Elizabeth Heiter

Police Protector

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not what happened. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time—that’s it.”

      “Then why are you here?”

      “Because.” His frown deepened, but instead of looking annoyed, he looked flustered.

      She didn’t think she’d ever seen him flustered. She tilted her head, curious. “Why?” she insisted. “If this was a total fluke and no one was targeting me, then what were you doing sitting on my street in the dark, watching my house?”

      They were keeping something from her. She stared up into his light blue eyes, trying to find answers there. “It’s gang related, isn’t it? You think this guy wants revenge for last year?”

      “Probably not.”

      “Then what?” she snapped, leaning even more on her uninjured leg. She wanted to sit, but he already had a height advantage. Plus, he was properly dressed in dark jeans and a button-down while she was dressed like a slob. And she needed answers. Needed the truth about what danger she was really facing. “What is it?”

      “I can’t take the chance,” he barked right back at her.

      She swayed, and it had nothing to do with her injury. “It is connected to the shooting from last year?” She had an instant flashback to being in that parking lot, bullets flying over her head as she hugged the pavement. To the panic, the absolute certainty she was going to die, and all the things she hadn’t accomplished yet in her life.

      “It’s not connected to anything. Everyone thinks I’m crazy. But it’s you, so...”

      Her lips parted and she tried to find words, but there were none. Because all of a sudden, she saw what was underneath the anger and worry and frustration in his gaze. He was attracted to her. And not just in a he’d-seen-her-in-her-nightgown kind of way, but genuine interest.

      The realization slammed through her, shocking and empowering. The pain in her leg faded into the background as she took a small step forward, then leaned in.

      For several long seconds, he stood immobile. Then something shifted in his eyes, and all she could see was desire.

      Shaye’s heart took off at a gallop as his hands came up slowly and feathered across her cheeks. His thumbs stroked her face, and then his fingers plunged into her hair and his mouth crashed down on hers.

      I’m kissing Cole Walker. The stupefied thought blared in her head as he nipped at her lips with his mouth and tongue and teeth until a sigh broke free and her lips parted. Then his tongue was in her mouth, slick against hers, sending shivers up and down her entire body.

      She leaned into him, and thankfully he dropped his hands from her hair to her waist, keeping her from falling. His big hands seemed to make a hot imprint through her T-shirt and for a second, she wished she’d worn something sexier. Then she couldn’t think at all as he changed the angle of their kiss, and every nerve in her body came alive.

      The scruff on his chin abraded her face, but it didn’t stop her from pressing even harder, wanting more, wanting it now. Looping her hands around his neck, she pulled herself up on her tiptoes to eliminate any last space between them, and then yelped as pain shot down her leg.

      Cole lifted his head, the fire that had been in his gaze doused with worry. “Did I hurt you?”


      He held her at arm’s length, still breathing hard. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”

      Why not? she wanted to ask, but before she could get the words out, he’d reached past her and dragged a chair forward, pushing her into it.

      “Did your wound open up?”


      “Are you sure?” He reached for the band of her sweatpants, and she scooted sideways.

      “Yes, I’m sure. I’m fine. Why—”

      He stood up, backing away from her. “We came here to make sure you were safe. That was...that wasn’t part of the plan.”

      Heat raced up her cheeks, this time from embarrassment. He kissed her like that and then told her it wasn’t part of some plan? If it weren’t for his use of the word we, reminding her that Luke was in the other room and had surely heard exactly what they were doing, she would have kissed him again.

      Instead she nodded silently and got to her feet, holding up her hand when he tried to help her.

      “We’re friends,” he said quietly. “I don’t want to mess that up.”

      Shaye gave him a halfhearted smile, hoping the fact that she wanted to cry didn’t show on her face. Because she could tell he was lying.


      “Good night, Cole.”

      * * *


      It was something Luke had been all too quick to tell him when he’d joined his partner in the living room after Shaye had headed to bed. As if he didn’t already know.

      He’d had Shaye Mallory in his arms, and he’d pushed her away. That was about as stupid as a person could get.

      Except while everything about that kiss had felt right, he’d known it was all wrong, for a laundry list of reasons. He was here to protect her. She was injured. They were friends. But most of all, she wasn’t the kind of woman you messed around with.

      And there could never be anything long-term between them because they came from different worlds. She was smart and educated, with the kind of earning potential he’d never have. She might have picked law enforcement for now, but Cole knew that if they weren’t already, private-sector companies would be seeking her out soon, with huge salaries and perks. And she deserved that sort of life, one far from the bullets and crooks he dealt with on a daily basis. She deserved a man who was just as smart and educated as she was, someone who could give her things Cole never could. And he wouldn’t pretend otherwise.

      He cared about her too much to lead her on.

      But was that exactly what he’d been doing for the past year? He’d known she had a crush on him when they met, and instead of staying away, he’d sought her out. He’d hover by the door each day before work, waiting for her arrive to start his day off right by chatting with her. He’d let her wait for him each day after work, let her beautiful smile and soft voice soothe away some of the crap of his shift.

      He needed to take a step back, try to treat her like any other civilian who might need police protection. But no matter how many times he told himself that, he couldn’t get that kiss out of his head. Hours later he could still taste the mint of her toothpaste, still feel the imprint of her lips on his. For someone who was normally shy and reserved, she’d been a firecracker in his arms. And he wanted more.

      Luke had claimed the couch after Shaye had disappeared, leaving Cole with the big recliner in the corner. He’d slept in far worse, but as the sun seeped through the curtains, he realized he hadn’t slept at all.

      “Get over it, or do something about it.”

      Luke’s voice startled him, and Cole glanced over, seeing his partner had one eye open. Luke’s ability to sense movement even with his eyes closed was an asset in stakeouts, and the way he seemed to read people’s minds was great for interrogations. But right now it was pissing Cole off.

      “What am I supposed to do?”

      When Luke raised an eyebrow, Cole snapped, “Don’t be crude. This is Shaye we’re talking about. I can’t...”

      “What?” Luke prompted. “Sleep with her? Date her? Tell her you’ve been obsessed with her since the day she walked through those station doors? Why not?”

      Cole shot a glance down the hallway that led to Shaye’s bedroom. Her door was closed, and he hoped she was still out cold. “We’re friends. Let it go.”
