Penny Jordan

Perfect Marriage Material

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upstairs of the river. It has a huge garden. It’s one of a pair of semis, the other half of which is owned by a couple of elderly widowed sisters who apparently travel a lot to Australia to visit relatives. The lane leading to it doesn’t go anywhere other than to a farmhouse that you can’t even see from my cottage.’

      ‘A farmhouse...’ Olivia was looking intrigued and slightly excited. ‘Where exactly is this cottage, Tullah? It sounds—’

      ‘It sounds horrendous, I know,’ Tullah finished for her, ‘and certainly not the sort of thing a sane, sensible, professional woman of my age should even think about buying. Even if it were a bargain, which it most certainly isn’t, it could be months before it’s even properly habitable.’

      ‘Well, you could always stay here,’ Olivia offered generously, and when Tullah shook her head, she asked, ‘So what did you do? Tell the agent it just wasn’t feasible?’

      ‘No,’ Tullah admitted with a shamefaced grin. ‘I made an offer....’

      Both of them were still laughing when Caspar walked into the kitchen and, of course, just like a man, could not really comprehend the reason for their combined mirth even when Olivia had explained the situation to him.

      ‘Saul rang while you were out,’ he told Olivia. ‘He’s going to be a little later than planned getting here for dinner this evening, something about problems with the babysitter, but he said he’ll definitely be here for eight-thirty.’

      ‘That’s fine. I’ve invited Saul and Jon and Jenny round for dinner tonight,’ she explained to Tullah. ‘Which reminds me, your cottage—’ She broke off as the young retriever dog lying in its basket in front of the Aga gave a small protesting yelp as Amelia pulled its tail, gently chiding her daughter as she went to rescue the dog. ‘No, Amelia, you’re hurting Flossy. You have to be gentle with her.’

      A couple of hours later as she stood in front of the pretty Victorian cheval-glass in Olivia’s best guest bedroom studying her appearance, Tullah reflected that she would much rather simply have spent the evening relaxing with Olivia and Caspar instead of having to sit down and make polite dinner-party conversation. She had met both Jon and Jenny, together with Saul before and whilst she had liked the older couple, so far as Saul was concerned...

      The dress she had chosen to wear had been a sale bargain she had been coaxed into getting by her mother and sister up from Hampshire for a shopping weekend, and as she had protested at the time, she didn’t think it was really her.

      Lucinda, her sister, had shaken her head in her elder sisterly way and told her to stop being silly. ‘Of course it’s you. That vanilla shade is perfect with your skin colouring and hair and the dress itself couldn’t be simpler or easier to wear. If I wasn’t so huge at the moment I’d be tempted to buy it myself.’

      ‘Well, you aren’t going to be pregnant for ever,’ Tullah had countered, but Lucinda had shaken her head and groaned.

      ‘Believe me, at this stage another three months feels like for ever, and besides, I doubt I’m ever going to be slim enough to wear anything like that again—or to have the occasion to wear it.’

      The vanilla colour of the Ghost dress did suit her, Tullah was forced to admit, but she was still aware that the narrow, slender, slightly clinging effect of the silky fabric with its bias cut was not something she would ever have chosen for herself.

      The dress’s round neckline was discreet enough, but the way the fabric moved, the way it clung sensuously to her curves... Fortunately she had spotted a separate jacket in the same fabric, which she had also brought with her. As she slipped it on, she acknowledged that she was going to be rather hot wearing it.

      Downstairs the doorbell rang.

      Pulling the jacket around her, Tullah hurried to the door and went downstairs, expecting to see Jon and Jenny standing in the hallway with Olivia. She came to an abrupt halt halfway down the stairs when she realised that the first arrival was not Olivia’s aunt and uncle but her cousin!

      ‘Tullah.’ Olivia’s eyes widened slightly and appreciatively as she saw her friend.

      ‘No matchmaking,’ Caspar had told her firmly, but really... it was such a waste....

      ‘You remember Saul, don’t you?’ She continued smiling from Tullah to Saul, who was standing next to her.

      ‘Yes,’ Tullah agreed coolly, pretending not to see the hand Saul had extended towards her and making sure that she stood on the opposite side of Olivia from him and just out of eyeshot.

      ‘Yes...well, Caspar’s in the dining room, Saul, if you’d like a drink. You obviously managed to sort out your babysitting problem,’ Olivia said, smiling.

      ‘Luckily yes,’ he agreed. ‘Since the custody case, I’m having to be a bit more careful about whom I leave them with...’

      As she listened to him, Tullah was glad that neither he nor Olivia was looking at her because she knew her expression must be betraying her feelings. What kind of father exactly was Saul if it took the full weight of the legal system to compel him to ensure that his young children were left provided with a proper babysitter? One read of appalling cases where small children were left with inappropriate sitters or, in some reprehensible cases, no sitter at all, often with shocking consequences. It certainly couldn’t be any kind of financial hardship that prevented Saul from paying someone qualified to look after his children.

      Personally she found it quite wrong that he should choose to go out during one of his children’s custody visits instead of spending time with them and she was rather surprised that Olivia had encouraged him to do so.

      ‘I’ll come and give you a hand in the kitchen,’ she offered, shaking her head when Olivia suggested she might like to join the men for a drink whilst they waited for Jon and Jenny to arrive. The last thing she wanted was to have to spend any more time than necessary in conversation with Saul Crighton.

      ‘Olivia was telling me that you’ll soon be joining us at Aarlston-Becker,’ Saul commented to Tullah, shaking his head as Caspar offered to refill his wineglass. ‘Better not,’ he told the other man. ‘I’m driving.’

      Well at least he had some sense of responsibility, Tullah reflected, although she didn’t think much of a man who quite obviously considered his driving licence to be more important than his children.

      ‘Yes, that’s right,’ she agreed, answering his question and then turning to Jon, who was seated on the other side of her, to ask him if the arrival of the huge multinational locally had had much effect on their own business.

      ‘Well, it’s certainly bumped up our conveyancing work,’ Jon replied, smiling, ‘although, as you know, all of Aarlston’s internal and corporate legal work is handled by its own legal department. Olivia was saying that you specialised in European law.’

      ‘Yes, that’s right,’ Tullah agreed again between spoonfuls of Olivia’s delicious home-made vichyssoise. She enjoyed cooking herself, not that it was something she got much time for.

      ‘Tullah spent a year working in The Hague,’ Olivia informed her uncle, smiling at her friend. ‘Something else you and Saul have in common,’ she added to Tullah. ‘Saul worked there for a while. That was how he met Hillary.’

      ‘Your wife?’ Tullah commented coolly to Saul.

      ‘My ex-wife,’ he corrected her evenly, but he was looking at her, Tullah noticed, in a way that said he was aware of her hostility towards him.

      Aware of it, she suspected, but not particularly concerned by it. But then, why should he be? By any normal standards, Saul would be considered a very attractive and personable man, and it was plain from the way they talked to him that both Olivia and Jenny had something of a soft spot for him. He was certainly not the type of man who would ever lack female company or appreciation, but he would certainly never have hers, and Tullah could only admire the friendly and warm way that Caspar treated him in view of the fact that Saul had deliberately tried