Lucy Monroe

The Prince's Virgin Wife

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liked to watch television very much, they both liked the same authors and they shared a similar sense of humor. It was nice.

      She would have thought she would be tongue-tied around him, but she wasn’t because although he was the most beautiful man she’d ever met, he didn’t act at all conceited or cocky about his looks.

      She was getting ready to go when he said, “I have one last thing I need to discuss with you before I can make my decision.”


      For the first time in forty-five minutes he looked less than totally self-composed. “I think we could be friends.”

      She nodded eagerly.

      “I like you, Maggie.”

      “I like you, too,” she said breathlessly.

      He got very serious. “The position is a live-in one.”

      “Yes, I know. That’s perfect for me.”

      He nodded. “If I hire you, you have to promise you’ll never attempt to take our friendship beyond that. From your letter of application, I thought you would be older…I didn’t think this would be an issue I would have to bring up, but I see that I must and there is no benefit in putting it off. I don’t date people who work for me. Ever.”

      She stared at him and didn’t know what to say. He seemed awfully young to have such a policy, but she certainly didn’t expect him to break it with her.

      When she said nothing, his expression turned even grimmer. “If I wake up to find you naked in my bed, I will fire you on the spot.”

      She couldn’t help it, she burst out laughing. The very thought of her doing something so bold…so absurd…was more than she could take. She laughed so hard, she fell against the wall, her head shaking in negation to his comment.

      Realizing that he was frowning, she forced herself to stop chortling. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed.”

      “I am quite serious.”

      That was weird, the way his speech patterns got so formal sometimes, like the informal speak of a college student wasn’t natural for him.

      “You’ve had that happen before?” she asked with disbelief.

      “Yes,” he said shortly.

      Wow. Bummer.

      “I promise on both of my parents’ graves that I will never climb into your bed, naked or otherwise.”

      “Both of your parents are dead?”


      “I am sorry.”

      “Me, too, but thank you.”

      “You’ll never try to seduce me?” he asked, as if there was still some doubt in his mind.

      It took every bit of her self-control not to laugh again, but she managed it. “When you know me better, you’ll realize what a ridiculous thought that is, but please believe me when I say that you don’t ever have to worry about that kind of thing from me.”

      “Why, are you gay?”

      She gasped and then closed her eyes, trying hard to stay collected. She opened them again. “No. I’m not gay. I’m not the type to try to seduce anybody, male or female,” she said for good measure.

      He still looked worried and she sighed.

      “Look, you said you thought I must be pretty intelligent. Well, I am. Definitely smart enough to realize you are way out of my league. I don’t know where you come from that you have women falling all over themselves to have sex with you, but I was raised to keep out of men’s beds until I got married and that’s exactly what I intend to do. Even if you were a reincarnation of John Wayne, I would not climb into your bed and beg you to have sex with me. Okay?”

      “John Wayne? You lust after the Duke?”

      She rolled her eyes. “Never mind who I fantasize about…just don’t worry about it being you.”

      Suddenly a smile lit his face and she just about fell against the wall again, this time from the sheer animal impact, but managed to stay upright. Barely.

      “You’re hired.”


      SHE moved in a week later.

      The job was an easy one. Tom was not a slob and although he was clearly used to money, he didn’t require Cordon Bleu meals. She had plenty of time to pursue her studies and take care of his domestic needs. On top of that, he made her feel like his house was her home.

      All she had to do was perform her job to his satisfaction and she had the run of the place. He was adamant she didn’t limit her time at home to cleaning and then staying in her room. It was very similar to living in the foster care system, where she’d figured out early that if she performed well and made herself indispensable, she’d always have a home.

      Mostly it had worked for her.

      The only drawback to the perfection of her arrangement with Tom was the fact that she fell totally, hopelessly, forever-after in love with him. And he’d made it clear he wanted nothing more than friendship with her…ever.

      His girlfriends were beautiful, sophisticated women that made Maggie feel worse than ordinary. Every single one of them underscored a truth she could not deny: even if she didn’t work for him, Tom Prince would never look at her as anything but a friend.

      Then halfway through his last year of graduate school and her sophomore year at the university, he broke up with his latest girlfriend. Instead of starting to date another drop-dead beauty, he took Maggie with him when he wanted companionship…out to dinner, to a movie, to a sports event, or even to a party.

      The feelings she’d had during that month were still vivid after six long years of trying to forget.

      It had been a cross between Heaven and Hell. She loved the extra time they spent together and her susceptible heart reveled in having his attention all to herself. But she never forgot his warning that he’d fire her on the spot if she tried to pursue anything more than friendship with him. Not that she would. She wasn’t such a fool as to think that the change in his dating pattern meant anything special for her.

      One night all of that changed, though.

      She was curled up on the plush leather sofa in the living room, studying for her midterms, when he came home.

      Looking totally yummy in a pair of dark jeans and Ralph Lauren sweater over a navy-blue T-shirt, he made her feel things that turned her virginal ideals on their head.

      She just hoped the sensual hunger did not show on her face. “Hi. You eating in tonight?”

      He dropped his books on the table by the doorway. “I thought we could both eat out.”

      “I wish I could,” she said sincerely. “I have to study.” She indicated her books and notes surrounding her on the sofa. “Midterms.”

      “You work too hard. You need a break.”

      “No, I don’t.” Life was easier for her now than it had been in a very long time. “You’re just spoiled.”

      “And you are the one who spoils me.” He moved closer to her, his rich, masculine scent tantalizing senses always on edge when he was near. “Let me spoil you and take you to dinner.”

      “I can’t. Really, Tom. I have three tests tomorrow.”

      He shook his head, his expression disapproving. “You would not have so many tests if you did not take extra classes.”

      “I take the maximum the scholarship allows for. I want to be done early. It’s better for me that way. I can start working sooner.”

      “If you would let me pay for your