Michael Wood

Victim of Innocence

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she came forward because she saw a news story of a similar attack.’

      ‘Julia Adams. She was raped on Saturday February fifth. She came into the station the next morning, still wearing her clothes from the attack. She was a mess. She was taken to the interview suite. We got some DNA but there’s no match on the computer.’

      ‘Did she know who raped her?’

      ‘No, but the description she gave was similar to Caitlyn’s.’

      ‘I’m going to need to speak to the SOLO for both Caitlyn and Julia.’

      ‘That’s PC Kesinka Rani. I put her on Caitlyn when I heard of the similarities with Julia’s attack.’

      ‘Good thinking. We’re going to need to liaise on this, Ben. Are you all right with that?’

      ‘Do what you want,’ he said, returning to his paperwork.

      Matilda sighed and left the room.

       That man will never change.

      PC Kesinka Rani was sitting in the station canteen on her own. Her current work as a Sexual Offences Liaison Officer (SOLO) was stressful and demanding. Her job was to be a first point of contact for all victims of rape. Kesinka interviewed them, talked them through the process of the investigation, and was with them every step of the way to recovery.

      The stories Kesinka heard from victims were often harrowing and upsetting. She tried not to allow them to get to her, but it wasn’t easy.

      This morning she was due to visit Julia Adams. Last night, Julia had sent a text to Kesinka asking her whether it was a good idea to return to work. The decision was entirely Julia’s, but Kesinka had offered to go around for a coffee to talk through options.

      Before that, however, Kesinka needed a good breakfast inside her. Unfortunately, due to several recent late nights, she hadn’t been shopping, so she fell back on the station canteen for her meals. On the table in front of her was a cup of weak tea and a double helping of scrambled eggs on toast. She was enjoying her breakfast and didn’t notice DCI Darke walk over to her table.

      ‘Kesinka, sorry to interrupt, any chance of a word?’

      ‘Of course, ma’am,’ she said, swallowing. She put down her knife and fork and pushed her plate to one side.

      ‘Don’t stop eating on my account. Is it good?’

      ‘It is actually,’ she picked up the cutlery again. ‘Better than I can make, anyway.’

      ‘I may have to start having my meals in here,’ Matilda smiled. ‘Kesinka, DI Hales tells me you’re acting as SOLO for Caitlyn Brown.’

      ‘That’s right.’

      ‘What can you tell me about her?’

      ‘Oh. Well, she’s quite a shy person. She doesn’t have many friends. I get the impression her parents are a bit controlling. Her mother certainly is. She’s an only child. She works as a veterinary nurse. That’s about it really. Why?’

      ‘I’m sorry to tell you this, but Caitlyn was found dead in her flat last night. She’d been murdered.’

      ‘Oh my God,’ Kesinka said, dropping her cutlery again. ‘That’s horrible. I really liked her.’

      ‘Did she say anything to you about any unwanted attention, or if she was frightened?’

      ‘Well, she wasn’t handling the rape very well. She blamed herself, said she’d had too much to drink on the night it happened. She also said if she’d come forward straight away then maybe Julia Adams wouldn’t have been raped. I tried to tell her not to think like that, but she was really beating herself up about it.’

      ‘Was she seeing someone?’


      ‘What about at the time of the rape? Last October, wasn’t it?’

      ‘Yes it was. She was single then, too.’

      ‘Did she know her attacker?’

      ‘No. She says not.’

      ‘Kesinka,’ Matilda said, leaning forward and lowering her voice. ‘Did you believe Caitlyn when she said she was raped?’

      ‘Yes I did. One-hundred-per-cent. I’ve been a SOLO for a couple of years now. I’ve spoken to many victims, and some I’ve had an inkling they were making it up. With Caitlyn, and with Julia, I didn’t get that.’

      ‘Thanks. Will you be able to get me a transcript of her original interview?’

      ‘Sure. I’ll email the video to you if you like.’

      ‘Thanks. Are you seeing Julia Adams any time soon?’

      ‘This morning, actually.’

      ‘I don’t want you to frighten her but look into her security. Ask her if anyone has been in touch with her lately or if she’s had any inkling of being followed.’

      ‘You think Caitlyn’s murder could have something to do with her rape?’

      ‘I don’t know what to think at the moment.’

      ‘If Julia’s a potential target shouldn’t we offer her protection?’

      ‘I doubt the ACC will agree to that, until we have the facts. In the meantime, tell Julia to keep safe.’

      ‘Will do.’ Kesinka pushed her plate away. Suddenly, she had lost her appetite.

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