Susan Carlisle

Highland Doc's Christmas Rescue / Festive Fling With The Single Dad

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challenges now consisted of worry, fear of failure and the guilty conviction she hadn’t done enough to make a difference. She wanted to save everyone, give them what her family had received. The chances of achieving that desire were slim to none, but still it was her goal. Now she was just a mass of nerves, help to no one. Not even herself. Squaring her shoulders, she said, “I’ll try to do better in the future.”

      He offered his hand. “That’s what I like to hear. That old tough Cass. You had me worried there for a while.”

      Lyle still thought she was tough? She would have thought he would have seen her as the opposite after the last few hours. She took his hand just long enough to get to her feet. “How’s that?”

      He put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “I don’t handle crying females well.”

      “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable.” She couldn’t meet his eyes.

      “Hey, I’m glad I was here to help. Now, let’s go and get some dinner.” He started toward the hall and she joined him.

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      Lyle led the way to the kitchen. His heart went out to Cass. She was distraught over the loss of her dog. He knew well the empty hole loss could leave in your life. He had felt it intensely when Freya had left him. When he’d told Cass that he didn’t handle women crying well, he hadn’t been kidding. All he’d done was hold her.

      The fact that he’d liked having her cry on his shoulder was a bit unnerving. What had begun as a professional obligation to check on a resident in crisis had ended in a very personal act of compassionate empathy. Was he drawn to her because he could sense her private suffering? Whatever it was, Cass held some sort of spell over him. One he didn’t mind being captivated by.

      Cass followed him quietly to the kitchen, seeming fine with doing so. They walked through the now silent dining room to the swing door beside the fireplace. He held it open for her as they entered the large commercial-style kitchen.

      “Have a seat at the table.” There was a small wooden one next to two corner windows in the large room. “I’ll see what I can find in the fridge.”

      Her chair scraped over the tile floor as she took a seat.

      Opening one of the doors of the very large fridge, Lyle announced with deliberate cheer, “Ah, we have roast beef and vegetable soup. How does a sandwich and a bowl of hot soup sound?”

      “That’s fine.”

      He glanced over his shoulder. “Again, I was looking for a little more enthusiasm.”

      A fake smile contorted her lips as she swung a fist overhead. “Great!”

      He grinned. “That’s more like it.”

      “Can I help?”

      “Sure.” He started pulling bowls and a platter off the shelves. When Cass reached him he handed her a few of them. She carried them to the table. Lyle followed with the rest. “You unwrap the containers while I get plates and things together.” He searched cabinets and drawers for what they needed, making a couple of trips to the table to put everything down. She was halfway through removing the plastic wrap from the bowls when he said, “Now I’ll warm up the soup if you’ll make the sandwiches.”

      “All right.”

      He pushed the uncut loaf towards her. “I’d like two thick slices.”

      “Noted.” She picked up a bread knife and start cutting.

      Lyle ladled soup from its storage container into a saucepan and turned on the stove. As he stirred, he watched Cass work.

      Standing, she placed two slices of bread on a plate and buttered them. That done, she unwrapped the rest of the containers. Next she cut slices of roast beef, laying them on the bread. She finished with condiments and lettuce.

      Cass’s movements were concise and efficient. She had a no-nonsense way about her. Her blonde hair swung over her cheek and she pushed it back with impatience as if she had no time for things to get in her way. She cleaned up as she went. He got the distinct impression she took responsibility for herself and expected others to do the same for themselves. It must have been a rare event for her to let someone witness her raw emotions. Strangely, he was honored he had been the one there for her.

      Lyle carried the steaming saucepan to the table and poured the soup into the bowls he’d found earlier, then returned the pan to the stove.

      As he came to take his seat at the table Cass inhaled deeply. “That smells wonderful.”

      He grinned. “I can take credit for it being hot but not for how it smells.”

      She returned his smile and his heart made an extra thump. He filled the two tall glasses with milk. “Those sandwiches look good.”

      “I can take credit for how they look but not how they taste.” Cass was trying to mimic his accent.

      They both laughed as they settled onto their chairs.

      She gave him a shy glance. “I don’t do Scottish well, do I?”

      “I’m going with it needs work.” He looked at her over his sandwich just before he took a large bite. He appreciated the sparkle in her eyes that had replaced the earlier dull sadness.

      They ate in silence for a few minutes before Cass let her spoon rest against the side of the bowl. “Do you know how the woman we helped is doing?”

      He nodded. “I spoke to her doctor this morning. They kept her in overnight for observation, but she seems to be fine.”

      Cass lifted a spoonful of soup to her mouth. “I’m glad to hear it. How about the man?”

      “He’ll come in next week to have his stitches removed.” Lyle took another bite of his sandwich.

      “You really are a jack-of-all-trades, aren’t you?” She appeared fascinated.

      He rather liked that idea. In fact, he liked her. It had been too long since he’d let himself be drawn to a woman. It would be short-lived, of course, as Cass would be returning to the States soon, but why couldn’t he enjoy her company while she was here? It would certainly make his Christmas more interesting. “I wouldn’t exactly say that I’m Santa, spreading cheer, but I try to help out where I can.”

      They finished eating and Lyle started cleaning the table. “Even with my special powers I’d better do the washing-up if I don’t want to get on the wrong side of Ms. Renwick.”

      “I’ll help,” Cass said in such a firm tone he didn’t dare argue.

      Together they covered the food and returned it to the refrigerator. His hand brushed hers as she handed him a bowl and he saw color bloom in her cheeks. Despite her tough exterior, her face couldn’t conceal her attraction to him. Her gaze met his before she quickly returned to the table to pick up their plates.

      Instead of joining him again, she went to the sink and turned on the water. Now she was trying to hide from him. With that in mind, he did his best as he finished clearing away to give Cass space while she washed up. He was aware enough of her to realize she was trying to avoid more contact between them. Was she attracted to him? Was she noticing his every move, as he did hers?

      Cass turned toward him, her hip resting against the counter. “Didn’t you say that Ms. Renwick leaves food for you?”

      “She does, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t particular about how her kitchen is kept.” Lyle stacked the bowls in the cabinet.

      “So, if I’m not careful I’ll end up on her wrong side?” Cass hung a dishcloth back just as it had been when they’d come into the kitchen.

      “I wouldn’t worry about it too much, she’s really a softy at heart.”

      Despite his assurance, they