Clare Connelly

The Dare Collection: May 2018

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moment since entering the suite I notice the view.

      ‘Holy shit.’ I stand completely still—naked, uncaring. ‘Wow...’

      Manhattan glistens before me. It is high-rises and high dreams, lights and lives, lows and loves.


      His voice is hoarse and it draws my attention. I stare at his profile again, and it’s so different now. I see all his lines and marks and strengths, and somehow I feel that I know him so much better than even an hour ago.

      ‘I’ve always loved the contradictions of New York,’ I say.

      I am drawn to the view and step towards the window, relinquishing his hand without realising it. I press my palm to the glass. It is darkly tinted and I am confident in the privacy it affords.

      ‘So much much despair.’ My smile is crooked as our eyes latch on to each other in the reflection. ‘Nowhere in the world can you find such wealth and poverty in the same city block.’

      ‘It’s a unique place,’ he agrees. ‘Where are you from?’

      ‘Wisconsin, originally. I moved here five years ago—right out of college.’

      ‘What did you study?’

      ‘Fine art and art history.’

      I’ve surprised him. I see the way he nods, but it’s speculative. Funny, because I’m well-known and well-respected in my field, and it’s been a long time since I’ve met anyone who doesn’t know what I do.

      ‘You’re an artist?’

      ‘I wish...’ I sigh wistfully, turning to face him with mock sadness on my face. ‘I always wanted to be. My mom says I spent so much time clutching paintbrushes I practically deformed my fingers.’

      I lift my hand up and we both stare at it in the silence of the room. They’re normal to look at now, but I remember the claw-like grip they manifested after days and days spent hunched at a canvas.


      ‘Can’t paint to save my life.’ I grimace. ‘I’m a buyer now. And an appraiser by appointment.’

      ‘So you take other people’s cash to choose fashionable art?’

      I shrug. ‘Fashionable, abstract, classic. I spend a lot of time with my clients and in the spaces the art will inhabit, making sure it’s going to work.’

      ‘That’s a job?’

      ‘Hell, yeah.’ I gesture to the room we’re standing in. ‘This whole hotel is fitted with contemporary American masterpieces—testaments to the modernist movement. You look around and you see the art and maybe you don’t realise the effect it creates. But we’re standing in a movement, Ethan!’

      I hear the enthusiasm and passion in my own voice and wince. I adore my job. That’s a good thing, but it can be a bit bizarre to people who don’t feel the same way.

      ‘I know what you mean.’

      I exhale. ‘You do?’

      ‘Well, not exactly...’

      He turns and cuts through the suite, disappearing through a door. I follow.

      ‘But the first time I recorded at Abbey Road I just about shit myself. I mean...’ He shakes his head as he reaches for the faucet and turns on the water. The bath is around the corner, half hidden by a dark wood-panelled wall. ‘The history is thick in the air at that place. The microphones, the carpet, the pictures. Legends—so many, a list as long as my arm. Not just the Beatles—though that’s everything. But all the bands, musicians, songwriters. It’s impossible to explain—except I guess it’s like you just said. I was in the middle of something so much bigger than me. It took me three tracks to get the jitters out of my voice.’

      ‘The jitters?’

      Oh, no. There goes my heart, flopping just like my tummy has been all night, squeezing with something a lot like affection at the sweetness of that word. Jitters. Twenty-eight, sexy as sin, and a gold medallist at pleasure-giving and he uses words like ‘jitters’. He gives me the jitters.

      ‘Yeah. You know. The heebie-jeebies.’

      ‘Stop.’ I burst out laughing and hold a hand up at the same time. ‘You need to stop using language like that.’

      ‘Like heebie-jeebies?’

      ‘Yeah. It’s too...’ Cute. Adorable. Sweet. Lovely.

      ‘I’m sorry, Ally, there’s no other word for it. I had medically diagnosed heebie-jeebies.’

      But he grabs the hand I’ve held out and pulls it—and me—towards him. Our bodies meld together and his eyes lock to mine. Breath snags in my throat like a piece of thread that won’t give. I stare up at him, waiting, transfixed, my heart throbbing.

      He kisses my forehead lightly, softly, gently, and a moan is trapped in my throat. Yes. This. All of this. The paths are back in my mind, opening up and inviting me to choose one.

      There’s a sound from outside and he reaches for a towel, breaking the sense of magic that was enveloping me. ‘Hop in. I’ll join you in a minute.’

      ‘The bath?’

      ‘Why not?’

      He wraps a towel around his waist, low-slung so that—if it’s possible—he looks even sexier than when he was all gloriously golden and butt-naked.

      ‘You got somewhere else you need to be?’

      The paths look at me.

      He looks at me.

      I expel a long, slow sigh as I shake my head. ‘Not right now, I don’t.’

      ‘Good. Then you’re all mine.’ He kisses me quickly on the cheek. ‘And I’m going to make the most of it. I’ll be right back.’

      He disappears from the bathroom but I move to the door and watch him. I watch him because I seem unable to help it. Because I am pulled to him like a bee to honey.

      * * *

      Her eyes are shut when I step back into the bathroom, bowl in hand. The water swirls around her, and her breasts are two perfect peaks floating on the surface. She’s added some of the shower lotion, and the bubbled top creates a frustrating visual barrier to the rest of her body.

      A body I now yearn to see again.

      To make completely my own.

      It is a primal need to possess her, and I’m more surprised by that than I should be. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman. And things between Sienna and me were shit at the end. For a long time before the end, actually.

      But I don’t want to think about her now.

      I don’t want Sienna in my head, ruining this for me.

      ‘You look good enough to eat.’

      Her eyes ping open, searing me with awareness. ‘You should know.’


      I grin as I step into the bath, relieved as all fuck when my legs brush against hers. I like touching her. I like it a lot.

      Maybe it’s just the newness of this. The freshness of being with a woman I barely know.

      ‘Definitely something I want seconds of.’

      Her cheeks flush bright pink—God, I love how she blushes, and I can’t resist teasing her more.

      ‘And thirds...and fourths.’

      Darker pink glistens on her cheeks. I settle myself against the head of the bath and scoop some ice cream onto a spoon, holding it out to her. She keeps her eyes locked to mine as she takes a bite.