Susan Carlisle

Firefighter's Unexpected Fling / Pregnant With The Paramedic's Baby

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      She grinned. “So you say.”

      They returned to eating their meals.

      As they finished, Olivia asked, “Uncle Ross, can I go have my face painted now?”

      Jared turned to him. “And I want to ride the pony.”

      “We can’t do both at the same time. Who’s going first?”

      Both their hands went up.

      Sally covered her smile with a hand.

      Ross looked at her and shook his head sadly. “I can handle a company of men at a fire with no problem but give me two kids.”

      Her look met his. “I think you’re doing great.”

      She did? For some reason he rather liked that idea.

      Sally pushed her plate to the center of the table. “Maybe I can help. I can take Olivia to have her face painted while you take Jared to ride the pony. We can meet somewhere afterward.”

      Ross looked at the children. “That sounds like a plan, doesn’t it, kids?”

      They both nodded.

      He looked around. “Okay, we’ll meet over there by the flagpole.”

      Sally stood. “Then we’ll see you in a little while. Olivia, bring your trash and we’ll put it in the garbage on the way.”

      To his surprise Olivia made no argument about cleaning up. Instead she did as Sally asked. As they headed toward the face-painting booth, Olivia slipped her hand into Sally’s. She swung it between them.

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      Sally strolled with Olivia across the grassy area toward the activities. Ross’s niece and nephew were nice kids. They seemed to adore him and he them. Her ex-husband, Wade, had never really cared for children. He’d always said he wanted his own but he’d never liked others’, thought they were always dirty. More than once he’d worried they would get his clothes nasty when they were around. Thinking back, she didn’t understand what she’d seen in him. How she’d even thought herself in love.

      Wade had been the local wonder boy. Everyone had loved him, thought he was great. She had too, which was why she’d given up almost everything she loved to make him happy. They hadn’t been married long when she’d learned he was having an affair. She’d tried to work it out but Wade wasn’t going to change his ways. How had she been so oblivious? What she had thought was real and special had all been a lie. Finally, she’d filed for divorce.

      Her judgment where men were concerned was off. All her trust was gone. Never would she be taken in like that again. She mentally shook her head. She wasn’t going to ruin a nice day thinking about her ex-husband.

      Half an hour later, she and Olivia were on their way to the flagpole. Olivia had a large fuchsia star on one cheek and smaller ones trailing away from it up across her forehead, along with a smile on her lips. Sally couldn’t help but smile as well at how proud the girl was.

      As they approached the pole, Ross and Jared walked up. The grin on Ross’s face when he saw Olivia made Sally’s grow. He had such a nice smile. Wide, carefree and inviting. She’d really been missing out on something special by never having seen it before. Most of their interactions had been working ones where there had been no time for smiles.

      Ross went down on one knee in front of Olivia. “I love your stars.”

      Sally watched the similar-colored heads so close together. Ross would make a good father someday. “How was your pony ride, Jared?”

      “It was fun, but not as much fun as riding Uncle Ross’s horses.”

      “Can we go play in the jumping games?” Olivia pointed toward the inflatable games set up across the field.

      “Yeah, Uncle Ross, can we?” Jared joined in.

      Sally looked back at the crowd in line for food. Were Kody and Lucy here yet? She didn’t want Ross to think he had to entertain her as well.

      “Sure we can.” Ross started that way with Jared and Olivia on either side of him. He glanced over his shoulder. “Sally, you coming?”

      “Sure.” She hurried after them. If he didn’t mind, it would be nicer than just standing around waiting on Kody and his daughter to show up.

      As Jared and Olivia played in the inflatable game with the net sides, she and Ross stood outside watching them dive and roll through the small multicolored balls.

      After a few minutes of uncertain silence, she said, “Jared and Olivia are really sweet.”

      “Yeah, I think they’re pretty great. Their mom and dad are raising them right.”

      “Is your sister older or younger than you?” She was more curious than she should be about Ross.

      “I’m older, but sometimes she treats me like I’m the younger one. She worries about me being a fireman, or not being married. I know she cares but it does get old.”

      “I know the feeling. Kody likes to worry over me. My father encourages it as well. I don’t know what I’d do without Kody though. He’s the one who encouraged me to move out here. Best thing I’ve ever done.”

      Kody had told her that she needed to get away from the memories. More than once he had talked about how much he and Lucy liked living here. He’d even tried to get their parents to move out west as well.

      “That’s right, y’all aren’t from around here. You moved out here from North Carolina, isn’t that right?”

      “Yeah, after my divorce Kody told me there was plenty of work for a paramedic out here. So I decided to come.”

      “Kody said something about you having been in a bad marriage. I’m sorry.”

      Sally was too. She didn’t take marriage lightly.

      “Hey, Aunt Sally.”

      She turned to see Lucy running toward her with Kody not far behind. Lucy reached her and wrapped her arms around her for a hug. Sally loved her niece. On Sally’s days off she often helped Kody with Lucy. Occasionally he needed Lucy to stay over at Sally’s while he worked his shift. Sally didn’t mind. She enjoyed spending time with her niece. “Hey there. I was starting to wonder where you were.”

      Kody joined them. “Sorry, the birthday party Lucy was at went longer than I expected.” He reached out a hand and spoke to Ross. “Hey, man.”

      Ross gave Kody’s hand a hardy shake. “Glad you made it. Have you tried the ribs yet? They’re great.”

      “Yeah, we just ate, then saw y’all down here. Thanks for taking care of my sister.”

      Heat went through Sally. She didn’t need taking care of. She gave her brother a quelling look. “Kody!”

      He acted as if she hadn’t said anything as Ross said, “We saw each other and I invited her to eat with us. No big deal.” Ross made it sound as if he was trying to explain keeping her out too late to her father.

      “Daddy, can I jump?” Lucy pulled on Kody’s hand.

      “Sure, honey.”

      Lucy kicked off her shoes and entered the box. Soon she was busy having fun with Jared and Olivia and the other children.

      A few minutes later the man monitoring the game told the children inside that it was time to give others a chance. The kids climbed out, put their shoes on and joined them.

      Sally put her hand on Lucy’s shoulder. “Lucy, I’d like for you to meet Jared and Olivia. Jared and Olivia, this is Lucy. She’s my niece.”

      “Like Uncle Ross is our uncle,” Olivia chirped.

      Sally smiled