Christopher Tolkien

The Book of Lost Tales 2

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       11 Struck out here in the manuscript: ‘Beren of the Hills’.

       12 ‘Mablung the heavy-handed, chief of the king’s thanes, leaped up and grasped a spear’ replaced the original reading ‘Tifanto cast aside his pipe and grasped a spear’. Originally the name of Tinúviel’s brother was Tifanto throughout the tale. See notes 13–15, and the Commentary, p. 59.

       13 Mablung replaced Tifanto, and again immediately below; see note 12.

       14 ‘O King’ replaced ‘O father’ see note 12.

       15 In this place Mablung was the form as first written; see the Commentary, p. 59.

       16 It is essential to the narrative of the Coming of the Elves that the Solosimpi were the third and last of the three tribes; ‘second’ here can only be a slip, if a surprising one.

      Changes made to names in

       The Tale of Tinúviel

      (i) Manuscript Version

      Ilfiniol < Elfriniol. In the typescript text the name is Ilfrin. See pp. 201–2.

      Uinen < Onen (or possibly Únen).

      Egnor bo-Rimion < Egnor go-Rimion. In the tales previously given the patronymic prefix is go-(I. 146, 155).

      i·Cuilwarthon < i·Guilwarthon.

      (ii) Typescript Version

      Tinúviel < Tynwfiel in the title and at every occurrence until the passage corresponding to MS version p. 11 ‘yet now did he see Tinúviel dancing in the twilight’ there and subsequently the form typed was Tinúviel.

      Commentary on

       The Tale of Tinúviel

      § 1. The primary narrative

      In this section I shall consider only the conduct of the main story, and leave for the moment such questions as the wider history implied in it, Tinwelint’s people and his dwelling, or the geography of the lands that appear in the story.