Кэрол Мортимер

Tangled Hearts

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calling; my surname is actually Croft now,’ she told him with dislike. ‘And although I may not have any children of my own I am in charge of several hundred pupils during a day!’

      His eyes were narrowed as he ignored the latter, staring at the bareness of her left hand. ‘Are you telling me that you have a husband waiting for you upstairs?’

      His incredulity angered her even further. ‘Not any more, but I did, yes!’

      Garrett’s mouth twisted. ‘The Harvey girls seem to make a habit of “running home to Daddy” when things don’t go quite the way they want them to!’ he said with derision.

      ‘I didn’t have to “run home”, because David and I lived here with my father,’ she blazed. ‘And, for your information, David and I divorced amicably.’ If her six months’ marriage six years ago could be called that when it had been nothing but a disaster from start to finish!

      ‘Maybe if he had been man enough to demand that the two of you have your own home it wouldn’t have happened!’

      She wasn’t about to tell this man that as a last resort she and David had even tried living on their own, that the marriage still hadn’t worked. ‘Don’t presume to judge my marriage when you made such a mess of your own,’ she scorned.

      ‘Maybe if you and Amanda hadn’t been spoilt by your parents all your lives you wouldn’t throw a tantrum every time your husband failed to spoil you too!’ he rasped harshly.

      ‘Oh you—you—–’

      ‘Yes?’ he mocked.

      ‘Biased idiot!’ she glared. ‘Amanda and I were loved, not spoilt. It’s obviously an emotion your family knows nothing about, you in particular!’

      He rose slowly to his feet, instantly dwarfing her. ‘There are many kinds of loving, Sarah,’ he murmured softly. ‘Which type did you have in mind?’

      Her eyes were wide at the sudden threat he posed towards her. How had the conversation come around to this? ‘I—no, Garrett.’ She held up her hands defensively, only to have them flattened against his chest as his arms moved firmly about her. ‘Garrett!’

      ‘Sarah,’ he returned tauntingly, his expression grim. ‘Whoever would have believed the little she-cat would grow up to be such a beautiful woman ?’ he mused before his head bent to hers.

      His lips were cool and moist, and totally possessing as they claimed hers, and Sarah’s last thought, before she couldn’t think at all, was that this just couldn’t be happening, not to her, and with Garrett Kingham.

      And then her mind went completely blank as her body acknowledged the expertise of Garrett’s mouth moving against hers, his hands roaming caressingly across her back and down to cup her bottom as he pulled her up against him. Sarah trembled as she felt the hardness of his body, gasping as she felt one of his hands move between them to unbutton her pyjama top.

      His fingers were warm against her heated flesh as he undid first one button, then the second, and then the third, until her breasts were completely exposed and that hand moved confidently beneath the cotton material to cup and claim one of them.

      His lips moved along the line of her jaw to tug on her exposed earlobe, before moving slowly down her throat to the breast that waited expectantly.

      Sarah was trembling so badly that her knees shook, was feeling weak, and dizzy, and a hundred other emotions this man had no right to make her feel. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut as his warmly sensuous mouth claimed her throbbing nipple, opening wide with dazed disbelief as he suddenly thrust her away from him. Had he just been playing with her, teaching her a lesson she would never forget? And she knew she never would forget!

      ‘Cover yourself up,’ he instructed harshly. ‘Someone is coming down the stairs!’

      The words were barely uttered when she too became aware of the sound of footsteps on the stairs, the heated colour leaving her cheeks as she hurriedly rebuttoned her pyjama top, Garrett stepping in front of her as the door opened, giving her the few precious seconds she needed to complete the task.

      ‘Garrett!’ her father greeted in some surprise. ‘I had no idea… Sarah!’ He gave a perplexed frown as she stepped out from behind Garrett.

      She knew she must look flustered, although her pyjamas and robe were now refastened and tidily back in place. But her cheeks felt pale, and she knew her eyes were wide with the shock of what had just happened. And Garrett looked as coolly composed as ever.

      ‘Garrett was—we were—–’

      ‘As you’ve probably guessed, I came to take Jason back to London with me,’ Garrett cut in harshly. ‘Sarah was just trying to persuade me to let him stay on with the two of you for a few days,’ he added. ‘I’ve told her I’ll think about it. We certainly didn’t mean to disturb you, Geoffrey,’ he apologised abruptly.

      Her father looked pleased at the fact that Garrett was actually considering letting Jason continue to stay with them, while Sarah felt sick at the implication behind Garrett’s words. He seemed to think that she would willingly have given him her body in an effort to influence his decision in their favour!

      She couldn’t explain what had happened between them just now. She realised for the first time that hate could be as powerful an inducement to passion as love. Because she hated Garrett Kingham more than she ever had!

      Damn him and his biased presumptions!

      ‘It doesn’t matter,’ her father dismissed, unaware of the friction between Garrett and Sarah. ‘You don’t need as much sleep when you’re older.’

      Garrett gave an abrupt inclination of his head. ‘I’d better be on my way to the hotel. I’ll be back in the morning,’ he added warningly.

      He was much quieter about leaving than he had been when he arrived, the car accelerating away seconds later.

      ‘Well, what do you make of that?’ her father mused in some surprise.

      Sarah could see he was already anticipating that Garrett’s answer to Jason staying on with them would be yes. She just didn’t happen to have the same confidence. ‘I think we’ll have to see what he’s decided in the morning,’ she said resolutely.

      ‘I would have asked him to stay, but—–’

      ‘Why leave yourself open to insult, Dad,’ she dismissed, her eyes narrowed. ‘Garrett Kingham is just as arrogant as he ever was!’

      Her father shook his head sadly. ‘I never could understand how Amanda became involved with him in the first place.’

      Even Amanda hadn’t seemed able to explain that, but on the day she married Garrett she had been three months pregnant with his child!

      Her parents had been very upset when Amanda had introduced Garrett as her husband of a week, and in the same breath announced that they would be grandparents in six months’ time. Sarah hadn’t quite understood what all her mother’s crying and her father’s shaking of head was about, although she realised it had something to do with them not approving of Amanda’s hasty marriage to Garrett Kingham. Sarah had been twelve before the full significance of Jason’s birth so quickly after the wedding had become clear to her, and by that time her mother had died and her father become resigned to Amanda’s marriage.

      Her father sighed. ‘When she left here she was so determined to become an actress; it came as a great surprise when she married Garrett and settled down to being a wife and mother!’

      Sarah wouldn’t have exactly called Amanda’s parties and hectic social life ‘settling down’ to anything, but she understood what her father meant. ‘Garrett has been successful enough for both of them,’ she dismissed scathingly.

      ‘Mm,’ her father nodded with a sigh. ‘But it hasn’t made him happy.’

      She wondered if Garrett had ever been happy. Not