Marion Ekholm

An Act of Love

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something with him.”

      “Oh, so there is some man around who intrigues you? I was beginning to worry.”

      Even though she hadn’t heard from or seen Richard in years, he still brought back fond memories. “You got me into this mess with Brant. Now how do I get out of it?”

      After a long pause, Dede said, “I have the solution.”

      “I’m listening.”

      “Tell everyone you broke off your engagement with Brant. That frees you to start something with this new guy. Then you move back to Pennsylvania so you’ll never have to deal with Brant again. Problem solved. And I’ve got to run.”

      Agape, Marley just lay there. The call hadn’t helped one bit. She had to come up with a solution, but telling everyone she’d just broken her engagement? No. That would require fabricating a whole new set of lies.

      FOUR MORE DAYS, not counting today, and she’d be back in Phoenix. How would she avoid Brant once she returned? Did she want to avoid him? What should she do once she met with Richard? Annoyed, Marley tossed her phone into her purse and glanced out the window. Her father was getting into a car, heading out. Good. She wanted to talk with her mother and see how she felt about Red’s return.

      Marley found her mother standing at the kitchen counter, wearing a skirt and blouse covered by the ubiquitous flowered apron.

      “Morning, Mom.” Marley considered mentioning her father’s presence and decided to wait until her mother brought up the subject.

      Nora Roman turned with a warm smile. “You’re here? I thought you’d take off with your sisters and their families to Kennywood Park. The weatherman promised a few sunrays.”

      “No. Michelle’s back with Chloe and they plan to go. I’m way too tired. The tyke exhausted me.” How had her mother managed to take care of five girls, for the most part all by herself once Marley left for college?

      “Aunt Effie will be arriving soon. Do something with your hair, dear. You know how she always hated that kinky look.” Aunt Effie was ten years older than Nora’s fifty-five years and the matriarch of Nora’s side of the family. Aunt Effie rarely had a problem with anything, yet whenever her mother didn’t approve of something, Aunt Effie suddenly became very opinionated.

      Kinky? Marley automatically touched the springy curls. It had taken a long time to get her stubborn tresses to grow, and she liked how her hairdresser had managed to control the curl.

      “Your hair looks like you put your finger in a light socket.”

      For the hundredth time since she arrived, Marley felt trapped in a time warp. The years of living alone as an adult in Phoenix, plus those spent in college, were whisked away the moment she returned home. “I’ll tame it into a tight French twist by the time Aunt Effie gets here.” But it wasn’t kinky, never had been. It was merely curlier than usual, thanks to the high humidity. And a real pain in the neck to control.

      “You know how critical Aunt Effie can be. I want everything perfect for...for everyone.”

      Marley picked up a box of cereal, took out a handful of small cubes and began eating them dry. “Where’s she staying?”

      “Here, of course. Use a bowl.”

      “Here where?” Marley reached into the box again and took out another handful. The three bedrooms upstairs were full. So was her grandfather’s with Red staying there.

      “I thought she could use your room, and you can stay with me.”

      “Why not have her stay with you?” Marley really needed her sleep after dealing with the squirming Michelle. If her mother planned to discuss her present situation with Red, Marley knew sleep would be impossible. Her mother would want to talk all night.

      “She snores, and I’d never get any sleep.” Nora looked pointedly at the box of cereal and pushed a clean bowl in Marley’s direction. “Can’t you use this? I thought I raised you to have some manners.”

      “The cereal’s all gone.” Marley placed the last handful in her mouth. “Empty.” She turned the box upside down over the trash to show only a few crumbs remained before depositing it.

      “Can I help with anything?”

      “Thanks for asking, but everything’s under control. Actually, there’s little to do since your sisters refused to let me handle the wedding.” Nora eyed her daughter accusingly, knowing full well that Marley had instigated the rebellion.

      Convincing her mother to relax and enjoy the festivities this time around, instead of wearing herself out with the catering, had been a fight. But Nora not doing the work also meant her sisters, who helped Nora in her catering business, would be able to enjoy the wedding, as well. Marley had been so concerned about her sisters. Why had they backstabbed her and not told her...? Oh, stop this. Just get through it.

      “You work too hard. You need to enjoy a wedding, for a change.”

      “Since it won’t be the last, I hope you’ll let me cater yours.” Nora gave her daughter a hopeful smile, and Marley inwardly cringed. No way, she thought. No way.

      “There is something you can do.”

      Marley wavered. If it had anything to do with her father...

      “You’re the organized one in the family. Could you help Lindy with the thank-you cards? She’ll never get to them without help.” When Marley nodded, Nora continued, “She sure got a lot of presents.... You can expect the same.”

      Not wanting to discuss her own wedding plans again, Marley left. She’d have to pack her things and take them to her mother’s section of the house. As children they had referred to the two additions as “mouse ears.” The additions stood on either side of the main building, one for Poppy and Nana when she was alive, the other for Nora and Red until the divorce.

      When Marley went upstairs, she found Lindy on the floor of the playroom, sitting among all her gifts. “Mom said you haven’t written any of your thank-you cards.”

      “I thought I’d do it after my honeymoon.”

      “Why not get it over with now? I’ll help.”

      Lindy rose and shook her head. “Nah. It can wait. Come on back to my room so we can talk.”

      “Okay, but I need to get my things out of my room before Aunt Effie arrives. She’ll be using it.”

      “Where are you staying?”

      “Mom asked me to stay with her.” Marley followed her sister into her room.

      “That’s no fun. Why don’t you sleep with me?”

      Marley took in the bed surrounded by a few hundred beady glass eyes and shook her head. “Mom probably wants to talk.” She grimaced. Her mother would probably want to talk about Red. Maybe she should reconsider Lindy’s offer.

      “I’m so glad you’re getting married,” Lindy said while climbing onto her bed. She turned around. “I didn’t want you to end up alone like Aunt Effie.”

      Marley picked up a giant teddy bear off the only chair in the room, intending to toss it at Lindy. Instead, she plopped down on the seat, holding the bear to her chest in a death grip. For several seconds she hid her face against the back of the bear’s soft neck. Well, what had she expected? Hadn’t the family breathed an audible sigh of relief when she’d told them about the engagement?

      Once she felt composed enough to show her face again, Marley peeked out from behind the bear’s head. “I better get going before Aunt Effie gets here.”

      “No, no. Wait! Silly me!” Lindy shouted, bounding off the bed and reaching for her purse. “I got them right here. Ta-da.” She lifted