Christine Flynn

The City Girl and the Country Doctor

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      She ran her fingers alongside the scratch he’d tended, then promptly dropped her hand. Considering that she was only six months from a major breakup and seventy-two hours out on a minor one, she had no business thinking about him at all. Or anyone else, for that matter. The only man she should spare any mental energy on was the one she’d come to Rosewood to find. Given that her access to personal information about her father had been cut off, thanks to Jack, she needed to focus on some other way to meet the man who was proving to be as elusive as the emotional security she feared she’d never know.

      If there was anything Rebecca could do it was focus. Once she set her mind to a task, nothing short of the Second Coming could stop her.

      Or so she’d thought until a little after nine o’clock that night.

      Chapter Two

      Rebecca sat in the middle of the blue toile print sofa in the family room of her leased house. Across from her, the television in the carved country French armoire was off. So was the overhead light. The only illumination came from the brass candlestick lamp on the end table beside her and the glow of the laptop computer screen on the long maple cocktail table.

      On the wall behind her hung a huge replica of a European railroad station clock and, as in the entryway, several framed photos of the Turner family she’d left up to keep her company. The quiet tick of that clock merged with the soft purr of the bandaged cat she had nestled beside her on one of the sofa’s blue-and-cream-checked throw pillows.

      Columbus had now stirred a time or two, but he’d yet to waken for long. Whatever the vet had given him still hadn’t completely worn off. Or, maybe, he was just exhausted from his ordeal. Whichever it was, as docile and dependent as he was on her at the moment, she actually found him rather sweet.

      Absently stroking his soft fur so he would know he wasn’t alone, she told herself she should turn off the computer. Or, at least, sign off the Internet. As rejected as she felt, and the more she considered what little she’d learned from Jack about his stepfather, she no longer felt as certain about wanting to meet the man as she once had.

      That unexpected realization left its own kind of emptiness.

      She had wanted to know her father since she’d first noticed in kindergarten that, unlike her, most of the kids had a mom and a dad. She’d been fascinated by the sight of a couple walking down the street with a child, or a dad skating with his son or daughter at the rink at Rockefeller Center, or a man holding the hand of a child. Those kids always looked so happy to her, so protected, so…complete.

      She’d wanted a dad of her own. She’d told her mom that, too, but her mom had said she didn’t need one. Her mom had also refused to talk about the man who’d fathered her, so after a couple of tries, Rebecca stopped asking who he was.

      She hadn’t stopped daydreaming about him, though. Or about being part of his family. In her mind, that family was huge and happy and everyone welcomed her with open arms. Other than through the state’s birth records, which she’d checked, futilely, years ago, she’d had no hint of where to start looking for him—until just before her ten-year high school reunion last May.

      She’d been in the recesses of her mom’s storage closet looking for her yearbooks so she’d be sure to recognize everyone when she’d come across an old diary of her mother’s. It hadn’t been the sort with a lock and, at first, she’d absently flipped through it, thinking to show it to her mom and ask if she even remembered having it.

      Then, the dates had caught her attention. So had the names and initials entwined in hearts on some of the pages.

      Quickly calculating back, she realized that her mom would have been nineteen and in college when she’d poured her heart onto the neatly written pages. She also realized that she’d been madly in love with a business major named Russell Lever—and that the entries had been made around the time she would have been conceived.

      She’d put the diary back and never mentioned having found it. The next day, though, she’d been online to adoption sites checking to see if anyone named Russell Lever was looking for his daughter.

      She’d found nothing, but the need to track him down had led her to hire an attorney who had located a Russell Lever in the appropriate age range and tracked him to Rosewood. All the attorney had been able to tell her at that point was that the man was married and that he had a stepson named Jack.

      It was right about then that her apartment had been broken into. Since she couldn’t afford to have the attorney gather more information for her and because she wanted out of the city anyway, she’d contacted a real estate agent in Rosewood to find her an apartment.

      The agent had come back with several apartments, and the house on Danbury Way. The woman had admitted that the only reason she even mentioned the large house to her was because the lease was a spectacular deal—even less than what Rebecca had been willing to spend on far less space. The problem was that the lease came with cats, which was proving a challenge for the owners since they couldn’t find a lessee willing to pet sit.

      Rebecca would have turned it down flat herself, had the agent not mentioned that her sister-in-law lived on the street and that there was a very attractive widower just a few doors down. A local attorney, she told her. Jack Lever.

      The Fates were clearly watching out for her. Despite the cats, learning that a man who might well be Russell’s stepson lived on that very street removed any possibility of not leasing the house.

      She’d had no intention, however, of waiting around for the Fates to dump either man in her lap. She’d been in Rosewood less than twenty-four hours when, armed with her map, she’d set out to drive by the address her attorney had given her for Russell Lever—only to discover that the address was inside a gated residential community.

      She’d returned to her leased house to look him up herself. There had been no residential listing but she’d found Russell Lever Consulting Services in the yellow pages. The address was the one she already had.

      Though she’d had no idea what sort of consulting he did, she decided that his office must be in his home. A quick check on the Internet proved him to be “an international management consultant specializing in maximizing profit potential in the purchase and liquidation of businesses and their assets.”

      In other words, she’d thought, he helped companies buy up the competition and strip them bare.

      She hadn’t been sure how she’d felt when she’d realized that. But she wouldn’t let herself judge the man she thought was her father. It had taken her nearly a week after that, though, to work up the courage to call his phone number.

      She’d been informed by a recording that Mr. Lever would return her call if she would leave her name, number and the purpose of her call.

      She’d been nowhere near ready to do any such thing. She wanted to see him first, just catch a glimpse of him if that was all she could manage. Uncertainty and nerves had become totally tangled up in the need for their first meeting to be perfect and she wanted whatever advantage she could get to make it that way. But advantages of any sort had been hard to come by.

      Since she couldn’t get into the exclusive, gated development to catch a glimpse of him outside what had to be a gorgeous home, judging from those visible from the street, she’d decided to see if she could find out what kind of car he drove so she could spot him driving through those gates.

      It took her a week and another fee to the attorney to come up with the make of his cars and their license numbers.

      It took another week of sitting outside the gate for an hour or so at different times of the day to see one of the two Mercedes sedans he apparently owned drive past the guard and head toward town.

      She didn’t follow.

      The driver was a nicely coifed middle-aged blonde who might well have been Russell’s secretary. Or his wife.

      It took another week for one of the guards to call the police on her because he finally noticed