Nina Singh

Snowed In With The Reluctant Tycoon

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      More Christmas decorations greeted him in the living room, which had been updated with new furniture in addition to a slightly less dark shade of green painted on the walls. Or perhaps that had been the same color all along. He’d been gone from home a long time. Not that it ever really felt like a home to begin with.

      Overall, reentering his childhood house so far felt somewhat surreal. Like he’d stepped into a previous life.

      The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs pulled him out of his musings. Steeling himself against the anger barely contained under the surface, Justin turned to face Jackson Hammond—the man who had watched a young Justin being yanked out that front door all those years ago without lifting a finger to stop it.

      Past history, Justin thought as he turned to greet his father. Or more accurately, the man who had sired him.

      To his surprise, Jackson hadn’t changed all that much. The graying at his temples had spread through to most of his thick, wavy hair. A few more wrinkles framed the area around his mouth. Other than that, Justin felt as if he could be looking at the same face he had last seen all those years ago.

      “Thank you for coming, son,” his father said, and extended a hand. It was the most awkward handshake Justin had ever performed.

      “You’re welcome.”

      “I know what a busy man you are, so I really appreciate it.”

      Justin merely nodded. No need for Jackson to know that if it weren’t for his mother’s insistence, Justin would still be on the other side of the country.

      “Given your global reputation as a management consultant, I figured it was about time you did a full assessment of the company you’re part heir to,” his father added, then shook his head as if in disbelief. “Something I should have requested long ago.”

      “I suppose that makes sense,” Justin offered.

      “You’ve accomplished quite a lot for such a young age,” Jackson added. “That consulting firm of yours is known all over the world.” Was that a look of pride on his face? If so, it was too little, and much too late.

      “Business has been good.”

      “So I’ve read. As well as reading about your fast rise in the industry.”

      Justin processed his father’s words. Words that would have meant the world to him when he was a teenager, or even a college student. How many school events or sporting events had he desperately searched the audience on some small glimmer of hope that Jackson might have shown up? How many times had the phone rang on his birthday with none of the calls being from his father?

      No. Justin had long ago stopped pining for any acknowledgment from the man standing before him. “Why don’t I get started then?” he prompted, changing the subject.

      What had Jackson expected? If his father had any notion that this visit was to be a touching reunion between long-lost father and son, he was in for a disappointment.

      * * *

      Carli found herself becoming more and more annoyed as she drove away from the Hammond mansion. Of all the nerve! She’d never been dismissed by anyone in such a fashion—and she’d grown up in a houseful of siblings. Undivided attention wasn’t exactly something she was used to. But the way Justin Hammond had just practically ejected her had been downright insulting. To make matters worse, she’d done nothing but stood there like a stunned doe. How pathetic.

      She took the curve around the next bend a little too fast and realized she was letting her anger get the best of her. Deep breaths. So what if her new boss was a rude, insensitive clod? She could handle it.

      He would not get to her. She’d worked too hard and overcome too much to get to where she was in her career. Her job with Hammond’s Toys meant everything. And she was good at it, damn it!

      Why did Justin Hammond have to show up and put all of it in jeopardy? But there was an even bigger question, she had to admit. Why hadn’t she stood up for herself? It was like she’d looked into his eyes and gone totally mute. Recalling his gaze just now had her drawing in a deep breath. Heavens, those caramel-hued eyes were the devil’s tool for distraction. And there was something behind them, a distant, haunted look if she’d ever seen one.

      She hmmphed. Now she was just getting fanciful. He was just her new boss. And she had to deal with him, that’s all.

      The honk of a horn behind her startled her out of her thoughts. She’d stopped at a red light and hadn’t even noticed it had turned. Time to get a grip.

      Justin Hammond had already taken way too much of her time, and she had things to do.

      That reminder became all too evident when she made her way into her office. Her assistant was already there at the desk, with a file of papers waiting for Carli’s signature or attention. The latest cost-cutting initiative was becoming quite the project—one she’d been given the primary responsibility for. Until Justin was called in, that was.

      “Hey, Jocelyn. Sorry I’m late.”

      The petite brunette gave her a friendly smile. “Don’t sweat it. You’re not that late.”

      “Well, it’s late for me.”

      “Please tell me it’s because you had a hot, steamy date last night that turned into a wild night. And that he wouldn’t let you get up out of bed this morning.”

      “Last night was a Tuesday.”

      Jocelyn gave her a blank look. “What’s your point?”

      Why did she bother? “Never mind. Are those the latest data points?”

      Her assistant nodded and handed her the thick pile of folders. “I printed them like you requested. The electronic file is in your inbox.”

      “Thanks. You know where I’ll be for most of the morning. These numbers are going to take a while to get through. And I’m already behind.” Due to an unexpected project I was just given this morning, she added to herself. A project for the sole purpose of getting Justin Hammond up to speed on the latest business figures.

      “Well, you can’t be working on them all morning.”

      Carli lifted an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”

      “Mr. Hammond just called and asked me to schedule yet one more meeting. We have an unexpected guest coming in.”

      Oh, no. Carli could venture to guess who it might be. “Please tell me it’s not Justin Hammond.”

      Jocelyn gave her a curious smile. “I could do that. But I’d be lying to you.”

      Great. Just great. Was the man sent here just to vex her at every turn? Apparently, she was supposed to jump whenever Justin Hammond needed anything.

      Jocelyn studied her, the amused smile still on her face. “Something wrong?”

      Carli tried to shake off the frustration. “I just have a lot to do. And he happens to be the reason I’m late to begin with.”

      “Aha! So I was right.”

      “Right about what?”

      “You were indeed late because of a sexy man.”

      Jocelyn just didn’t know when to let up. “Only because I had to prepare a report for him at the last minute and then deliver it before I got in today.”

      Her assistant waved her hand in dismissal. “Details.”

      “Honestly, Jocelyn. I barely met the man for a few scant moments.”

      “So tell me. Is he as handsome as he appears in all the photos?”

      “I didn’t notice.”

      That earned her a disbelieving look. “See. This is why I worry about you. Justin Hammond is one of the most eligible bachelors on the planet. He’s on the celebrity sites weekly.