Carla Cassidy

Cowboy At Arms

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fought against the ghosts from her past and the fact that she was telling lies. They left a bad taste in her mouth. She didn’t want to lie, but she had to. It was far too early to bare her soul to Dusty. Besides, she’d never hope to have a normal life if she told the truth and chased anyone who might be interested in her away.

      “I know you have a young son. Tell me about him,” Dusty said.

      Instantly the nerves that had danced inside her as she’d talked briefly about how she’d come to be here in Bitterroot calmed. “Cooper is a little over three years old and he’s the absolute love of my life. He adores blueberry pancakes and playing cowboys and old John Wayne movies.”

      Dusty laughed and raised a blond eyebrow. “Really? Old John Wayne movies?”

      She nodded and grinned. “The motel doesn’t get many television channels, but one of them plays old Westerns, and Cooper has already decided he’s going to be the cowboy who arrests all of the bad guys and saves the town just like the Duke.”

      “He sounds pretty special.”

      “Oh, he is...of course I might be slightly prejudiced.”

      “Mothers are supposed to be prejudiced when it comes to their children,” he replied firmly. “What about other family?”

      “None,” she replied. “I’m an only child, and my father passed away when I was in high school and my mother died when I was pregnant with Cooper.” She ignored the pang of guilt...the pain of enormous grief that shot off in her stomach and filled her heart.

      “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said with genuine empathy shining from his gorgeous eyes. “That’s something we have in common. I don’t have any family, either.”

      For the next hour or so the conversation flowed comfortably between them. With each minute that passed she found herself drawn to him more and more.

      Not only did she find him crazy handsome and sexy, but he was also easy to talk to and had a wonderful sense of humor. Thankfully she managed to steer the conversation away from her and focused on him and his work at the Holiday ranch.

      He talked about his fellow cowboys and regaled her with stories about them that brought laughter to her lips again and again. It felt good not just to have something to laugh about but also to see the warmth in his eyes as he gazed at her, to feel the tingling excitement of her incredible attraction to him.

      It was just a little after eleven thirty when he asked her if she wanted to take a whirl out on the dance floor. The jukebox had begun to play a slow song and she suddenly wanted to know what it would feel like to have his big, strong arms around her. It had been so long since she’d been held by anyone.

      “Okay,” she agreed. “Although I have to warn you that it’s been years since I’ve danced with anyone, so I’m sure I’m pretty rusty.”

      “I’ll take rusty anytime,” he said with a charming smile and jumped up from his chair. She also stood and he took her by the hand and led her toward the edge of the dance floor, where other couples clung together and danced to the music.

      With one hand at her waist and the other one holding her hand, he pulled her to within an inch or so of his body and they began to move to the slow beat.

      His shoulder was big and strong beneath her hand and the clean male scent of him coupled with a spicy cologne threatened to dizzy her senses. He led with confidence and moved with an unexpected grace for a cowboy.

      This short night had only confirmed what she had suspected for months...that she was ridiculously drawn to Dusty Crawford. It wasn’t just because she could drown in the depths of his beautiful blue eyes or because the flash of his dimples warmed her deep inside. It wasn’t that he had a sexy taut butt and shoulders that appeared wide enough to carry any burden.

      She was also drawn to the man she sensed he was beneath his handsome outer wrapping. There was a warmth to him, and an aura of a good man with a big heart.

      She was vaguely disappointed when the music finally ended because she knew it was time for her to call an end to the night and head back to the motel. She’d told Juanita that she’d be home by midnight, and no matter how much she was enjoying herself she wouldn’t take advantage of the situation by being late.

      They walked back to the table, but she didn’t return to her chair. She picked up her purse from the floor beneath the table. “I’m sorry, Dusty, but I really need to get going,” she said.

      A flash of disappointment shone from his eyes. It was there only a moment and then gone. “I’m sorry, too, but I understand. Just let me pay for the tab and I’ll follow you home.”

      “Oh, that isn’t necessary,” she protested.

      He waved to Janis. “But it is necessary,” he replied. “A real gentleman always sees a lady home safely.”

      A wealth of unexpected emotion welled up inside her. It had been a very long time since any man had wanted to see her safely anywhere.

      He paid for their drinks and then the two of them left the bar and stepped out into the warmth of the night. “I’ll be right behind you,” he said when they reached her car. “We can say our final good-nights at your door.”

      Minutes later she glanced in her rearview mirror and was oddly comforted by the lights of his bright red pickup truck just behind her.

      The night had been far too short. Would he ask her out again? Did he even want to spend more time with her? She was surprised by how much she wanted him to.

      Would he kiss her? A fluttering shot off in the pit of her stomach. Goodness, she felt like a silly schoolgirl with her very first crush.

      She parked her car in front of her motel unit and Dusty pulled his truck up just behind her car. Before she had shut off her engine he was at her door.

      She turned off her car and unfastened her seat belt as he opened the door for her. He stepped aside to allow her to get out.

      “Trisha, I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight.” The neon lights from the motel sign flickered red and yellow on his strong, handsome features.

      “I enjoyed it, too,” she replied. Her heart beat a little faster as he took a step closer to her.

      “I’d like to spend more time with you. Does your son like to fish?”

      She looked at him in surprise. “He’s never been fishing before, but I’m sure he’d love it.”

      “Then what if we plan a day of the two of you coming out to the ranch? We can do a little fishing in the pond and maybe have a picnic?”

      Her head told her it was far too soon to introduce Cooper to Dusty, and yet as she thought of her son enjoying a day outside and learning how to fish, she couldn’t resist the invitation. Besides, it wasn’t as if she’d just met Dusty. She tamped down any reservations she might have. “That sounds like fun.”

      He took another step toward her. “When is your next day off?”

      “Tomorrow.” Once again the fluttering was back in her stomach.

      “Then can we plan it for around three tomorrow afternoon? I can pick the two of you up here and I’ll arrange it all so you don’t have to do a thing.”

      “That would be wonderful,” she replied.

      His eyes glittered with pleasure. “Then it’s a date. And now, the most important question of the evening. Can I kiss you good-night?”

      She was surprised that he’d asked her and even more surprised by just how badly she wanted him to kiss her. “Yes, I’d like that.”

      She barely got the words out of her mouth before he took her into his arms. Unlike when they had danced, this time there was no space between them. She was acutely conscious of his firm, muscled body against hers as he lowered his head to capture her lips with his.
