Susan Carlisle

Firefighter's Unexpected Fling / Pregnant With The Paramedic's Baby

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out loud. “That’s very admirable. Was it a bad fire?”

      “The worst. My grandfather’s house was a total loss.” His voice had grown rougher with each word.

      She could tell that it had been a life-changing event for him in more than one way. “Oh, Ross. I’m sorry. I hope he was all right.”

      “He was. He rebuilt. You’re sitting in his house now. He left it to me when he died a few years ago. I’ve made some updates.”

      Sally looked around. “I like your house. I want something like it one day.”

      “I’m happy there.” There was a pause, then he said, “Tell me something, are you going to sleep in my bed tonight?”

      Heat flowed hot and fast throughout her body. Her mouth went dry. Ross coming on to her. She liked it.

      The buzz of the fire station alarm going off, then the dispatcher speaking, was all she could hear for the next few seconds.

      “Gotta go,” Ross said. “See you tomorrow.” More softly, as if a caress, he finished with, “Take care, Sweet Sally.”

      “Bye,” she said into an empty line. Sweet Sally? She liked the sound of that coming from Ross.

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      Ross neared the end of the drive to his home with keen anticipation. He was coming home to someone. Was his life really that isolated? Not until this moment did he realize how much he liked the idea of having someone waiting on him at home. He’d looked forward to seeing Sally and the kids. Hearing how their time together had gone.

      He grinned. Maybe now he’d get an answer about where she’d spent the night. It still shocked him that he’d dared to ask. Had called her Sweet Sally. After all, she was doing him a favor and he’d hit on her. He hoped things wouldn’t be strained between them now. He should have kept that question to himself. In a twisted way he was relieved to have been out on a run most of the night. At least he hadn’t had time to think about her in his bed—without him.

      He’d put taking a real interest in a woman on the back burner for so long his reaction to Sally was unsettling. Did he dare take a chance on her? Gambling on how a woman would respond to his scars, he’d kept most of them at arm’s length. He’d let Alice in but that hadn’t ended well either.

      Maybe it was time for him to think about more than his job. Still, the idea of living through major rejection again struck him with fear. Was it Sally in particular or just that it was time for him to try again that had him thinking this way?

      He parked his truck next to Sally’s car, then grabbed his duffel bag.

      The kids were playing right where they had been when he’d left the day before. They called hello as he climbed the steps. A fireman’s schedule with the staggered hours had always seemed like a difficult schedule for a family to live around but there was something nice about the idea of having children. What had caused that idea to pop into his head? He’d been satisfied with Jared and Olivia’s visits and hadn’t thought of having his own children in a long time.

      These days he was having all sorts of odd thoughts.

      As he entered the house, he was tempted to call, “Honey, I’m home,” but he didn’t think Sally would appreciate his humor. An amazing aroma filled the air. There was food cooking in the oven. Sally’s back was to him as she chopped something.

      Her hair was pulled up in a messy arrangement, yet it suited her. She wore a flowy top of some kind and jeans. There were sandals on her feet. There was nothing special about her clothes, yet the combination made her appearance fresh, simple and disturbingly sexy.

      Music played softly from the radio. She swayed and hummed along. It was strangely erotic. His blood heated. He wanted to walk up behind her and pull her back against him. Leave her in no doubt of his need for her. How would she react to him kissing her neck?

      Not a good idea. At all. Tamping down his desire, Ross cleared his throat. “Hey.”

      She turned and smiled. “Hey. I didn’t hear you come in.”

      He walked toward her, sniffing. “I’m not surprised. What’s that wonderful smell?”

      “My father’s favorite meat pie. I thought since we’ve had sandwiches, pizza and cereal that we should have a real meal. We voted to wait on you.”

      He could get used to this. “Are you saying what I left wasn’t nutritious enough?”

      She shrugged. “I’m not complaining. I like to cook and it’s nice to do it for more than just myself.”

      “You’re welcome to cook for me anytime.” He met her look and held it.

      Her gaze turned unsure as she said, “Will you call the kids in and tell them to wash their hands while I get this on the table.”

      “Sure thing. Let me put my bag up first.” Yes, he liked coming home to Sally, the kids and a meal. He sure did.

      Picking up his bag, Ross went to his bedroom. Sally hadn’t slept there. Nothing had been moved and he had no doubt that her scent would have lingered. For some reason these days his body picked up on every detail of hers despite his best effort not to notice. The idea she had slept on the sofa bothered him. She should have been comfortable at his house.

      Stepping to the bath, he saw that she hadn’t been in there either. He didn’t know much Shakespeare, but he did think maybe the woman did “protest too much.” He grinned. Maybe she was more affected by him than she wanted to admit.

      He went outside to call the kids. After a good deal of noise and shuffling around, including adding a chair to the table, he and the kids were seated. Sally placed a bowl of salad on the table and joined them.

      He looked at Sally. Her face was rosy from being in a warm kitchen. Tendrils of her hair had come free and fallen across her cheek. She pushed at them with the back of her hand. She was lovely. “It looks wonderful, Sweet Sally.”

      Olivia giggled. “It’s just Sally.”

      He waved his hand over the table. “Don’t you think she’s sweet? She did all this for us. I sure do.”

      The kids chorused their agreement.

      Sally giggled and her color heightened. “Thank you.”

      This was a real family moment. The type of thing he’d not given a thought to having in a long time. He liked it. Found himself wanting it more often.

      The kids spent the rest of the meal talking about all they had done while he was gone. Sally remained quiet, listening and smiling. Not once did she make eye contact with him, despite the fact he was sitting across from her. Was she afraid of what she might see or what he might find in her eyes? He’d have to give that more thought.

      After their meal was over, she said, “Kids, please carry your plates to the sink, then you may go back out and play. Lucy, we’ll need to be leaving soon.”

      They did as she asked without an argument, which Ross couldn’t believe. When they were gone, he turned to her. “How do you do that?”

      She stood and picked up her plate. “Do what?”

      He gave her an incredulous look and pointed with his thumb over his shoulder. “Get them to do something without back-talking?”

      She shrugged and carried the plate to the sink. “I’m a woman of many talents.”

      “I don’t doubt that.” Some of those he’d like to explore.

      Sally began filling the dishwasher. Ross brought the rest of the dishes off the table to her. They finished straightening the place together.

      “We make a pretty good team in the kitchen.” Ross returned the dishrag after wiping the table off, trying to keep his mind off the other things they might