Carmel Harrington

The Life You Left

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the starters were finished, Sarah got going on the risotto while the others all chatted away easily with each other. James joined Sarah in the kitchen.

      ‘Well I left Mary quizzing Joey about his hobbies. She’s got her sights on him alright!’ James said with a laugh.

      Sarah threw a tea towel at him saying, ‘Behave, you. Everyone seems to be getting on ok though don’t they? What do you think of Joey?’

      ‘You were right. Sound as a pound that guy. I like him a lot as it happens. And he’s very good with the kids. Very patient when they asked him hundreds of questions about dogs! Katie just asked him what dogs dream of every night. Poor man was trying his best to come up with an answer for her.’

      ‘I’m glad you like him. I do too. I think we might see a bit more of him in the future. I’m going to ask him over again. He needs some friends, he’s lonely.’

      The risotto was a great success too. Joey declaring that it was the nicest rice he’d ever had. It was creamy; packed with lots of flavour from the chorizo and prawns.

      Everyone declared themselves stuffed after they finished. Sarah jumped up and took the plate of Banoffi cupcakes from the fridge saying to everyone as she placed them on the table, ‘Nobody will have room for these then I suppose?’

      ‘Oh you’re a wicked girl!’ Mary said with a glint in her eye as she took in the sight before her. ‘Cupcakes are my absolute favourite. They look divine!’

      ‘Wait till you taste these, Joey,’ Rita said. ‘They are incredible. I’ve always said that Sarah could sell her cupcakes.’

      Joey agreed as he took a bite of his. The sweetness of the caramel combined with the soft, light vanilla sponge was just heaven.

      ‘That’s the best meal I’ve ever had.’ Joey said to his host. ‘Thank you for having me.’ He looked so grateful, Sarah was chuffed.

      ‘You’re so welcome. Thank you all for coming. Now dig in. Plenty more if you can manage it.’

      Once everyone had finished Joey suggested bringing Benji and the kids for a walk.

      ‘Can I get the present, Mammy?’ Katie asked excitedly. ‘Is it time?’

      ‘Yes, it’s time.’ Sarah said with a smile and watched her daughter run to the utility room and pick up a little gift bag.

      Joey looked gobsmacked when Katie handed the little bag to him. ‘It’s for Benji!’ Katie shouted. ‘Mammy bought it for him.’

      Joey was completely stunned that these lovely people had bought his little dog a present.

      ‘Thank you so much. Oh my, would you look at that lead, it’s very fancy.’ Joey said admiring the red lead with the little studs around the collar.

      ‘I picked it, all by myself!’ Katie said beaming.

      ‘I’ve never bothered with a lead before.’ Joey said to Sarah. ‘We don’t even own one so this is his first one ever!’ he declared affectionately patting his dog on the head.

      Sarah smiled at him and said, ‘He doesn’t know this area so I thought a lead would be good especially the way cars drive so fast these days!’

      ‘You best just do as Mammy says. She will just keep nagging you till you do.’ Tommy said with dramatic seriousness to him.

      ‘Hey, watch the cheek!’ Sarah said, half-laughing.

      ‘Benji will wear this lead every day with pride.’ Joey declared firmly. ‘The nicest day I’ve ever had to be honest. Can hardly believe it.’ He muttered.

      With the new lead now adorning Benji, Joey, James, Rita and the kids went off for their walk.

      Mary insisted that she would stay behind to help Sarah with the tidying up.

      ‘He’s a lovely man, Sarah and such easy company.’ Mary said as she stacked the dishes in the dishwasher.

      ‘He is, isn’t he? I’m glad you like him. Think he enjoyed your company too.’ Sarah teased.

      ‘Would you stop, pet.’ Mary said with a laugh. ‘I don’t think that there’s any sparks flying between us, but he’s good company and I think I’ve found a new friend. That’s always a good thing.’

      ‘No sparks at all?’ Sarah asked hopefully.

      ‘None at all, pet.’ Mary replied laughing.

      ‘Do you think that I’ve done enough?’ Sarah asked her.

      ‘Well, that I cannot answer, we just don’t know that yet. You’ve taken him away from where Benji could have been killed today. But his fate was to be killed and we can’t always change our fate. At least you have befriended Joey now. You’ve given him something else in his life other than friendship with his dog. You’ve opened your home and your heart to him. That’s something worth living for in my book anyhow. Hopefully it will be enough for Joey too.’

      Mary pulled Sarah in for a hug. ‘You’re a good woman.’

      Sarah wiped a tear from her eyes. ‘Oh, stop being nice to me. I’m trying hard not to cry at the moment.’ She filled in Mary on the latest news from her wayward husband.

      Mary was horrified.

      ‘Can you help me understand something about my gift? I’m struggling with one thing. I can see things. I get that. But why couldn’t I see this coming? Why couldn’t I see that Paul was lying to me? Surely that’s the one thing I should have been dreaming about?’

      ‘Ah one of life’s great mysteries. Why can’t I pick the winning numbers for Saturday night’s lottery? For me, I dream about all sorts, but never anything that directly affects or benefits me. Maybe you’ll be different and be able to see things to do with yourself. But in my experience it doesn’t work like that.’

      ‘Not sure I think that’s fair.’ Sarah moaned. ‘There has to be at least one perk!’

      ‘I agree!’ Mary laughed. ‘And I hate to break it to you, but the pay is rubbish and the holiday’s non-existent!’ Mary quipped.

      Sarah pulled a face and picked up her wine for a sip. She’d only had one glass all day, hated to drink while the kids were with her.

      Mary continued. ‘But back to Paul. For what it’s worth I think you’re right to go to London. Confront Paul and demand answers. And, pet, demand money too. If he’s left you, he owes you maintenance for those kiddies of yours. He’s such a silly man; does he not know what he’s left behind?’

      Later on, when everyone was back, the kids talked Sarah into putting the Wii games console on. Dividing them into two teams, with Katie and Tommy as captains, they started playing Wii Sports Resort. It was hilarious watching Mary and Rita try to get to grips with the Wii remote. Joey on the other hand was a natural, taking to the virtual world of games like a pro.

      It was a great afternoon and it went by very quickly. Before long it was 7 o’clock and time to get Ella down for the night. Rita, Mary and Joey all took their cue from this and said their goodbyes, all thanking Sarah for her hospitality. It had been a good day and the kids had enjoyed themselves so much. They had relaxed for the first time in days and forgotten about Rachel Finch and their missing Daddy for a few hours.

      Sarah knew she had to start thinking about the funeral and she was dreading it. She knew that it was going to be very a really tough couple of days for the children.

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