Кэрол Мортимер

Prince's Pleasure

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dropping out of school to take up acting like his father, and then finally finding his niche and settling down to being the charming rogue that he was now known for worldwide.

      But all three Prince brothers, the principals in the movie company PrinceMovies, were as successful in their own individual fields, Nik as movie director, Rik as screenwriter.

      ‘You’re right.’ Tyler nodded, accepting that he was just stating a fact rather than being arrogant. ‘I can probably look all that up.’ She settled back in her armchair. ‘So what do you have planned for this week?’

      ‘Planned?’ He took a sip of his mineral water.

      She had seen Zak being interviewed, had watched several recordings of him on one of the leading chat shows. She knew that he wasn’t usually this much hard work, that he normally responded easily and smoothly to questions put to him, his charm always in evidence.

      But it wasn’t this evening—again.

      Did he know something? Did he suspect that this interview wasn’t quite as straightforward as she wanted it to appear?

      ‘The reason why you’re here in England.’ She smiled, determined not to let him know she was bothered by his lack of cooperation. ‘After all, you’re usually based in the States, so—’

      ‘My older brother was married at the weekend, Tyler; isn’t that reason enough for me to be here?’

      She felt embarrassed colour warm her cheeks. ‘Of course,’ she acknowledged evenly. ‘I just wondered at the reason for your still being here.’

      ‘You did?’ he murmured incredulously.

      She shrugged. ‘I doubt anticipation of this interview was enough to keep you here!’

      ‘You doubt correctly,’ he said. ‘The première of Gunslinger is showing on Saturday; I think I’m expected to be there!’

      She had done it again, Tyler recognized with an inner groan. Of course the English première of Zak’s most recent movie was taking place this coming Saturday. She had known that. She had just forgotten it.

      Because she was too anxious to get to the real story? Probably. Well, she wouldn’t make that mistake again. She needed an exclusive—something new to the market, a different angle, a story no one had written before. And she was convinced that this interview with Zak could give her the exclusive she was after.

      ‘I’m sorry, Zak,’ she apologized. ‘I—’

      ‘Tyler—’ he sat forward in his chair, his expression almost pitying ‘—might I suggest, in an effort not to waste any more of my time, that you go away and do a little more research before we continue with this?’

      She deserved the rebuke, she knew she did, but that didn’t alter the fact that he didn’t need to have made it. The legendary Prince charm! Huh, so far she had seen little evidence of it!

      Which only convinced her all the more that this man was hiding something, that there was more of a story behind Zak Prince than anyone had ever discovered. But she would discover it!

      She straightened. ‘That won’t be necessary, Mr Prince,’ she told him tartly. ‘I’m aware of the première at the weekend, I was simply enquiring as to whether or not you are working on something else in England at the moment?’ She met his mocking gaze unblinkingly.

      * * *

      She had guts, he would give her that. Guts, and a little anger too at the moment, if that glint in those chocolate-brown eyes was anything to go by.

      Not surprising, really. He wasn’t exactly giving her an easy time of it this evening. But then it wasn’t in his job description to make life easy for reporters. The fact that he normally did didn’t mean that he had to do so in the case of Tyler Wood.

      He had no idea why she should be so different, and yet something about her made his hackles rise, his normally relaxed approach to the media deteriorating to this barbed exchange of barely concealed animosity.

      He shrugged. ‘I’m meeting with a director for lunch tomorrow to discuss the start of filming next week—no, you cannot be present at the meeting,’ he added as he saw her eyes light up in anticipation.

      A light that instantly went out as her gaze narrowed angrily. ‘My agreement with your brother was that I would be allowed complete access to you for a week—’ She broke off as he raised a sardonic eyebrow. ‘Not that sort of access, Mr Prince,’ she snapped.

      ‘I usually make my own choices when it comes to that sort of access,’ he gibed. ‘And your agreement was with my brother, not me.’ His voice had hardened. ‘So there will be no inclusion in my meeting tomorrow.’

      She opened her mouth as if to argue the point, and then closed it again to stare across at him in total frustration.

      Zak gave her a considering look. ‘Tell me again what sort of magazine this interview is for, Miss Wood?’

      ‘The usual sort of Sunday supplement,’ she answered abruptly.

      Was it his imagination, or had those brown eyes become slightly guarded again? ‘The “usual” sort,’ he repeated softly, once again having the feeling that Tyler Wood was acting evasively. And she wasn’t very good at it.

      Her chin rose challengingly. ‘I thought I was the one conducting the interview, Zak, not the other way round!’

      ‘I’m just curious to know a little more about the woman I’m expected to take around with me all week. After all,’ he added as she would have spoken, ‘most people are going to assume that you’re the latest woman in my life.’

      ‘The latest in a very long—’ She grimaced her dismay as she realized what she had just said. ‘I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just that—’

      ‘It’s the truth…?’ he jeered.

      ‘No! I mean—well, yes, it is the truth. But I still shouldn’t have said it.’

      ‘No, you shouldn’t,’ Zak acknowledged dryly. ‘But it’s probably the most honest thing you’ve said all evening!’

      Her eyes widened. ‘I beg your pardon?’


      Her mouth firmed. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mr Prince. Are you implying I’ve been dishonest with you?’

      Were her hands trembling slightly? He couldn’t be sure as she hastily clasped those hands together. ‘You aren’t the only one with connections, Tyler,’ he added, sure now that she had definitely gone paler. ‘And this afternoon I made a few phone calls in order to check up on you.’

      The colour did drain completely from her cheeks now. ‘Oh, yes?’ she said airily. ‘And what did you learn?’

      Zak looked at her with narrowed eyes, more convinced than ever that she was hiding something. ‘Not a lot, as it happens. The press, it seems, can be pretty close-mouthed when it comes to one of their own. However, I did learn that you’re considered a good reporter, if a little inclined to get too emotionally involved.’ He paused before making his next statement. ‘Also, that you had a blazing row with your editor a couple of weeks ago, which apparently culminated with him threatening to fire you…’

      Her eyes were huge brown pools of melted chocolate as she met his gaze unflinchingly. ‘Well, he doesn’t seem to have carried out that threat, does he? Because I’m still employed,’ she retorted.

      ‘Apparently not,’ he conceded, his mouth tightening. ‘Out of interest, what did the two of you argue about?’

      Tyler shook her head. ‘I really don’t think that is any of your business.’

      He shrugged. ‘I just wondered if it might have had anything to do with the little agreement you came to with my brother?’

      ‘Of course not,’ she