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about the man who’s taking over as head nurse at the hospital’s emergency department next month. He’s had experience as an ambulance paramedic. Figured I had nothing to lose by approaching to see if he’d help us out. He was more than happy, which takes the pressure off for now.’

       I’d still be a full-time paramedic if I’d been able to make the hours work around Dylan.

      Hunter stopped in the doorway. Exhaled hard. His gaze was rooted to the woman before him. Beautiful, still as curvy. Those caramel eyes still sparkled with fun, her crazy curly auburn hair was still long and tied back in a ponytail, her mouth still soft and enticing and undeniable. Bren, as he remembered her, as he’d loved her. Brenna.

      Tying up her bootlaces, she laughed. ‘The man never stood a chance once you got your teeth into him. Who is he? Anyone we know?’

      That beating against Hunter’s ribs became a whipping. On a deep breath he stepped right into the room.

      Kevin said, ‘Probably not. He’s shifted across from Kamloops. Name of Hunter—’

      * * *

      ‘Ford,’ Brenna finished as she stared at the sexy apparition strolling towards her with all the panache of someone totally at ease with his world. Her head spun. This wasn’t a vision brought on by a restless night. Only one man she knew swung his left leg slightly outward as he walked, thanks to a quad-bike accident as a kid. ‘Hunter, what are you doing here?’ she squeaked, thoughtlessly launching herself at her past.

      ‘Hey, Brenna. Great to see you too. Oof.’ He put his hands on her shoulders, keeping her from plastering her body all over him.

      ‘I can’t believe it’s you.’ Damn it, she was pushing close, wanting to lay her face against his chest like she’d always done back when they’d been together. Then reality got in the way. She jerked backwards. Hunter had dumped her. He hadn’t wanted her any more.

      Hunter gazed down at her, not a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes. ‘You’re looking good.’

      Brenna took his reaction on board and reacted accordingly. ‘Why wouldn’t I?’ He wasn’t about to find out how hard it had been to get over him. ‘You’ve scrubbed up okay yourself.’

      The boyish good looks of six years ago had hardened into a strong, handsome face. Looking closer, she noted the weariness blinking out from those steel-grey eyes where there used to be laughter shining. Then his apathy registered. They were not lovers, not even friends, nothing but colleagues for the next few weeks. Brain slap for being such an idiot. Throwing herself at Hunter like she’d been waiting for this moment, like she had to have him, was ridiculous.

      Stepping away, she flattened her mouth, swallowed her annoyance at having been so stupid. This was the man who’d phoned to say that after three years together they were over. Finished. Told her to go get a life and forget him.

      What did people say when they first met each other after a long time apart? With their history? She said tartly, ‘So you’ve returned to Vancouver.’ Hope fluttered awake. She squashed it. Don’t go there.

      Hunter’s hands fell to his sides as he too took a backward step. ‘Yes.’ This man used to talk non-stop, not coming up for air for hours.

      His reticence spurred her on. ‘How long have you been in town?’

       Why haven’t you got in touch? This is me, us. I’m not going to blast your head off for walking away from what we had going. Or am I?

      Six years ago, she’d wanted to, but not now. What was the point? It couldn’t be undone. Except there was a flame of attraction scorching her inside and out.

       He left you. Don’t forget that.

      Like she could.

      ‘We arrived ten days ago.’

      We? Brenna stepped further away; widening the gap physically, if not mentally.

       I threw myself at him as though we were still an item.

      He had a significant other half in his life, and she’d done that. Her stomach shrivelled and all the moisture evaporated from her mouth. Her chest lifted, stayed there as a breath stuck in her throat.

       I didn’t stop to think. Instead, the moment I saw Hunter I reacted like I used to. How bad is that?

      Now he’d get the wrong idea. ‘How are your parents?’ Banal but safe. Unless... The air finally whooshed out of her lungs. ‘Sorry.’

      ‘They’re fine, living in a retirement village. Mum’s having a wonderful time. Even Dad’s happy. The orchard sold last year.’ Hunter didn’t look overly thrilled, but then he hadn’t looked too happy about anything so far. Including her. He hadn’t been surprised to see her. So, he’d known she worked here and had still taken the job.

      Her teeth gnashed. He’d signed on despite the fact this was her space. About to spew her sudden anger at him, she bit down, kept herself under tight control. Having a spat wouldn’t change a thing, only make the coming weeks even more awkward than they were going to be. ‘That’s great.’ It was far from great, but it was better than saying what was really on her mind.

      Kevin interrupted, looking pleased with himself. ‘So, you two know each other.’ Rostering staff problem solved?

      Oh, no. She usually paired with Patch. She wasn’t working with Hunter. ‘It was a long time ago.’ Hunter was back in town. For how long this time? How permanent was his permanent job at the emergency department? Why did she even care? He wasn’t alone any more. Even if he had been, it still wouldn’t matter. She was not revisiting their relationship. He’d broken her heart once; she wasn’t handing it over to be devastated a second time.

      ‘Then you’ll have plenty to catch up on. Good thing I’ve rostered you together this week.’

      Brenna tightened her mouth against protesting, and instead managed to say in a semi-steady voice, ‘There’ll be opportunities to talk over the coming weeks.’ Though hearing what Hunter had been up to since they’d split might help soften the blow seeing him had inflicted, she did not need to learn how in love he was with another woman.

      She stared at this man she’d once believed would share her life right through to the rocking-chair days. The good looks that had women falling at his feet were still there, somewhat jaded now, but somehow that made her soften towards him. Silly woman. Note that wariness in his gaze. It was foreign to her. Seemed the years away hadn’t been kind to him. Through a sigh she asked, ‘Want a coffee before our first callout?’

      That tiredness dipped further, tightened his face before he rallied. ‘Sure do. Might try to have my breakfast since I ran out of time at home.’ He shrugged off the small pack slung over his shoulder.

      Heading for the kitchen, she asked, trying to sound, oh, so uninterested, ‘Is this a long-term move?’ Again, the question arose—how permanent was permanent in his book? At her side her fingers crossed. She wanted him to stay? Or to be heading away again? It wasn’t as though they would kick-start their relationship. That was finished. Besides, even if Hunter was available, she wasn’t prepared to get involved only to find herself coming second to someone or something else again. She’d learned that lesson the first time.

      Hunter answered in a manner suggesting he was wondering how much to say. ‘The plan’s to settle here long term. I’ve bought a house in Kitsilano and take it over in a fortnight.’

      She gasped. Of all the places to move to. Not only was Hunter back in town, but he was right on her doorstep, apparently settling in for the foreseeable future. Not fair. Once more she struggled for calm. ‘I can’t believe you’re here.’ True. ‘What’ve you been up to?’ Truly? She wanted to know? No. Well, maybe. Depended on what he had to say.

      ‘Nothing out of the ordinary,’ was Hunter’s acerbic reply. Followed by, ‘I didn’t expect to find you working