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Greek Mavericks: The Greek's Unforgettable Secret

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thinking straight. Hated by her stepmother, she’d been desperate for her father to notice her.

      She’d failed.

      She’d almost failed with Damon too. Clinging to him, begging him to take her so she could forget her wretched home life, she had exclaimed with shock as he’d taken her, and he’d pulled back. It had taken all her feminine wiles to persuade him to continue.

      Of course she was on the pill, she’d insisted.

      He’d used protection anyway.

      Belt and braces? she’d teased him.

      Damon had proved to be a master of seduction, a master of pleasure, and they’d made love all night. But there had been chances to talk too, and it had been then that they had discovered a closeness that neither of them had expected. Surprising both of them, she was sure, they had enjoyed each other’s company.

      ‘Let’s walk.’

      She glanced up as Damon took the top off her bottle of water. ‘I’d like that.’

      A walk promised a welcome break from the past. She could take in the majesty of London instead…that was if she could stop looking at Damon.

      Life and responsibility had cut harsh lines into his brow and around his mouth, but those only made him seem more human. Harsh, yet humorous, ruthless, yet empathetic, Damon was an exceptional man.

      ‘When I’m in London I walk a lot,’ he revealed, glancing down, his eyes too dark to read. ‘Sometimes it’s good to be alone with your thoughts, don’t you think?’

      ‘That depends who you are and what you’re thinking, I suppose,’ she said, remembering how quickly their whispered confidences in bed had turned to mistrust the following day in court. It would take more than walking together to clear the air between them, she suspected.

      At the time the press reports—coming on top of everything else that had been happening at home—had destroyed Lizzie’s confidence. She’d lost her self-belief, as well as her confidence in her own judgement. She’d lost her trust in everyone—and in herself most of all. But then she’d realised that with no one to pick her up she’d better get on with it, and so she’d rebuilt her life along very different lines, far away from privilege and trickery.

      A pawnbroker had given Lizzie her first break, taking what few scraps had remained of her mother’s jewellery in exchange for enough money to pay her first week’s rent. She remembered begging him not to sell her mother’s wedding ring. ‘There’s nothing exceptional about it,’ she’d protested when he’d informed her that he wasn’t a charitable institution. ‘You must have dozens like it—’

      ‘Not with three seed pearls set in the centre of the band,’ he’d said as he’d studied the ring with his eyeglass.

      ‘I’ll clean your shop for nothing,’ she’d offered in desperation. ‘I’ll pay you back with interest, I promise…’

      But life had caught up with her, making the necessity of keeping a roof over her head more important than her mother’s wedding ring, so it would have to wait. Maybe one day…

      ‘Something wrong?’ Damon asked as she bit her lip and grimaced.

      ‘Nothing. Why?’ she gazed up at him evenly.

      ‘You made a sound like an angry kitten.’

      She made no comment. Being compared to a kitten would not have been her choice. She felt as if the past few years had required her to be a tigress.

      ‘Enough?’ he said, when she shivered.

      ‘I’d better get back,’ she agreed.

      The Bentley sat waiting for them, gleaming black and opulent. It was attracting admiring glances from passers-by, and now they were attracting interest too, as they approached it. The elegant vehicle was a fabulous representation of privilege, and Lizzie thought it the most visible proof of the yawning gulf between them. She couldn’t imagine what people must be thinking about the suave billionaire and the shabby kitchen worker getting into a car like that.

      Did there ever come a point when a cork stopped bobbing to the surface? she wondered as Damon opened the passenger door and saw her safely settled in?

      No. She hadn’t come this far to give up now.

      ‘Home?’ he asked.

      So he could see where she lived?

      ‘Back to the restaurant, please.’ She tried not to look at him. ‘There are things I need to pick up.’

      She didn’t want him visiting her home. She couldn’t risk it. This had been pleasant, but there was more to life than Damon’s riches and his personal success. What Lizzie was protecting was infinitely more precious, and she had no intention of risking everything she cared about by acting carelessly now.

      Damon had the power to steal everything away from her.

      She wouldn’t let him. It was as simple as that. Whatever it took, that wasn’t going to happen.

      He started the engine and the Bentley purred obediently.

      ‘Your mother was Greek, wasn’t she?’ he asked conversationally as he pulled onto the road.

      ‘Yes, she was.’

      ‘I suppose that accounts for your unusual colouring. I never thought about it before, but with your Celtic red hair and those chocolate-brown eyes and long black lashes your colouring is quite unusual…’

      ‘I suppose it is,’ Lizzie agreed, realising that she had never thought about it either, beyond the fact that when things had been at their bleakest she had sought refuge in the warm, home-loving Greek community in London, where there was always someone who knew someone, she reflected wryly. But wasn’t life like that? Paths crossed, then separated, and then crossed again.

      ‘I think we should see each other again.’

      She stared at Damon in amazement, feeling a little defensive. ‘Should we? Why?’ Her heart thundered as she waited for his reply.

      He shrugged. ‘I promised you a proper meal?’

      ‘I won’t hold you to that.’ But they would have to see each other again, she accepted. That was inevitable now.

      ‘We’ll make a date before I leave tonight,’ he said, glancing across at her.

      Would they? Could she risk spending an entire evening with Damon? Could she risk becoming relaxed with him and yet not telling him about anything of significance that had happened in her life over the past eleven years? Could she risk her feelings for him only to lose him again—and for good this time?

      She had never shrunk from a challenge yet, Lizzie concluded as Damon slowed the Bentley outside the restaurant, whether that challenge had been battling the demand for clean plates when Stavros’s industrial-sized dishwashers decided to pack up in the middle of service—or having a second meeting with the man who didn’t know he was the father of her ten-year-old child.


      NO ONE—NOT even the tall, imposing figure towering over her as he opened the car door and stood back—would ever come between Lizzie and her daughter.

      Thea had never asked about her father. In fact Thea had shrugged off all mention of a father, which Lizzie had come to think was for the best when it had proved impossible to get in touch with Damon.

      Lizzie’s experience with her own father was hardly encouraging. She had never got past the fact that he’d rejected her. Lizzie’s mother had been an heiress, and had had an obvious use, but once her mother was dead and the money was spent Lizzie’s father had lost interest in her.

      Lizzie had been too young to understand