Carol Ericson

In The Arms Of The Enemy

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it—something about some kidnappings that happened twenty-five years ago.

      “You really haven’t been around much, have you?”

      “Well, I guess I won’t be a good person for you to interview, then.” She grabbed her check from the bar and plucked a ten and a five from her wallet. “Good luck with your research.”

      She slapped the check and the cash on the bar and spun around on the stool and hopped off. She couldn’t get out of here fast enough.

      “Nice meeting you, Caroline Johnson.” His voice trailed behind her, but she didn’t turn around.

      Just because a stranger asked questions didn’t mean you had to answer them—no matter how attractive the stranger was.

      When she hit the sidewalk, she blew out a breath, which turned frosty in the night air.

      Linda’s duplex sat at the end of the main street in town, so Caroline was able to walk everywhere—at least to work and back. She had enough money from Johnny Diamond’s loot to pay cash for a used car, but she didn’t have a driver’s license or any other ID. Walking would have to do for now.

      She reached into her jacket pocket for her hat and tripped to a stop on the sidewalk. It must’ve fallen out. She scanned the ground around her, and then kicked at the curb with the toe of her boot.

      She’d left it, along with her umbrella, on the bar, and the last thing she wanted to do was go back in there and have another exchange with the nosy, if hunky, writer.

      She could leave them at Sutter’s and pick them up tomorrow. Nobody would steal a hat or umbrella. Bud had probably already put her things behind the bar.

      Hugging her jacket around her body, she took a step, and a drop of rain pelted her cheek. She looked up at the dark sky and shivered. A ten-minute walk in the cold rain without a hat or umbrella would turn to misery after about one minute.

      She had every right to march back into Sutter’s and grab her hat and umbrella. She peeked through the window at Cole chatting with Bud. He was probably giving him the third degree, too.

      She could always swing through the back entrance and maybe get one of the waitresses to get them for her. She took off at a swift pace and slipped into the alley between two businesses a few doors down from Sutter’s.

      Trailing her hand along one wall, she strode to the back of the buildings and turned right.

      A low light illuminated the red awning above Sutter’s back door. She tugged at the handle and stepped into the warmth. Moving toward the buzz of the restaurant, she had a clear view of the bar, and it looked like Cole had left.

      The door to the men’s room swung open, almost hitting her, and she jumped back.

      “Nothing yet.”

      The low timbre of Cole’s voice stunned her, and she flattened herself against the wall and ducked behind a cigarette machine.

      The bathroom door slammed shut, but Cole stayed put in the hallway and continued his conversation, his back toward her.

      “I met a woman tonight who sort of fit the profile—slim, new to town, had a dark cap, too.”

      He paused, while Caroline’s heart thumped in her chest so loudly she couldn’t believe he didn’t hear it.

      “Naw, she’s related to someone here in town and isn’t Diamond’s type—too pretty, too normal.”

      Caroline closed her eyes and ground her teeth as her stomach lurched. If she got sick here and now, it would be all over, and Cole would know she wasn’t normal—not at all.

      “I’ll keep looking around—and not a word to the boss, Craig.”

      He ended the call and went back to the bar.

      Caroline crept to the back door and stumbled outside.

      She might not be who she claimed to be...but neither was Cole Pierson.

      Cole pocketed his phone and perched on the edge of the bar stool. “How much do I owe you, Bud?”

      “Do you want another beer?”

      “I’m good. Just the check.” Cole fingered the soft, black stocking cap on the bar beside him. Caroline had left in such a hurry she’d forgotten her hat and umbrella.

      Her attitude had set off alarm bells in his head. She’d been skittish, nervous. Hadn’t liked his questions. Didn’t seem to know much about the town where she had relatives. Why would a young, attractive woman come to a small town like Timberline to relocate when she’d never been here before?

      She didn’t seem too concerned about his possible interview with Linda Gunderson. He’d make sure to follow through on that.

      When Bud dropped the check, he pointed to the cap. “Caroline leave her hat?”

      “Her umbrella, too.” Cole ducked beneath the bar and hooked a finger around the umbrella’s wrist strap.

      “I can put it back here for her.”

      “You know what?” Cole balled the hat in his fist and shoved it into the pocket of his down jacket. “I’m stopping by her cousin’s shop tomorrow, anyway. I’ll return them to her.”

      “It’s on you, then.” Bud swept up the check and cash. “Change?”

      “Keep it.” Cole shoved his money clip into his front pocket. “What do you know about Caroline?”

      Bud winked. “Pretty gal, huh?”

      Bud had just given Cole the angle to play. “Does she have a husband or boyfriend lurking around?”

      “She’s single. Came here to stay with Linda Gunderson, her cousin, but then you know that, since you’re going to Timberline Treasures to return Caroline’s stuff.”

      “You’ve never seen her out here before?”

      “Nope, but I don’t know Linda that well. She rarely comes in to Sutter’s and never sits at the bar, although she’s no stranger to a little vino now and then.” Bud hunched forward. “I heard Caroline was running from some trouble.”

      “Oh yeah?” Cole’s pulse ticked up along with his interest. “What kind of trouble.”

      “Man trouble.” Bud tapped his temple. “Came to town sporting a shiner. The word is she’s running from a bad relationship, so you might want to think twice before heading down that road with her. Jealous boyfriends and husbands just might get you killed.”

      “You got that right.” Cole rapped on the bar. “Thanks for the tip.”

      When he stepped outside, Cole zipped up his jacket against the cold. Was Caroline’s jealous boyfriend Johnny Diamond? And had she taken care of the problem herself?

      * * *

      THE NEXT MORNING after breakfast at his hotel, Cole drove his rental into town. The internet connection had been back up, and he’d done a search of Caroline Johnson—perfect name to reveal nothing and everything. He’d run her name through the DEA database, too, but nothing clicked.

      He pulled his car into one of the two public lots on Main Street. The small town of Timberline had done a good job preparing for the increased population and traffic from Evergreen Software, the company that had revitalized this former mining and lumber town.

      He tucked Caroline’s hat and umbrella under one arm as he made his way to Timberline Treasures. Taking a deep breath, he flung open the door and a little bell jingled his arrival.

      He didn’t know if Caroline would be working today or not. If not, he could always grill Linda Gunderson about her cousin. But he hoped Caroline would be here...because he wanted to see her again.
