Dr Rupy Aujla

The Doctor’s Kitchen

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every stalk.176

      Adding roughly chopped basil to Italian recipes adds an extra depth of flavour. Thyme, perhaps one of the first herbs to be recognised for its medicinal qualities, is in everything, from my fresh barbecue rubs (see here) to my twist on shakshuka (see here). Pestos, marinades, green curry pastes, aioli … the options are limitless and, as a doctor, I cannot recommend highly enough that you include these herbs in your daily diet.

      Any inclusion of foods that can reduce our inflammatory burden are welcome, and these delicious, cheap, widely available herbs are worth every stalk.

      Seeing past the herb garden

      We really need to start investigating spice compounds further. We know that they are safe for consumption because we’ve essentially been testing them by including them in our diets for years,177 and exciting early research suggests a potential role for their use in treating different conditions.22 Don’t get too fixated on the exact amounts of antioxidants or measurements of compounds in an individual spice. First, not all the evidence looks at specific ‘dosing’ of ingredients, and second, they have varying effects in our body. The best advice is to consume a complement of different herbs and spices daily. Their synergistic effects have been shown to heighten their physiological properties,173 as well as adding a delicious complexity to food.

      These are some of my favourite spices, but it’s by no means an exhaustive list. I’ve also written a section on spice combinations in the recipes section (see here) to help you get creative. Label your own spice blends – it’ll impress your friends and help get kids into the kitchen!


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