Sarah Randall

Forever His Darling

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she needed to stop with the horse references.

      To the left were shelves with neatly folded t-shirts, shirts, jeans, and jumpers. Underneath were smaller shelves for shoes and boots. It was like two entirely different people used the room: comfy and casual on one side and suited and booted on the other. Since when did Farmer Giles, or should that be Dr Jekel and Mr Hyde, need all these top end clothes? Had she been as guilty as him of making ill-informed assumptions?

      Mrs Henderson hummed a tune as she busied herself in the wardrobe before handing her a bundle of clothes including a pair of jeans, t-shirts and a soft cashmere v-neck jumper and several pairs of socks.

      “That should keep you going until your friend arrives. Matt has some spare wellington boots in the utility down stairs, a few pairs of socks on you and they should be alright. Oh, and there are lots of coats too. Just leave your delicates in the bathroom each day and I’ll launder those for you.”

      “Thank you. Are you sure he won’t mind?” she checked, not entirely comfortable with the idea of wearing this man’s clothes without his permission—but in reality, what else could she do?

      “Mind? Dearie he won’t even notice,” she said, chuckling to herself. “He barely wears any of these things nowadays anyway,” she said, waving at the posh side. “Jeans, t-shirts and boots are his uniform.”

      “So what’s with the all the suits then?” Ana pushed, being unapologetically nosey.

      She watched as the older woman fiddled nervously with her apron before running a hand over her bun. “Oh, well, you’d better ask him about that. Shall we, dearie?”


      “That was delicious, thank you Mrs Henderson.” Anastacia reclined in the soft leather sofa in front of the roaring fire next to Pip, feet curled up underneath, while her new favourite person pottered around plumping cushions. The large fireplace was dressed with a festive swag of red berries, ivy, mistletoe, cinnamon sticks and pine cones, with four small, homemade, brightly coloured stockings hanging from it featuring their initials sewn with little glass beads. There was even one for George. She swallowed the lump which had formed in her throat at the vivid image of this family gathered around the fire on Christmas morning, hugging each other as they opened their gifts. The room was scented with fresh pine from the large Christmas tree in the corner of the room. It was another depressing reminder that that she’d never had a real Christmas tree, just the plastic variety. Now she knew what she had been missing all these years. It smelled wonderful, a scent which no artificial room fragrance could accurately re-create : she’d tried them all. Her stomach being nicely full from the stew and dumplings was an alien feeling and she was drowsy from the couple of bottles of wine that they had all enjoyed with dinner and the brandy she now nursed in her hand. Her cheeks were flushed from the wine and heat of the crackling fire. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten so much yet felt so relaxed and content, especially as she was in someone else’s home. Not that she’d ever felt so relaxed or content in her own home. To her, home was just a space where she kept her belongings.

      “Ah, you’re welcome honey, it’s lovely to cook for people who enjoy their food.”

      “Well I’ve never been one of those women who can survive on celery sticks.” She regretted the white lie immediately. “I love my food, just have to work extra hard in the gym.” Truth.

      “Feel free to use the pool or gym whenever you like Ana.” Pip glanced over at her from where she was sprawled out in front of the fire, flicking through a magazine with a contented George snoozing with his strong head resting on her crossed legs.

      “Thanks, I might just do that. I can make use of the spare time and the few clothing items I do have with me!”

      “There’s also a library on the second floor if you get really bored. That’s where Matt spends most of his evenings, a real bookworm. Boring.”

      She smiled as Pip made a huge fake yawn.

      “Really, well, I love reading too so maybe I’ll have to, er, have a look later. Thanks.” Meaning, I’ll wait till he’s gone out.

      Pip discarded the magazine at her side and promptly stood up, disturbing George briefly. “Right, I’m bored now. Fancy coming with me to the pub?” Pip seemed to have the attention span of an adorable puppy.

      “Oh, erm…” She was so comfortable she wasn’t sure she could move, or be bothered by the fact that she’d rather stay right where she was, than go out for a night out?!

      “Feel free to stay here if you like. Matt will be around somewhere and he’ll keep you company if you’d prefer.”

      To be glared at by Mr Dark and Broody… in that case, there was no way she was staying here.

      “No, that’s okay, I’d love to come with you and have a look around the village,” she said, prising herself out of the chair. “Just let me put on some warmer clothes and grab a coat and wellies and I’ll be right with you,” she said, edging backwards from the room until she slammed into something hard and unmoving…

      She spun around to face Matt’s unimpressed hard stare.

      She bobbed her head forward slightly. “Is that look on your face permanently?”

      He didn’t bother to even acknowledge her and instead looked past her at Pip. “Where are you off too?”

      “The pub. You want to come along?” Pip asked.

      “No, I’m fine. Be careful in the snow, take a torch and make sure you have your phone fully charged.”

      She rolled her eyes at her brother. “Yes Dad,” she mocked. “Besides, James will be there and he’ll give us a lift home if we need it.”

      Anastacia glanced back over her shoulder at Pip.

      “He’s such a sweetie Ana, and he’s the Stud’s vet. Wait ’till you see him, and the other local farmers. Why women go to the city to look for hot, available guys is beyond me. I tell you, this is where they should be. Go and make yourself even more gorgeous and we’ll get going.”


      Matt felt a spark of something strike him and stir his interest. Despite his earlier caustic remarks to her on the drive in, a world famous model in the village would cause a stir and possibly a scene, and as she was staying here… well, it was his responsibility to make sure nothing brought the Stud or his family name into disrepute. Never again. He ignored all possibility that it was the fact that other men would relish Miss Harper’s attention.

      “Wait, on second thought, I’ll come along too. You need a chaperone and George could do with the exercise to work off that chicken.” His accusatory stare was ignored by Mrs Henderson who continued to tidy around the room. “I’ll get my coat. George, come on lad.” George pricked up his ears, stretched his front legs, and trotted after him.

      Why the hell was he going? He’d planned on a quiet night in, catching up on some paperwork for the Stud and looking over some potential new bloodlines before trying to get some much needed sleep.

      He was going to keep an eye on Pip and keep Miss Darling out of trouble. Yes, that was it. No way was he going to make sure Ana stayed away from the Waddington Single Farmers crowd. Nope. Not that, no Siree.


      “So what’ll it be Matt?”

      “Evening Bob, pint of the guest bitter for me and…” Matt glanced over at Ana and raised a brow in silent question.

      “Hmm, I’ll have the same,” she replied confidently to Bob..

      “Are you sure?” Matt said, raising his brow even higher.

      She turned to face him and put a hand on her hip. “Yes. Why?”

      Matt shrugged, “Just thought you’d prefer wine to beer, or at least something with a straw and cocktail