Yahrah St. John

Heat Wave of Desire

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a date, let alone got intimate with a man. She’d been so focused on reinventing the Belleza to the exclusion of all else that her love life had dwindled to next to nothing. Ben Lawson was the last man she’d dated and her friends knew that hadn’t ended well.

      Ben had accused her of being a workaholic and too self-involved to put someone else, him in particular, first. His words had hurt, but his departure from her life hadn’t. Kimberly hadn’t been shattered by his disappearance. In fact, she’d just worked harder, striving for success to prove to her brothers and the Belleza staff that her parents had made the right decision in putting her at the helm of the resort. But in the back of her mind, Kimberly had always wondered. Could Ben be right? Was she too selfish to consider someone else’s needs above her own?

      “You should go talk to him,” Robyn urged.

      “I don’t know...” Gabrielle said.

      Kimberly thought about sex as much as the next woman and she enjoyed male company. She refused to end up a spinster or alone like Jonah Grady. As much as she loved the elderly bartender who’d been at the Belleza since its early humble beginnings, she didn’t want to be alone as she went into maturity, so she made a split decision and rose.

      “All right, all right,” Kimberly said once on her feet. “If it’ll get you two hens off my back, I’ll go talk to him.” She gave them both a wink and started toward Jack Scott.

       Chapter 2

      I can’t believe I’m doing this, Kimberly thought as she made her way across the to Jack’s table. Perhaps if she got the curiosity out of her system, she could go back to business as usual.

      Jack Scott was sitting under an umbrella with a plate of fruit, toast and a cup of black coffee. He looked up as she approached and his brow quirked, but that didn’t stop his eyes from roaming over every inch of her.

      She offered a smile. “Good morning.”

      “Good morning.”

       God, why does his voice sound like hot maple syrup over buttermilk pancakes?

      Finding her voice, she said, “I haven’t had the opportunity to introduce myself. I’m Kimberly Parker, general manager of the Belleza. Please allow me to welcome you to the resort. I understand you’ve been staying with us for several weeks. Are you having a pleasant stay?”

      Why did she have to sound so trite? Did he sense her uneasiness? It was out of character for her to make the first move, let alone talk to a male guest outside of business, but there was something about him that intrigued her.

      He smiled back at her. “My stay has been very enjoyable. Your staff has a way of making the Belleza feel like my home away from home.”

      “That’s the promise we deliver on,” Kimberly replied. “Can I offer you a complimentary mimosa or Bloody Mary?”

      “Thank you, but I prefer to keep a clear head. Maybe another time?” His face split into a wide grin.

      That was the opening and she’d hoped to smoothly transition into her manager routine.

      “I—” All words escaped Kimberly at his disarming smile.

      Jack motioned to the seat across from him. “Care to join me?”

      “I, uh—” Her mind went blank and she couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Instead, she merely nodded. Before she could make a move, Jack Scott jumped up and pulled a chair out for her. She walked over and took a seat. “Thank you.” She finally found her voice.

      “The pleasure is mine,” he said.

      Kim offered a genuine smile.

      “I’ve seen you around the resort,” he replied. “But you’re always running around and appear quite busy.”

      She shrugged. “It isn’t easy managing a resort of this size alone.”

      He frowned. “I’d heard the Belleza was a family business. Am I mistaken?”

      Kimberly shook her head. “No, you’re not. It’s just that...” Her voice trailed off.

      “Just that what?”

      “I shouldn’t talk about it here.” She looked around the pool area, but only a handful of people were milling around. A few were at the breakfast buffet and several others were swimming in the pool. Meanwhile Robyn and Gabby were blatantly staring at them from across the way.

      “Seems like you have a lot on your mind,” Jack replied. “Sometimes it helps to talk about it.”

      He was very intuitive, Kimberly realized, if he could pick up on her duress mere minutes after meeting her. Was it written all over her face? “I guess I do.”

      “Care to tell me?”

      “It’s nothing really,” she replied, avoiding his piercing gaze.

      “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”

      Kimberly laughed at his bossiness. “All right, if you must know, not everyone in my family is as happy as I am that I’ve been named general manager of the Belleza. You would think they’d approve, given all the time and effort I’ve put into the renovations. After all I’ve given—” She stopped herself before she revealed too much.

      “Are they jealous?”

      Kimberly frowned. “Perhaps, but I don’t believe that’s the only reason.”

      “What else could there be?”

      “My older brother felt like it was his birthright and that I stole the job from him. Sean and other staff members assumed because he was the oldest, he was an automatic shoo-in for the position. But if I was just in it for myself, why did I suggest to my parents that Sean and I run the Belleza together?”

      “Hmm...” Jack nodded in understanding.


      He shrugged. “Well, from Sean’s position he didn’t want a consolation prize, and if I were him, I’d have to agree. If my parents didn’t deem me worthy of the responsibility I wouldn’t want any of it.”

      “So you’re taking his side?”

      He shook his head. “Not at all. I’m just trying to get you to see things from his side and that the situation isn’t black-and-white.”

      “I get what you’re saying and I know it was a tough pill for Sean to swallow, but if the shoe were on the other foot, I would have supported him no matter what. I’d be proud of him.”

      “Then you’re a better woman than most,” Jack responded, “considering it would have squashed your own dreams.”

      “But that’s what you do for family.”

      “I agree with you, but he’s too hurt to see that now. Give him time. I’m sure he’ll come around.”

      “I hope so. We’ve always been so close and I hate having this division between me and my big brother.” Kimberly couldn’t help the tears that stung her eyes. But she didn’t want to blubber in front of this handsome man.

      Jack reached across the table and laid his large hand on hers. “It’s okay. Disagreements happen in families, but if the love is there, in time you’ll get over the hurt and disappointment. And who knows, your relationship might be better for it in the end.”

      Kimberly stared at Jack. If anyone had told her that this sexy stranger would be so insightful, she would have told them they were a liar, but he was. And he’d made her feel as if there was hope for her and Sean’s relationship. “Thank you. What do I owe you for the session?”

      He laughed. “You owe me nothing. Well, perhaps—”
