Kerry Barrett

Baby It's Cold Outside

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beat, and so is Parker,’ she tilted her head towards the little boy, whose head lolled on her shoulder. ‘And it’s freezing.’

      I suddenly realised the snow was whirling round us, and piling up on the doorstep.

      ‘Come in,’ I said. I wondered if she needed a doctor. ‘Jamie’s in the living room. Are you ill? Is it your little boy?’

      ‘Oh he’s just tired,’ she said, following me into the lounge. ‘It’s been a long day.’

      Everyone looked up as we came in.

      ‘Jamie,’ I said. ‘You’ve got a visitor.’

      Jamie stood up, his face pale.

      ‘Tansy,’ he said. ‘God, Tansy. What are you doing here?’

      The woman gave him a half-smile.

      ‘Hi,’ she said. She took a step towards him, awkwardly, her little boy’s feet banging against her knees.

      ‘Oh here,’ Mum stood up. ‘Put your wee one down – he’s dead on his feet.’

      The woman laid the little boy carefully on the couch, stroking his hair lovingly, then turned to Jamie again.

      ‘Hello,’ she said again.

      Jamie went towards her and they kissed on the cheek, uncomfortably.

      ‘Esme,’ he said. ‘This is Tansy.’

      ‘Tansy,’ I gasped, as I realised why the name rang a bell. ‘Your ex-fiancée?’

      Jamie swallowed.

      ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Tansy, this is Esme.’

      ‘His current fiancée,’ I said, frostily. I held out my hand for her to shake. She ignored it and instead pulled me into a hug. I went limp in her embrace. My perfect evening was turning into a bloody nightmare.

      ‘Shit,’ she said. ‘This is quite a welcoming committee.’

      She looked round at my family and they all stared back at her.

      ‘We’re getting married on Saturday,’ I blurted out. ‘That’s why everyone’s here.’

      ‘Shit,’ Tansy said again. ‘Oh shit. I knew it was soon but… this Saturday?’

      Mum sprang into action.

      ‘Take your coat off,’ she said. ‘Sit down – you must be exhausted. Can I get you a drink?’

      Tansy shrugged her gorgeous coat off and ran her fingers through her hair, which was damp from the snow. She smiled at Mum, but I got the impression she was actually close to bursting into tears.

      ‘I could really use a glass of wine,’ she said. ‘If there’s one going?’

      ‘Of course,’ Mum said. She turned away slightly and I watched as a glass of wine appeared in her hand. She handed it to Tansy, who took it without questioning how quickly it had arrived.

      She took a gulp, then another.

      Mum, Jamie and I were still standing up. Everyone else – Suky, Harry, Louise and Douglas, were all sitting down and we were all staring at Tansy in expectation. She realised we were all waiting for her to explain her presence and gave Jamie a weak smile.

      ‘Jamie,’ she said. ‘I am so sorry to just arrive like this.’ She rubbed her eyes and I realised how exhausted she looked. In spite of who she was, I felt sorry for her.

      ‘We’ve been to Edinburgh,’ Tansy went on, giving a little laugh that suggested she didn’t think it was funny. ‘I went to your house and your neighbour was so nice. She gave us a drink and she said you’d come up here. She gave me the address.’

      ‘Mrs Wilkie,’ I muttered. She was nice as neighbours went, but now I cursed her hospitality.

      ‘We got the train, and then a cab,’ Tansy explained. ‘But I didn’t realise how long it would take. Scotland’s bigger than I thought.’

      I looked at Jamie, but he wasn’t listening to Tansy. Actually, he barely looked at her. Instead he stared at the little boy, who was curled up on the sofa, fast asleep, his dark curls spread out on the cushion.

      ‘The little boy,’ he said, in an odd voice. ‘Your little boy. How old is he?’

      I took his hand, knowing where he was going.

      Tansy looked at Jamie.

      ‘He’s five,’ she said. She closed her eyes as if she was bracing herself for what Jamie would say next.

      ‘And is he,’ Jamie started. His voice trembled. ‘Is he…’

      Tansy nodded.

      ‘He’s your son,’ she whispered. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.’

      Jamie sat down, quickly, on a footstool. He was so pale, I was worried he was going to pass out.

      ‘We’re going up to bed,’ Harry said. I looked at her in surprise – I’d almost forgotten she was there. Louise gave Jamie’s arm a squeeze as she went by and shot me a sympathetic smile.

      ‘I’m going to put the kettle on,’ Mum said. She went out of the room, followed by Suky and Douglas.

      I felt sick. Jamie hadn’t said a word. Tansy was staring at him, holding her wine glass but not drinking.

      ‘Just so we’re all sure,’ I said, my voice a bit louder than it needed to be. ‘Just so we all know exactly what’s going on here. You have turned up at my mum’s house, one week before my wedding, to tell my fiancé that he has a son? Is that it? Are there any more secrets you want to reveal, or are you going to wait until the reception?’

      Tansy put her wine glass down and stood up. She was wearing a grey jumper dress and boots and she was taller than me. She took a step towards Jamie, then stopped.

      ‘Jamie,’ she said. ‘Honey.’

      I flinched at the endearment.

      ‘Jamie,’ she said again. ‘I know this is difficult. If you can just let me explain.’

      He looked her straight in the eye.

      ‘Oh you’re going to explain,’ he said. I’d never heard him quite so angry. Well, maybe once, but I didn’t like thinking about that time. ‘Talk.’

      Tansy sat down again while Jamie leaned against the fireplace like a disapproving Victorian father. I sat down on the sofa opposite Tansy.

      ‘I don’t know where to start,’ she said, picking up her wine again.

      ‘Well how about,’ Jamie said, ‘you start at the beginning and you carry on until the part where you arrive on my doorstep with a kid?’

      His voice was very calm, but I could tell he was very close to exploding. Tansy obviously knew it too. She took a breath.

      ‘Things were pretty bad between us at the end, remember?’ she said. Jamie nodded, grim-faced.

      ‘You were talking about coming back to the UK, and I thought there was more to do in Africa…’ She looked into her almost-full wine glass, then back up at Jamie. ‘I said some horrible things to you.’

      ‘I can help people here, too,’ Jamie said.

      Tansy nodded.

      ‘I know that now,’ she said. ‘I was a bit worthy back then.’

      The ghost of a smile crossed Jamie’s lips.

      ‘You mean you were wrong,’ he said.

      Tansy gave him a look that was verging on disdainful.

      ‘The day before you left,’ she said. ‘Remember how awful it was?’

      ‘Kids died all the time,’ Jamie