Julie Benson

Home on the Ranch: Colorado

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and placed her hand on his forearm. Muscles rippled under her palm, sending corresponding waves ricocheting through her. “Remain open-minded.”

      A second later he broke the contact. As she and Rory walked toward the conference room, she couldn’t help but think she was heading into a business meeting that would end in a pissing match. As the only non-testosterone-filled party present, she’d be utterly doomed.

      When they entered the conference room, she introduced the two men and they shook hands.

      “I don’t believe in running around the mountain,” Rory said as he sank into a leather chair across from Devlin at the conference table. “I climb straight to the top. I heard you had concerns about the campaign.”

      Elizabeth cringed as she sat beside Devlin and booted up her Netbook. Hadn’t the cowboy ever heard of small talk and tact? She turned to Devlin. “Rory and I met last night.” She tossed him an I-talked-with-him-like-you-told-me-to look. “I shared some of your concerns regarding the campaign.”

      “My first concern has been addressed,” Devlin said. “I wanted to make sure your voice will work in commercials and in public appearances.”

      “I’m glad we have that settled.” Elizabeth retrieved the file containing her notes. “Rory and I discussed him doing spots on morning shows.” She glanced at her file to refresh her fuzzy, sleep-deprived brain, then swiveled her chair toward Devlin. “Rory’s had experience with the local media. Morning shows won’t be his first interview situation. Also, his work with tourists from all over the world has taught him to deal with unusual situations and to think on his feet.”

      She smiled. Could she spin a situation or what?

      “National morning shows are very different from being interviewed by local reporters,” Devlin said.

      Rory leaned forward in his chair and braced his elbows on the table. “People are people. I figure if I treat these high-priced morning show hosts with respect, I ought to do fine.”

      Respect? Sirens blared in Elizabeth’s head, sensing where Rory’s thoughts had turned. Her mind scrambled to determine a way to derail him before he blasted Devlin. Say anything. Just get the words out before Rory does. “That attitude will definitely come across on TV, and people will relate to Rory for that. Don’t you agree, Micah?”

      “I have a lot riding on this campaign,” Devlin said to Rory.

      “As long as I represent your company, in public no one will see me in jeans other than yours.”

      “As it should be.”

      Rory nodded. “I’ll talk up the product. I can tour the rodeo circuit. I know a few boys that might be able to get us some publicity in that market. What you see here is what you get. I pride myself on honesty.”

      Elizabeth opened her mouth to say something, but snapped it shut instead, deciding to sit back and watch the show. Rory had said he was an experienced horse trader. He hadn’t been joking. The cowboy was holding his own with Devlin. No small accomplishment, considering Devlin held an MBA.

      “I expect the same from you,” Rory added. “Which brings me to the issue of money. We had a verbal agreement regarding my payment, and now you’re going back on your word.”

      “This is business, and until there’s a signed contract, everything is negotiable.” Devlin straightened in his chair. “With your experience, thirty thousand for a campaign is a bit high.”

      “I’m worth every penny.” Rory leaned forward.

      The man’s confidence astounded her, and was in fact a thing of beauty to watch.

      “There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance.” Devlin’s hands tightened around the upholstered chair arms as he glared at him.

      “I have a proposition for you,” Rory said, clearly unfazed by Devlin’s harsh look. “I did some checking on the internet last night. From what I gathered, a spokesman is usually paid every time pictures are taken or a commercial is shot. Then he gets paid again when ads run in magazines, newspapers or on TV. He also gets paid more for interviews.”

      Devlin nodded.

      Elizabeth sat back, somewhat shocked. Sure, people could discover just about anything on the web, but that didn’t mean they understood what they read. Rory actually sounded as if he knew what he was talking about.

      “From what I read, the spokesman makes more money that way than with a flat fee, but I read about something called a buyout. I’ll sign a contract today for thirty grand.”

      Thin lines formed around Devlin’s mouth. “I have no guarantee you can pull off interviews or a TV commercial. I’m taking all the risk here.”

      “Then I’ll have my agent call you.”

      Rory’s little gem of news hit Elizabeth right between the eyes. Anger clogged her throat. Agent? How dare he not mention he’d signed with someone?

      Wait a minute. Rory couldn’t have gotten an agent in the last two days. She relaxed. He was bluffing, and doing a damned good job of it.

      Devlin’s angry eyes pinned Elizabeth like a butterfly in a child’s science project. “You said he was representing himself.”

      “That’s what I was told.”

      “If money’s going to be an issue, we can stop things right here. I’ll get an agent, and you can deal with him.” Rory crossed his arms over his broad chest. His determined gaze drilled into Devlin. “Who would you rather negotiate with? I’m guessing it’s me, but the choice is up to you.”

      Elizabeth held her breath and waited. She’d just witnessed horse trading at its finest.

      “I’m willing to go as high as twenty-five, but I want the payments made in thirds over the course of the contract.”

      “I want half up front forty-eight hours after I sign the contract.”

      “Deal, but I want everything we’ve agreed to today put into the contract.” Devlin held out his hand, and he and Rory shook on it.

      Miracles did happen. Elizabeth closed her eyes to hide her relief. When she opened them, she reached for her Netbook. “I’ll write up the contract terms as negotiated, and let you both review it. Then you can send it to your legal department, Micah.”

      Both men nodded.

      “I’ll have the agency’s contract to you later today,” Devlin told Elizabeth. He turned to Rory. “If you give me your email address, I’ll send you our contract with you. I’d like to have it signed by early next week so we can proceed with the campaign.”

      “I’ll sign it as soon as I have a lawyer look over it.”

      Ten minutes later, a slightly shell-shocked Elizabeth escorted both men to the reception area. Once Devlin left, she faced Rory. “You should have told me what you intended to do.”

      “If I had, would you have trusted me?”


      “That’s why I didn’t tell you.”

      “While your show was entertaining, and you came up with a good solution that benefited everyone, don’t ever pull something like that again.”

      * * *

      A WEEK LATER Rory thought he’d lost his mind. All he did was stand around and let people take pictures of him all day, and sit around the hotel watching any sports event he could find on TV all night.

      He’d talked to Griff a few times. The first time, he’d called to get an update and make sure Devlin’s check cleared. So far, his little brother was doing a fine job managing the ranch in his absence. Not being missed there had been a tough pill to get down.

      Restless and needing to see the sky above his head, Rory decided to take a walk. He missed being outside,