Jules Bennett

Snowbound With A Billionaire

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as he drew closer. “Are you all right?”

      He wondered if she’d hear him over the howling wind, but when she froze at his voice, he assumed she’d realized she wasn’t alone.

      The woman in a long, puffy gray coat turned. All Max could see was her eyes, but he’d know them anywhere. Those bright emerald-green eyes could pierce a man’s heart...and once upon a time, they had penetrated his.


      Her eyes widened as she reached up with a gloved hand to shove her scarf down below her chin. “Max, what are you doing here?”

      It was too damn cold to be having a discussion about anything other than her current predicament, so he asked again, “Are you all right?”

      She glanced over her shoulder, then back at him. “I’m fine, but the car is stuck.”

      “I can give you a lift,” he offered. “Where are you going?”

      “Um...I can call a friend.”

      Max nearly laughed. Were they really going to argue about this? It was freezing, he hadn’t seen her in...too many years to count, and he really wanted to get to his mother, who was recovering from surgery.

      “Seriously, just get in the car and I can take you anywhere,” he said. “Grab your stuff and let’s go.”

      Raine hesitated, holding his gaze as if she were contemplating waiting in the snow for another ride instead of coming with him. Granted they hadn’t left things on the best of terms.... No, they had actually left their relationship on very good, very intimate terms. It was after he’d left that something had happened. And he had no clue what that something was because the last time he’d seen her, they’d been in love with plans for a future together.

      Still to this day, thinking back on that time in his life left his heart aching.

      But now was not the time to consider such things. Raine needed to get in, because who knows how long she’d been out here in the freezing cold, and she needed to call a wrecker.

      “All right,” she conceded. “I have to get a few things first.”

      She turned into the backseat and seconds later she faced him again, this time with a...baby carrier?

      Whoa! He totally wasn’t expecting her to have a baby in tow. Not that he’d planned on running into her like this at all, but still...

      “Can you hold this?” she asked. “I need to get the base out and strap it into your car.”

      Base? He had no clue what a base was considering the only thing he knew about babies is that he used to be one. Max reached for the handle of the carrier and was surprised how heavy this contraption was. He didn’t see the baby for the large blanket-looking thing with a zipper going up the middle. He supposed that was smart, seeing as how the wind was wicked cold right now, and keeping the baby as warm as possible was the best idea.

      In all honesty, the idea of Raine with a baby was what really threw him. She was probably married, because a woman like Raine wouldn’t settle for a child without having the husband first. And that thought right there kicked him in the gut. Even after all this time, the mental image of her with another man seemed incomprehensible. He had to chalk it up to the fact he’d had no closure on their relationship, because he refused to admit, after years of living apart, that he still had feelings for this emerald-eyed beauty.

      She lifted some gray plastic bucket thing from the backseat and started toward his car. He assumed that was his cue to follow.

      Max held the handle with both hands since there was no way in hell he’d take a chance dropping what he assumed to be a sleeping baby. Not a peep was made from beneath the zipper. Surely the child was okay after that accident. Her car was barely off the road but enough that the front end was kissing the snow-covered ditch.

      Once Raine had the base in, Max carefully handed over the carrier. With a quick click, she had the baby in the warm car and had closed the door.

      “I have to get the diaper bag and this gift I was delivering,” she stated. “Go ahead and get in...I’ll be right back.”

      “I’ll get your bag.” He stepped in front of her as she tried to pass him. “It’s too cold and you’ve been out here longer than me. Is everything in the front seat?”

      She nodded and looked so damn cute with snowflakes dangling on her lashes, her face void of makeup...just like he’d remembered.

      Not waiting for her to protest, Max turned back to her car, cursing the entire way. Cute? He was now thinking she was cute? What was he...five? So they shared a past. A very intimate, very intense past, but in his defense, he hadn’t seen her in nearly fifteen years. Of course old feelings were going to crop up, but that didn’t mean they had to control his state of mind—or his common sense.

      He jerked on her car door’s handle and reached in, grabbing the pink diaper bag and a small floral gift bag. Who the hell delivered a gift when the roads were quickly becoming a sheet of ice? With a baby to boot?

      Max slid back behind the wheel of his rental, cranked the heat as high as it would go and eased back out onto the road.

      “Where am I taking you?” he asked.

      “Um...I was on my way to see your mother.”

      Max jerked in his seat. “My mother?”

      Raine barely looked his way before she focused her eyes back on the road, a place he should keep his.

      “I swear I had no idea you were coming in today,” she quickly told him. “I mean, I knew you were coming, but I didn’t know exactly when that would be. If you’d rather I not go...I can come another time.”

      She was going to see his mother? Things certainly had changed since the last time he’d been in Lenox with Raine and his parents. The way he and Raine had fought to be together, defying both sets of their parents...and it all was for naught.

      He cast a quick glance her way, noticed how she kept toying with the threads fraying off the hem of her coat, her eyes either staying in her lap or staring out the window. Why was she so nervous? Was it him? Was she mentally replaying every moment they’d spent together, just like he was? Was she remembering that last night they’d made love, and the promises they’d made to each other? Promises that he had fully intended to keep, not knowing she’d never hold up her end of the deal. Is that what had her so on edge?

      “Why are you visiting my mother?”

      Raine’s soft laugh filled the car. “A lot has changed since you were in Lenox, Max.”

      Apparently...and since she had pointedly dodged his question, he assumed that was code for “none of your business.” And she was right. Whatever she was doing was none of his concern. Once upon a time they knew every single detail about one another, but that chapter had closed. They were all but strangers at this point. Could this last mile be any longer? Thank God the drive was in sight.

      “I didn’t know you had a baby,” he said, trying to ease the thick tension, but once the words were out, he realized he sounded like an idiot. “I mean, I assumed you had a life. I just never... So, how many kids do you have?”

      “Just Abby. She’s three months old.”

      “Do you need to call your husband?”

      Way to go. Smooth, real smooth. Could I be any less subtle?

      “No,” Raine replied. “I’ll call my friend when we get to your mother’s house. He can come pick me up.”

      He? She was calling a male friend and not her husband.

      Max mentally shook his head and scolded himself. Still this was none of his business.

      He turned into the long, narrow drive. Straight ahead sat his childhood home, now his parents’ second home, where his mother was waiting inside recovering from surgery. She would soon