Claire Baxter

The Single Dad's Patchwork Family

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Cory’s dark hair. ‘We’re going to a place called Leo Bay. You’ll like it.’

      ‘What’s there?’ Will asked.

      ‘Um, not much.’

      ‘So why will we like it?’

      ‘Because…’ She paused. Why was she so sure they would like it? ‘Because we’re going to have a good time. Once I’ve done what I have to do, we’ll go to the beach.’

      Will squinted at her for a moment. ‘Can we go bodyboarding?’


      ‘Cool,’ he said as he slid off the chair. ‘Come on, Cory. Let’s get the boards.’

      As she ushered them both to their bedroom to change into clothes more appropriate to the beach, she spotted her mother packing a suitcase.

      Regan stepped into the doorway of her mother’s room. ‘Nearly ready to leave?’

      Her mother sighed. ‘Yes. I’ll be gone for a bit longer this time. I’m going to try to talk him into seeing a doctor as well.’

      Regan nodded. ‘Poor Pop. He thinks that seeing a doctor is the beginning of the end.’

      ‘I know, but we have to find out what’s going on. There might be a simple treatment that will prevent him getting worse.’

      Her mother tucked a nightdress into the edge of the suitcase and flipped the lid closed. While she fiddled with the zip, Regan rubbed her forehead. She had to remember to take some headache tablets before leaving.

      ‘Give him my love, won’t you? And take care of yourself, too.’

      Her mother nodded.

      Regan went to pack a bag of her own, stuffing it with towels, sunscreen and extra clothes for Will and Cory. She would miss her mum while she was away, but Regan knew that their relationship was not a close one and never had been. She knew her mother loved her, and she adored the boys, but Regan had always been aware, growing up, that her parents were busy making the business a success. She appreciated all their hard work now, but it left her feeling a little sad at times, as if she’d missed out on something special.

      Still, she was grateful for what they did have and she knew that many people had a lot less. Her mind drifted to little Phoebe, whose mother had died to give her life…

      She changed into a loose dress and, after loading the boys into her car along with all the things they wanted to take, she drove to the office.

      Sue, Regan’s secretary, smiled at Will and Cory as she took a pile of paperwork from Regan.

      ‘I’ll be in the office next week, Sue. And I’ll call you before then to make sure there are no problems.’

      ‘Sure. So where are you all off to?’ she asked. ‘Looks like you’re dressed for the beach.’

      Cory nodded. ‘Where did you say it was, Mum?’

      ‘We’re going to Leo Bay,’ Regan mumbled. ‘Have a good weekend, Sue.’

      ‘You, too.’

      Regan was fond of Sue but she didn’t want to tell her about Chase. Sue had stuck by Regan and the business through the difficult time after Jack had left. She’d earned the right to be a little nosy and was more a friend than an employee, but Regan knew that if she even hinted that there was a new man in her life, the news that she was dating would spread through the business faster than fire through the bush.

      After leaving the office, Regan went to the shops to find a plain sponge cake, bought candles, icing sugar and food colouring and then they were ready to leave.

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