Michelle Douglas

Surrender To The Single Dad

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told me why Dea went to see her.”

      After listening to the explanation of Alessandra’s background, Rini was beginning to understand a great deal. “Your sister wanted to talk to her about me.”

      A haunted look crept into her lovely face. “I’m surprised my aunt would reveal something that private to you.”

      “So was I, until she explained herself. I’m convinced that what she told me was motivated out of pure love for both you and Dea.”

      Alessandra lowered her head. “What did she do? Ask you to stop seeing me?”

      “No. That’s exactly what she didn’t do. For the first few minutes she told me a story about a wonderful, brilliant girl who fell in love with a chef from Catania named Francesco and got her heart broken. Fulvia feared this girl would never get over it and never be able to forgive her sister, whom she’d always felt was more beautiful and loveable than herself. To Fulvia’s great surprise and joy, this girl did get over her heartache. She seized life to the fullest without blaming her sister for anything.”

      “What?” Alessandra’s head flew back in shock.

      “That’s right,” Rini murmured. “Then she told me a story about another exciting, bright girl who fell for an engineer named Rinieri Montanari. He represented her prince incarnate, but she discovered he didn’t feel the same way about her and she wanted to die.”

      Alessandra’s chin trembled. “Oh, Rini...”

      “Oh, Rini is right. Your aunt asked me to think carefully before I took another step. She feared Dea might not be as strong and courageous in battling her heartache as was the scholarly twin she’d always envied.”

      “Dea envied me?”

      The shock on her face was priceless and told him this was a woman without guile. “She left me with a question and a warning before she went up to bed. Her exact words were, ‘Is the recent love you feel for Alessandra greater than the lifetime love between twin sisters? Whatever you decide, you’ll have to live with the consequences forever.’”

      Rini didn’t know how she’d respond after telling her the truth, but he hadn’t expected her to turn away from him and sob into her pillow. “Cara—” He lay down next to her with his arm around her shoulders. She convulsed so much, all he could do was hold her and kiss her cheeks and hair until the tears eventually subsided. “Talk to me, bellissima.”

      After a long time she turned over, her face blotchy from crying. “The warning she gave you felt like someone just walked over my grave.”

      “Why do you say that?”

      “Because when I found out you’d met Dea first, I determined to put you out of my mind. Nothing was worth coming between my twin and me since we’ll be sisters forever. I was taken by surprise when Papà asked me to drive you around the property. Much as I wanted to be with you, I knew it would be taking a great risk. Fulvia’s words have just confirmed my worst fears.”

      Gutted by her response, Rini shut off the flashlight and lay down on his back. “I’m sure your aunt didn’t want me to reveal our conversation to you, but my world changed after your accident and I had to tell you.”

      “I’m thankful you did. I know she spoke to you out of love for Dea and me.” He heard Alessandra’s heavy sigh. “It took a lot of courage on your part to tell me and I admire you for keeping quiet about it for as long as you have in order to protect Dea.”

      “What worries me now is where you want to go from here.”

      “I don’t know, Rini. In the morning I’ll have an answer. Thank you for the greatest day I’ve ever known. Buonanotte.”

      He heard the rustle of her sleeping bag. She’d turned away from him physically and emotionally. Unable to lie this close to her without reaching for her, he stood up and went outside to walk around. A three-quarter moon lit up the night sky. He didn’t need a flashlight or a fire to see the forested landscape. The lake shone a mystic silver.

      She’s not going to marry you, Montanari. I can feel it in my bones.

      Rini felt like he was burning up with fever. The cool night air brought some relief. He eventually planted himself beneath the trunk of a pine tree close to the tent so he could keep an eye on her. Several times he nodded off, but was wide awake at six craving coffee.

      After making it, he heated it on the ultralight stove. Once he’d downed a cup, he walked over to the stream. Though he cast his line half a dozen times, nothing was biting yet. Maybe it was an omen to prepare him for what was to come.

      He could have kept the secret he’d shared with her aunt, but wouldn’t have been able to live with it long. Alessandra’s tearful breakdown proved to him he’d done the right thing telling her. But it was possible he’d written the death sentence on a future life together with her.

      Near eight o’clock she stepped outside the tent with a false smile, dressed in another pair of jeans and a white pullover. One by one she produced their sleeping bags, all rolled up and snug in their cases. He didn’t have to hear a word from her to know their vacation had come to an end.

      Her eyes darted to his. “Buongiorno, Rini. I detected coffee. It smells so much better out in the forest, don’t you think?”

      Without saying anything he poured her a cup and handed it to her.

      “Grazie.” She eyed his pole. “I heard your line snaking in the air. Evidently you didn’t have any luck fishing this morning or you’d be cooking our breakfast.”

      Rini had all the chitchat he could take. “Why don’t you just tell me what I already know,” he groaned.

      This morning she was dry-eyed. “Papà once said that Zia Fulvia was the wisest woman he’d ever known. After what we talked about last night, I’m convinced of it. I’m honored by your marriage proposal, Rini. No thrill will ever equal it. But even if I’ll love you to my dying breath, I don’t want to see you again. I’m ready to hike back to the car whenever you say.”

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