Theresa Cheung

The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays

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anyone. It also explains why compassion and empathy for others flows through them and they care so deeply about the wellbeing of others. They often work in hospitals, care homes, day-care centers, counseling services or places where the less fortunate in society can be found.

      The compassion and tolerance of Pisceans sets them apart as truly generous and caring individuals. They are perhaps the most caring sign of the zodiac. They rarely miss an opportunity to do something positive for others, both people they care about and people they don’t even know. The reason for their generosity is that, just as every fish relies on its community for survival, they believe that helping others strengthens not only the people they help but the entire community they are a part of. Their generous spirit and sincere belief that the whole empowers the individual makes them highly respected and valued members of any group or society. Also, they don’t help others with an expectation that they will be helped in return, and, thanks to this humility, they often find themselves unexpectedly benefiting when someone remembers their giving nature and helps them.

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      Pisceans have a vast imagination and a highly intuitive approach to life that helps them see beyond the details to the bigger picture. Ruled by the mystic planet, Neptune, and the philosophical planet, Jupiter, they often feel the need to escape into flights of intellectual fantasy. Despite their idealism, they are not work-shy and are prepared to roll up their sleeves and put in the energy required to transform their beautiful visions into reality. Their discipline and ability to multitask and effortlessly adapt to different people and situations means that they can succeed in whatever they put their mind to. The main reason for their success, though, is that they know how to trust their gut feelings, and their intuition is often spot on. For Pisceans, feeling that something is right is the most important ingredient in their lives. The more they listen to their intuition, the happier and more fulfilled they are likely to be.

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      “The compassion and tolerance of Pisceans sets them apart as truly generous and caring individuals.”

      Personality pitfalls

      Highly sensitive and empathetic, Pisceans can often lose themselves in other people or issues. They don’t know where they start and someone else begins, and there can be a tendency to become co-dependent in their relationships. Some Pisceans take the soft option of living through their loved ones, rather than finding out who they are and what they want to do with their life. Fading into the life of another person or finding their identity through a group or career means that they don’t fulfill their true potential.

      Commitment can also be an issue for Pisceans. Their panoramic ability to see all sides of a situation and awareness of all the different choices out there means that they can constantly sit on the fence, making no decisions and doing nothing at all or, like a slippery fish, making themselves impossible to pin down. They can also come across as indecisive and ineffective, promising much but delivering little. Often lacking firm boundaries and the ability to structure and manage their time effectively, they can quickly earn a reputation for being unreliable. In addition, their high sensitivity means that they can slip into the role of victim, and any kind of criticism or boundary-setting can make them feel incredibly negative and insecure. Their confidence can be easily knocked sideways and, instead of learning how to deal with rejection or criticism in a positive way, they may try to numb their feelings through addictive behavior.

      The moods of Pisceans are often changeable and sometimes these shifts can go from one wild extreme to another. Other people can have a hard time trying to understand where they are coming from and may feel that they have to walk on egg shells around them in case they upset them. Also, Pisceans can end up resorting to lying or manipulation to avoid being blamed for anything. As they belong to the most impressionable and gullible sign of the zodiac, they can attract toxic people or energy vampires into their lives who don’t have their best interests at heart. They can believe in and trust anyone and anything except themselves, and this lack of self-belief is often their biggest roadblock to achieving success and happiness in life.

      Darkest secrets

      Pisceans can appear easy-going, gentle and lovely, but underneath the surface they are people of extremes. They can suffer from serious mood swings and can overcompensate for their inconsistencies with a fierce temper. Working for the greater good is essential for them to truly thrive, but they won’t flourish unless they deal with their self-esteem issues first. They can lose themselves in endless dreaming and planning, and become people who are all talk and no action. Once they learn to recognize their strengths and underused talents, the key to their success is to stop dreaming and start doing.


      The Pisces symbol is two fishes swimming away from each other, and it is a perfect illustration of the broad vision but also the constant awareness of choice that defines the Piscean personality. Swim apart or stick together? The Piscean considers all options. Their nature is to be fluid and to empathize with both sides, as well as with what is above and beneath them.


      Pisceans take to relationships like a fish to water. Romantic and tender rather than passionate in their love-making, they thrive with partners who are dreamy and deep, like them, but who also offer them stability and calm as a counter-balance to their highs and lows. Sometimes they can be shy and introspective and hard to pin down because they lack self-belief. They need to learn to love themselves first, before they can fall in love with others.

      Compassionate and self-sacrificing by nature, they can be deeply hurt when others betray or reject them, but sometimes the deep pain of heartbreak can be the making of them. It teaches them that the only path to healing is to discover within themselves what they hope someone else will bestow on them—in other words, to understand that alone they can be enough.

      When they do fall in love with someone, they do so deeply and pour all of themselves—mind, body and soul—into the relationship. This can be both wonderfully magical and romantic, but also overwhelming for their partner. Pisceans tend to put their loved ones on pedestals, but over time they can learn to accept reality and realize that it is impossible for every relationship to be sunshine and roses all the time.

       Love matches: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.

      The Piscean woman

      Caring, sensitive, mysterious and with little or no inclination to dominate in a relationship, the Piscean woman is often surrounded by ardent admirers. Delightfully feminine and charming, with the ability to adapt to any social setting and devoted to the wellbeing of others, she has a touching aura of vulnerability.

      Even though she can appear fragile, this does not mean that the Piscean woman is a pushover. Indeed, she is much stronger than she often appears to be and more capable of looking after herself than anyone may give her credit for, including herself. If she is hurt or betrayed, she can lash out fiercely with hurtful anger and sarcasm, though being critical or harsh isn’t in her nature. She is a compassionate and tolerant person and her first instinct is to trust and support, to heal and help. She is loyal to a fault, but there is often a frustrating, elusive quality about her and an unwillingness to give direct answers. Trying to figure her out can take a lifetime, but it is well worth the effort.

      Despite her ability to merge with and give completely of herself to others, there will always be something mysterious and lonely about this woman, however many loved ones she surrounds herself with. At times, it can feel as if she is in sole possession of a truth that is too deep to express with words. People who want to get close to this compassionate and magical creature need to learn to accept her elusive and constantly shifting quality.

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