Pamela Yaye

Seduced By The Hero

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her green tea, she kicked off her Gucci pumps and reclined comfortably in her zebra-print chair. Dionne loved her office. It was bright, welcoming and feminine, just like her. She’d spent a fortune decorating it, and was thrilled her interior designer had brought her vision to life. Star-shaped chandeliers hung from the ceilings, teal walls evoked feelings of calm, her Versace furniture reeked of glamour, and the burgundy carpet was pillow-soft.

      “Give Annabelle another chance. This is her first coaching job, and she’s still finding her footing,” Sharleen explained. “I believe in her, and you should, too.”

      Dionne drank her tea, gave some thought to what Sharleen said. “I liked you better when you were single,” she teased, hoping to lighten the mood with a joke. “You used to be tough and tenacious, but now that you’re in love you’re a total softy.”

      A smile brightened Sharleen’s face. It was obvious she was thinking about her fiancé. It took everything in Dionne not to roll her eyes to the ceiling when her friend sighed dreamily and gazed longingly at her engagement ring. It was the size of a golf ball, encrusted with diamonds, and it was the most beautiful piece of jewelry Dionne had ever seen.

      “I can’t help it,” Sharleen said with a giggle. “I’m so freakin’ happy, I feel like dancing in the streets. I want to share my happiness with everyone I know.”

      “I’m thrilled for you, but your romance is bad for business.”

      “Bad for business?” she repeated, arching an eyebrow. “In what way?”

      “Because of you, our female life coaches are secretly hoping to make a love connection with every wealthy client, and as a result are breaking the employee conduct rules.”

      “My feelings for Emilio have nothing to do with him being famous, and everything to do with who he is as a person. He makes me feel special, as if I’m all that matters...”

       They all do in the beginning, but it doesn’t last. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I’ve been married twice.

      “If Emilio lost everything tomorrow, it wouldn’t change how I feel about him. I’d live with him in a cardboard box if I had to.” Happiness warmed her face, and she laughed heartily. “But enough about me and my amazing fiancé. How are you doing?”

      Dionne finished her tea and put down her mug. “Great, fantastic, couldn’t be better.”

      “I know the last few weeks have been tough on you, what with your in-laws bad-mouthing you to the press and the construction delays at the Seattle and LA offices, but I’m here for you, Dionne. You don’t have to deal with those issues alone.”

      “Thanks, Sharleen, but I’m fine, really.”

      “I don’t believe you...”

       What do you want me to say? “My whole world is falling apart, and if I didn’t have Pathways to keep me going, I’d probably have a nervous breakdown”?

      “It isn’t healthy to keep things bottled up.” Sharleen sounded wise, like a therapist counseling a distraught client. Her expression was filled with concern. “We’re a team, and I have your back. No matter what. You can count on me.”

      Dionne shifted around on her chair and fiddled with the diamond tennis bracelet on her wrist. Every day, without fail, Sharleen asked how she was feeling, and every day, without fail, Dionne lied through her teeth. She didn’t want to talk about Jules or their contentious divorce proceedings. Not with Sharleen. Not with anyone. Working helped Dionne forget her hurt, her failures, and she’d rather suffer in silence than pour out her heart. She admired Sharleen and thought she was an exceptional life coach, but a woman desperately and madly in love wasn’t the right person to confide in. Neither were her two older sisters, Mel and Lorna, who both just didn’t understand what she was going through.

      No one does—that’s why I keep my feelings to myself. Her gaze strayed to the window, and she peered outside. Pathways Center was in an attractive plaza filled with glitzy boutiques, cafés and beauty salons, but what Dionne loved most about the location was the hustle and bustle of Peachtree Street. Growing up in a large family, she’d always thrived in chaos, and having her business in a high-traffic area fueled her creative juices.

      “We’ll get through this together. You have my word.” Sharleen reached across the desk and touched Dionne’s hand, giving it a light squeeze. “If you need anything, just ask. I’m here for you, and so is the rest of the Pathways family. You’ve built a fantastic team, and any one of our colleagues would be glad to listen if you need to talk. We’re a hundred percent behind you, Boss.”

      Dionne opened her mouth to thank Sharleen for her support, but she couldn’t find her voice. She wasn’t one to cry, but her friend’s words made her eyes tear, and the room swam out of focus. Good God, what’s wrong with me? I’m an emotional wreck, and it’s only ten o’clock.

      “How did your meeting go yesterday with Jules and his attorney?” Sharleen asked. “Are you any closer to finalizing the terms of your divorce? Have you finally reached an agreement you’re both satisfied with?”

      I wish, but he’s determined to screw me over. Dionne’s gaze fell across the picture frame on her desk. The photograph had been taken Labor Day weekend at her childhood home, and every time Dionne looked at the picture of her loved ones, her heart ached. In her culture divorce was frowned upon, something her deeply religious Somali father was vehemently against, and Dionne felt horrible about the pain she’d caused her family. Her parents adored Jules; so did her siblings, and every day her mother implored her to kiss and make up with her estranged husband.

      No way, no how, she thought. Her Prince Charming had turned out to be a frog, and she was sick of playing the role of the dutiful wife. They were finished, over for good, and there was nothing Jules could say to convince her to reconcile. Their marriage had been stained with insults, name-calling and lies, and Dionne was ready for a clean break.

      “Nothing’s changed. Jules is still as stubborn as ever and...”

      Dionne suddenly closed her mouth, stopping herself from saying any more. Even though she knew the divorce was for the best, discussing the demise of her marriage always made her emotional. Scared her emotions would get the best of her, and she’d end up bawling all over her Escada pantsuit, Dionne turned toward her computer monitor and typed in her password. “I have to finish my speech for the Seattle Leadership Conference, so let’s touch base later.”

      “It’s Thursday, remember? I’m off at noon.”

      “Hot date?” Dionne teased, playfully wiggling her eyebrows.

      “You know it.” Sharleen cheered and danced around in her chair. “Emilio’s taking me to Fiji for the weekend.”

      “Again? But you guys were there Labor Day weekend.”

      “What can I say? My fiancé likes spoiling me, and I’d be a fool to stop him.”

      Enjoy it while it lasts, because things will change. They always do, and not for the better.

      “I’ll be back on Sunday, but call if you need me.”

      “Why bother? You never answer your phone after hours.”

      Her eyes twinkled, and a smirk curled the corners of her glossy lips. “You wouldn’t either if you had a man to wine you and dine you.”

      “It’s a shame Emilio doesn’t have a twin,” Dionne joked, laughing.

      “He doesn’t have a twin, but he does have five very single, very handsome brothers. Want me to hook you up?”

      “Hell no!” she shrieked, fervently shaking her head. “The last thing I need is another lying, cheating man in my life. I’m better off alone.”

      “Not all men are dogs, you know.”

      You’re right, they’re