there on her hit parade. Kind of like chocolate. Addictive, satisfying, good for the libido. She kept wanting more and more, until that silly little stunt on the couch. Could she have been more blatant?

      Jeez, it was amazing she’d held herself back from ravishing the boy right there in front of God and everybody.

      She just hoped she hadn’t scared him into moving back to Greenwich.

      Nah. He’d liked it. She remembered his eyes, how they’d gleamed with interest. How they’d come back to her over and over again, no matter what else was going on in the room. That was truly something.

      She knew she had an effect on men. Mostly, they were just confused by her, but from time to time she elicited real interest. Which pleased her so much that she’d always, always, make a judicious exit, before the thrill had a chance to dissipate. Always leave them wanting more was her motto. And yet with Daniel, she wasn’t so anxious to run off. Not that she could. She lived here. But it wouldn’t be that difficult to make herself scarce.

      No. She didn’t want to do that. She wanted to experience the rush of last night all over again. It was exhilarating. Thrilling. Exciting in a way that hadn’t happened to her since… Since ever.

      “Wow,” she whispered to the night. “Wow, wow.” Then she turned over again. She really needed to get to sleep. Now.

      Reaching down to her bedside drawer, she pulled out her favorite toy. She had lots of yummy things to imagine tonight. Too many. How could she possibly choose just one?

      But one did come to mind the moment she touched herself with her vibrator. Daniel. Naked. Investigating her rings. All of