Nicola Marsh

The Dare Collection July 2019

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it. Damn it, she kept doing that more and more as time went on. She wished she could blame it on Cameron’s grumpiness rubbing off on her, but it wasn’t the truth. Life weighed her down. Or, rather, the truth about life weighed her down.

      Not everyone got a happy ending, no matter how many stars they wished on.

      Some people had to settle on the mediocre instead of aspiring for greatness.

      She just never thought she’d be part of either group.

      With a sigh, she tried to focus on Cameron. “I’m sorry, I missed that last bit.”

      “In life.” They turned another corner, and she started to recognize shops from the next street up from their hotel. “I had reservations when Aaron decided to bring you in, but you’re good at handling people and situations.”

      “Yeah, I’m a great glorified secretary.” Managing her mother’s moods had given her plenty of people skills, though they mostly meant she gave excellent customer service no matter what her personal level of frustration was.


      Oh no. She knew that tone of voice. It meant nothing good for the conversation. Cameron obviously wasn’t pleased with her blasé comment, and he just as obviously intended to sit her down and...

      Well, she didn’t know what. A come-to-Jesus talk about knowing her worth? Or maybe one where he pointed out that she wasn’t a glorified anything—she was literally their secretary.

      No matter which way he was headed, she wanted no part of it. They would have their talk when they got back to New York. It could sure as hell wait until then. If this was an escape, she wanted to get her money’s worth, so to speak.

      Trish turned into him, grabbing the front of his jacket and leveraging herself up to take his mouth. His surprise only lasted a second, and then his hands were on her hips and he guided her several steps until her back hit the wall. Cameron dug his big hands into her hair and tilted her head back to get a better angle. He moved away long enough to say, “I know you’re trying to distract me.”

      Of course he did. He wasn’t stupid. She forced an impish grin. “Are you complaining?”

      “Not especially.” He reclaimed her mouth, but this time the pace slowed down. Cameron teased her with soft, barely there kisses until she growled in frustration, and only then did he set his teeth against her bottom lip and slip his tongue into her mouth.

      The man kissed like a dream.

      A really naughty one.

      Give and take, advance and retreat. Over and over and over again, until she lost all comprehension of the other people on the street or the fact that they were most definitely in a public place with an audience.

      Trish had only meant to keep him from his questions, from pulling her apart at the seams to satisfy his curiosity, from creating a foundation of trust that neither of them could follow through on.

      It didn’t matter what she’d intended, only the end result.

      And the result was that she wanted his hands all over her body, wanted him to stroke her just so, to send her hurtling over the edge. She wanted to take him into her body and ride him until they stopped worrying about the future, because the future was just a distant dream and they were here and now. That was the only thing that mattered.

      He tore his mouth from hers. “Upstairs. Now.”

      Incapable of words, she nodded. Cameron gave her a look like he wanted to throw her over his shoulder because she wouldn’t move fast enough on her own, but he settled with grabbing her hand and towing her behind him. The half a block back to the hotel passed in a blur, and she caught sight of the startled face of the front desk lady before the elevator doors closed between them and the lobby.

      Cameron turned to her, but she was already moving. She hopped and he caught her just like she’d known he would. Her legs went around his waist and her back hit the wall as he took her mouth again.

       Yes, this.

       Yes, more.

      He didn’t let her down as the elevator doors rattled open. Instead, Cameron walked them down the hallway. His dark eyes looked just as wild as she felt, as if he might take her right there in the hallway if they didn’t get through the door fast enough. Trying to anticipate, she dug into her purse for the hotel room key, barely getting it out before they reached the door. “Got it!”

      He grabbed it out of her hand and then they were in the room. Cameron strode into the bedroom. “I need you.”

      “Yes. Now. Hurry.” Making out on the street like a couple of teenagers had her so primed, she practically vibrated with it. He kept her pinned in place as she reached between them. Cameron used one hand to grab a condom and undid his pants. It didn’t take much to work them down his hips to free his cock, but even the two-second delay was too long without him inside her. “Hurry, hurry, hurry.”

      He knocked her hand aside so he could roll on the condom and then he thrust, filling her completely, assuaging her empty ache. They froze, both breathing hard. Cameron leaned back enough to check her expression. “You good?”

      As if she hadn’t been right there with him this whole time. Trish rolled her hips, taking him deeper yet. “Don’t stop.”

      His grin made something in her chest twinge in a way that would have terrified her if not for the pleasure building with every beat of her heart. A tempo that reduced itself to one word. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

      Cameron lowered her to the bed and shoved her shirt up to bare her breasts. “I like you like this, Trish. It’s fucking indecent and I’m never going to be able to look at you in a pencil skirt without thinking about that skirt around your hips and my cock buried deep inside you.”

      “Good,” she gasped. Something to remember her by, even after it was over.

      The wildness trying to escape her seemed to translate to him, because there was no teasing, no driving her to distraction before taking what he wanted. No, there was just Cameron moving over her, driving into her again and again in the most delicious way possible. Every stroke hit the end of her, the pleasure-pain building to a desperation unlike anything she’d ever known.

      She ran her hands down his strong back and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer yet. Deeper. Harder. “I never want this to end.”

      His words were slightly muffled against her temple, but she could have sworn he said, “It doesn’t have to.”

      Trish came between the space of one breath and the next. She could feel Cameron trying to pull back, to get enough distance to keep his own orgasm at bay, but she was having none of it. “Come with me, Cam. Come for me.”

      He cursed and she knew she’d won. His strokes became rougher yet, driving them both up the bed until his entire body went tense and he clutched her to him as he came. He had the presence of mind to roll to the side, but he didn’t release her, so she ended up with one leg sprawled over his hip and his cock still buried inside her. Trish kissed the center of his chest and allowed herself to enjoy the feel of him holding her close.

       So good...

       So better than good...

      She instinctively went tense, sure that he’d say something or she’d let her fear get away from her. But nothing happened. He just stroked a hand over her hair again and again until she finally relaxed. “What kind of movies do you like, Cam?”

      “I’m more of a reader.”

      She smiled sleepily against his chest. “Let me guess—John Grisham?”

      “Occasionally, but I’m more of a fantasy fan.”

      That got her attention. “Really? Like the farm boy is really the chosen one who has to save the universe and he’s probably really a king but he doesn’t know