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Scandals Of The Famous

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Yes, I’m well aware.’ Her mother sat on a little antique chair, her back ramrod straight as always, and yet for the first time Natalia realised how old her mother looked. Living a life for duty’s sake took its toll on you, she supposed. Had her mother ever been happy? Or was happiness not even a consideration?

      ‘What other option do you have, Natalia?’ Zoe asked wearily. ‘Would you prefer to live your whole life in your parents’ palazzo, and then with your brother and his bride, an object of pity and scorn?’

      Natalia swallowed. It sounded horrible. Everything did. ‘I don’t want to marry a man who—’

      ‘Doesn’t love you?’ Zoe filled in, her voice ending on a sigh. ‘Really, Natalia, love is for fairy tales.’

      ‘I don’t care about love,’ Natalia said stiffly. She’d seen and done enough not to trust such a concept. ‘I just want respect.’

      ‘Then perhaps you should start acting like you’re worthy of it.’

      The words felt like a slap. She knew she hadn’t done much with her life. She didn’t have much to be proud of. She’d always known that. She just didn’t know how to change. If she could. Even if she wanted to. ‘Is that all?’ she asked her mother, her voice wooden. ‘Because I’ve had a long day and I’d like to go to bed.’

      ‘Very well.’ Zoe sighed and waved her away. ‘At least you have curtailed your evening exploits. But I do not want this ridiculous volunteering of yours to interfere with your real duty—and that is to find a husband.’

      ‘Father insisted I volunteer for a month,’ Natalia reminded her mother. ‘I must do as he says.’

      ‘So you must. And then you must do as I say, Natalia, and marry.’

      Nodding again, her heart like a stone inside her, Natalia slipped out of the salon and up the stairs. A week ago volunteering for Ben had seemed like a prison sentence. Now it felt like a reprieve.


      AT precisely noon the next day Natalia watched Ben’s silver Mercedes pull up in front of the palazzo. She was already waiting in the front foyer, having cleared his entrance with the royal security. Now she checked her reflection in one of the ornate gilt mirrors that lined the hall and attempted to subdue the wild beating of her heart. She was far too excited by the prospect of a day with Ben Jackson, and not a photocopier or football pitch in sight.

      ‘Princess.’ Ben’s mouth curved in a smile as his gaze swept over her like a wave of sun-warmed water. ‘You look delightful.’

      ‘Thank you.’ Ben didn’t look too bad himself. He wore a lightweight linen suit, his Aviator sunglasses emphasizing the chiselled planes of his face. He opened the passenger door and Natalia slid inside his car, smoothing the cream silk of her designer shift across her thighs.

      Ben returned to the driver’s seat and as they pulled out of the palazzo’s drive he slid her a sideways glance. ‘Is that a hat?’

      Laughing a little, Natalia reached up to pat the tan feather and silk creation perched pertly on one side of her head. ‘Technically it’s a fascinator.’

      ‘A what?’

      ‘A fascinator. A millinery creation that is, of course, meant to fascinate.’ She smiled at him, enjoying the way his mouth curved in an answering smile, one hand on the steering wheel, the other stretched out along the back of the seat, his fingers nearly brushing her shoulder. Her heart beat hard again and her senses sang in answer to that smile. Natalia knew she was going to enjoy every minute of this day, a day out of time and reality, a day that could actually be a date. She had no doubt that come Monday, she would be no more than Ben’s irritating employee—or volunteer—once more.

      ‘So I can drive around the island,’ Ben told her as he made his way through Santa Maria’s capital city, ‘but I assume with that outfit you have some destination in mind?’

      ‘As a matter of fact, yes. The island’s race course.’

      ‘We’re going to a race?’

      ‘A horse race, yes, although admittedly not a hugely important one. I think it’s a qualifying race for the derby later this year. But since you seem to be a betting man …’

      ‘I see. And what should we bet on this time, do you think?’

      Natalia titled her head, gave him a playful smile. ‘We’re betting?’

      ‘Of course, Princess. It’s no fun if you don’t bet. I don’t want to win money.’

      Her heart was beating so hard and fast she felt it like thunder in her ears. Attempting insouciance was proving harder and harder. ‘So what would you like to bet on, then?’ she finally asked when she trusted her voice, if not herself. This man was dangerous. And she was dangerous when she was with him. She had no idea what she might give into.

      ‘We’ll just have to see,’ Ben murmured, and followed her directions to the other side of the island and Santa Maria’s race course.

      The royal box overlooking the course was empty save for them; since it wasn’t a major race her parents and siblings had found other things to occupy them. Natalia slid into her seat and glanced at the line-up of horses racing. ‘Apparently,’ she told Ben, ‘Autumn Nights is the favourite.’

      Ben lounged in his seat, flicking through the program with long, lean fingers. ‘Then we can’t bet on that one.’

      ‘Why not?’

      He gave her a lazy smile. ‘Neither of us is a sure thing, Princess.’

      Natalia glanced down at the program, willed herself not to flush. She had a feeling Ben was not talking about horses. ‘Evening Star is considered the underdog,’ she said. ‘It’s his first race. I’ll bet on him.’

      ‘To win?’

      She nodded. ‘And what about you?’

      He flicked another glance at the line-up. ‘Wild Wishes.’

      She had a few of those. Swallowing, Natalia said, ‘We still haven’t decided just what we’re betting on.’

      ‘Well,’ Ben said, his voice dropping to a husky murmur, ‘I think we should make it interesting.’

      She shifted in her seat. ‘How interesting?’

      ‘If Evening Star wins, you get to kiss me.’

      Desire ran through her like a trail of dynamite, exploding inside of her. ‘And if Wild Wishes wins?’

      ‘I get to kiss you.’

      Natalia let out a little laugh. ‘But that’s the same thing.’

      ‘No,’ Ben clarified silkily, ‘it’s not. It’s all about who controls the kiss.’

      Control. Of course this was about control. Natalia turned away, focusing on the race course beneath them. She fanned herself with her program, and heard Ben chuckle softly.

      ‘Hot, Princess?’

      ‘Wild Wishes is a long shot too,’ she informed him, ignoring his little innuendo. ‘It might be that neither of us gets a kiss today.’

      Ben leaned back in his seat. ‘And that,’ he said softly, ‘would be a pity.’

      Yes, it would. Already Natalia was imagining how his lips would feel on hers, hard and demanding. But if she controlled the kiss … she felt as if she’d swallowed fireworks, everything fizzing inside her. She didn’t know which of them she wanted to win.

      The race started, and with it Natalia felt another surge of adrenalin. She felt a fully male energy radiating from Ben’s powerful