Mark Sennen

BAD BLOOD: A DI Charlotte Savage Novel

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to accompany me for a week-long cruise with the kids. We went down in convoy with another family boat and ended up getting stuck down in Newlyn. A big depression had cleared through, but the sea state kept us in harbour for a couple of days.’

      ‘Sorry, ma’am. I don’t get it.’

      ‘I remember the local newspaper headlines. A young girl had gone missing a few miles to the east at the Lizard. The lifeboat, coastguard and an army of volunteers searched the sea, cliffs and coast path, but she was never found. The conclusion was that she must have slipped over the cliff edge while her parents were having a picnic. There was something else too which I can’t quite—’

      ‘It’s here, ma’am,’ Enders said, pointing to his screen where he had brought up the local police file on the incident. ‘Simza Ellis was her name. Her parents were travellers, down in Cornwall for seasonal work. Ditto everything you said, but apparently the parents claimed there was somebody taking photographs of children, a “weirdo” in their words. There was also the fact that her sun hat was found in a car park set back from the coast. It says here investigating officers concluded the hat had been dropped by a dog or a gull or maybe had been carried there by an updraught from the cliffs, the hat coming off as the girl fell. The facts were considered at the inquest, but the overwhelming evidence pointed to Simza falling into the sea … shit!’


      ‘… including the discovery of a pink trainer-type shoe by the lifeboat crew.’ Enders shook his head, an expression of distaste spreading across his face. ‘Because they were travellers nobody fucking believed them, did they? If they had then maybe she would be alive today.’

      ‘It’s easy to be wise after the fact,’ Savage said, moving over to Enders and patting him on the back.

      ‘Sorry, ma’am, but look at her.’ Enders pointed to a picture of the girl on the screen and clicked to make it bigger. ‘Didn’t she deserve a bit more?’

      Brown curls cascaded to the edges of the image and a red tongue poked out from a pretty, playful face intent on mischief or fun, or both.

      ‘She’ll get the attention now, of course,’ Enders said, clicking the image shut.

      Savage turned away, thinking that the young DC was right. Traveller or not, cute or not – and she was very cute – the girl had deserved more. But now was too late. Way too late.

      Later, Savage climbed the stairs to Detective Superintendent Conrad Hardin’s office to give him the news on the situation at Lester Close. Hardin resembled a beached whale as he tipped his office chair backwards, interlocking his hands around his stomach and groaning.

      ‘Went to an afternoon buffet at the Guildhall. Bloody councillors, wasting public money on pointless functions.’ Hardin’s eyes roved to the jar of liquorice sticks he kept on his desk as part of his diet regime. He shook his head and huffed out a gallon of air. ‘Good food though.’

      Being in Hardin’s office alone with the DSupt always made Savage feel uncomfortable. The sheer physical bulk of the man led to the illusion of him filling the room entirely, and in any prolonged silence the stark walls offered few distractions. At least the out-of-date calendar of Greek islands Hardin had had on the wall for the past two years had been replaced. The new one was of Dartmoor landscapes and January’s picture showed a suitably wintery scene with two children and a pony in the snow, the dark rocks of Haytor brooding in the background.

      ‘The girl in the box,’ Hardin said, following her gaze. ‘Where are we at?’

      Savage filled Hardin in on the details, noting his eyes narrowing with anger when she told him about the pink training shoe, as if somehow the physical object made the horror more real.

      ‘Any ideas who she is?’ Hardin gritted his teeth and reached for his mouse. ‘And more importantly, who put her there?’

      ‘We’ve got a hunch she could be a girl who was thought missing after supposedly falling from a cliff down in Cornwall. As for a suspect, a previous tenant at the property turns out to be on the register. Committed a serious sexual offence a few years back. Layton and his team are all over the man’s place now, but there is no sign of him as of yet.’

      Savage continued talking as there was a knock and DCI Garrett entered. Garrett, despite having spent the day tramping around a muddy patio and attending the post-mortem, looked immaculate as ever. Savage went on to outline the steps the inquiry was taking, Garrett nodding every now and then but seeing no need to interject. At the end of Savage’s summation Hardin looked at Garrett for his opinion.

      ‘A tragedy,’ Garrett said, ‘but no accident. Preliminary findings from the PM suggest the girl was strangled. Nesbit couldn’t say if she was sexually assaulted or not, but if we assume she was I don’t think we’d be going out on a limb. Could well be this Franklin Owers is our man, but first we’ve got to find him.’

      ‘To which end,’ Hardin said, ‘the media is not bloody helping.’

      Hardin reached to one side of his desk where a folded newspaper stuck out of his wastepaper bin. He pulled the paper out and laid it on the desk. Dan Phillips’ headline had done the Herald proud. ‘Get Him!’ Below the headline was a picture of Franklin Owers’ grafittied front door, with an inset thumbnail of Owers himself. Hardin thumped the desk and then pointed to a subheading beneath the pictures: ‘Police Clueless in Hunt for Paedophile Killer.’

      ‘That,’ Hardin said, looking at Savage and Garrett in turn, his face beginning to redden, ‘is nonsense, isn’t it?’

      Savage said nothing.

      The Sternway meeting went ahead at six-thirty in Briefing Room A, the acronym for which never failed to raise a smile from the more infantile of the Crownhill officers. Darius Riley liked to think he was above such things.

      He’d spent the afternoon summarising Kemp’s final report and dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s on a longer document which pulled together a whole mass of intelligence from numerous sources. Now he slid copies of the document across the table to DSupt Hardin, DCI Garrett, DI Phil Davies and DI Savage. Savage smiled at him and Riley thought she looked happier than she had for a while. Her husband had returned from a long stint away so maybe that was the reason. It could certainly explain the sheen of her red hair and the smartness of her attire; Riley couldn’t remember seeing her appearing quite so attractive before.

      He leant back in his seat and wondered if he might be considered infantile himself for thinking his boss was looking sexy. Davies sat opposite and he glanced at Savage and then looked across at Riley and winked. There was no chance of anyone thinking Davies was sexy, Riley thought. He slumped down in his chair in a crumpled brown number which Riley wouldn’t have been surprised to learn had come from a charity shop running a discount promotion for items they couldn’t clear. Even from across the table Riley could smell several nights’ worth of beer and fags in the clothing.

      Mike Garrett’s clothing had, literally, been cut from a different cloth. Riley didn’t think much of the older detective’s abilities – the man was too cautious, too rule-bound – but he’d always admired his suits.

      Hardin was Hardin. Bursting out of his shirt, almost knocking over the pot of coffee when it arrived, and then grabbing a couple of biscuits with one hand while typing on his laptop with the other.

      ‘OK, Sternway.’ Hardin turned to his laptop and clicked again. He reached out and adjusted the angle of the screen, and for a moment Riley feared he was going to swing the computer towards them and show one of his dreary PowerPoint presentations. Instead he leant back in his chair and ran his tongue over his lips before continuing.

      ‘So, Darius had his final meeting with our undercover officer earlier, nom de plume Mr Martin Kemp. Mr Kemp is returning to his force and Darius,’ Hardin nodded over at Riley, ‘is off on holiday in a couple of days. Now we’re just waiting on the intel. As soon as Kemp gets the word he’ll let us know. I’m pleased to say Sternway is finally drawing to a close and there will be no happy ending for Mr Kenny