Cheryl Wyatt

The Nurse's Secret Suitor

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hug. Stalwart. That’s what he was. Plus a stranger. Which meant she could spill her guts without leaving behind an emotional mess she’d have to clean up, explain away or deny to death later. And something about the night...the moon...the masks...made her embrace being honest, being vulnerable. What could she possibly have to worry about when being in his arms felt so safe?

      He responded by drawing even closer. Care ebbed off him in waves, dangerously appealing combined with his handsomeness. It didn’t even occur to Kate to protest as he dipped his head and covered her mouth with his in a mesmerizing dance.

      He exuded strength, mystery, masculinity and hints of delectable spearmint. His breath, his kiss were so soft. So delicious. Everything else fogged. Stress from her parents’ devastating news melted. Her world contracted to the cove of his arms, the core of gentleness driving his kiss and the calming rhythm of his breathing.

      He broke contact to press his mouth to her ear and whisper, “Hang in, sweetness. Darkness never defeats the dawn.” His voice held a gravelly quality, as if he’d disguised its coffee-rich depth. She tilted her chin up.

      Uncertainty flickered in his eyes before his lips found hers again. This kiss felt final. Declarative, like a seal over a covenant. Dizzy and disoriented, Kate swayed. Strong arms braced her up as he pulled her in for a hug that felt more like pure comfort.

      Then he bolted.

      “Kate?” The voice of her best friend Bri Landis drifted from a doorway. No wonder the bandit had fled. The crasher had sensed company before Kate had, and hadn’t wanted to get caught.

      After the sensation of being stun-gunned subsided, Kate faced his retreating back. “Wait! Who are you?”

      But her bandit had already scaled the eight-foot-tall wood fence, cape flying behind him like a flag, and she lost sight of him.

      “Marvelous Masked Intruder, come back,” she whispered into the inhospitable night. Bri’s voice neared, reeling Kate back to reality. Kate banged her forehead on the fence. Why hadn’t she chased him down? Simply put—she couldn’t.

      He had taken her by such sublime storm and surprise, and that kiss had so incapacitated her, she wondered if she’d imagined it. She put fingers to her lips and tingles there whispered she most certainly hadn’t.

      Kate couldn’t kick the insane urge to find him and spend time with him again. Not only because of the amazing kisses, but also for the way it had felt to have someone she could really talk to—someone who would listen without judging and comfort without questioning. All the things none of her friends would imagine she’d ever need and that this stranger had offered automatically. That kind of thing could go to a girl’s head. It made her sad to think that the beautiful moment they’d shared would be the only moment they’d ever have.

      “Hey!” Bri approached, dressed to the nines in a frilly-winged fairy costume but with a warmly concerned look on her face. “I got worried when I couldn’t find you. Everything okay?”

      Kate slid onto a nearby bench. “Yes. No. I don’t know.” Bri was the one person she could talk to about this. Kate thanked God Bri was who He sent.

      Bri sat next to her. “What’s going on?”

      Where to begin? “Well, there was Mom’s mysterious text and thirty years thrown away like yesterday’s trash, then a man dressed as a bandit in black leather appeared out of nowhere. We talked—well, I talked and he listened. And then...we kissed. He swept me off my feet, really—until he vanished. Jumped the fence when he heard you coming out to find me. Night swallowed the most appealingly compassionate creature who ever lived.”

      Bri blinked slowly. “Wait, text? What text?”

      Kate calmed herself and took time explaining everything from the first text from her mom, to the blue camo handkerchief wiping away her tears, to the kiss that ended with her bandit disappearing over the fence. She only left out the part where she’d confided her fears about never finding love. Bri was currently engaged and blissfully happy—Kate didn’t want to make her friend feel bad. That part of her little breakdown could remain a secret between her and her bandit.

      “Kate, there’s no one remotely dressed like a bandit here. I took photos of each and every person in their costumes for Mitch and Lauren’s memory-book gift.”

      Kate shrugged. “I know. He had to be a stranger.” Kate left out the part where knowing he was a stranger made him easy to talk to. It would hurt her best friend’s feelings to be told Kate found it easier to pour her heart out to someone she didn’t know. “Probably a wedding crasher who heard about the masquerade theme, since he knew enough to show up in costume. Whatever his reasons for being here, he did manage to show up at exactly the right time, when I needed someone to listen to me unload about my family fracturing apart.”

      Bri nibbled her lip. Kate flinched at what she’d said and the painful memories she might have stirred. If anyone knew what fractured family felt like, Bri Landis did. Her father had been the first to drop out of her life—he’d walked out on the family when Bri was a child. Now he sat incapacitated in a nursing home with all hope of reconciliation gone. Her mom had passed away recently, leaving Bri to tend a run-down family lodge alone. Her brother, Caleb, the only family she had left, was deployed overseas, dedicated to building his military career.

      Kate sighed. “I’m sorry, Bri. I shouldn’t be melodramatic, in light of all you’ve been through.”

      Bri shook her head. “Nonsense. Things are looking up for me. While I desperately miss my geeky gun-toting army-medic brother, I’m freakishly in love and freshly engaged to Eagle Point’s most gorgeous anesthesiologist.” Bri wiggled her ring-embellished finger, reminding Kate how much there was to be happy about. Yet a twinge of sadness hit Kate instead. Mom, Dad...

      “I’m also fulfilled being a mother figure to Tia. Though she’s only five, you and I both know Ian’s daughter is an amazing gift and constant source of joy. And of course her daddy and our wedding plans are equally bright on my horizon.”

      Bright horizon. Kate recalled the bandit’s admonition that darkness never defeats the dawn, as the confidence that usually carried and defined Kate ebbed back. Grandpa could still get better. And her parents’ divorce wasn’t finalized yet—maybe things could still be fixed. If not, as Bri had reminded her, there was still so much to be thankful for.

      Like a moonlit kiss from a handsome stranger.

      Kate brushed the thought aside. She’d probably never see the bandit again. He was just someone God sent her way to give comfort she needed at her lowest moment. She’d weathered it, and was ready now to be strong on her own again—as always.

      “Speaking of that handsome fiancé of yours, let’s go back in before he wonders where you are.” Kate rose to her feet.

      Bri stood, as well. “Sure you’re all right to go back in?”

      “Of course.” Kate flashed Bri the grin that used to win her the tiara back in her beauty-pageant days. “I’m always all right.”

      For a second, Bri looked as though she wanted to argue, but with a shrug she let it go, leading the way back into the reception hall. Kate followed her with a quick, confident stride.

      And if she paused for a moment before stepping through the door to look back at the spot where she’d last seen her bandit...well then, that was no one’s concern but hers.

      * * *

      Bzzzt! Army medic Caleb Landis snatched his phone before it vibrated off the sun-bleached windowsill. Stumbling out of his sleeping bag, he tripped over his bandit costume before finally settling on his feet and checking the phone’s display.

      Sergeant Asher Stone. Not surprising. Their unit chaplain would be the first to check on Caleb’s well-being. The pair had received unexpected temporary leave of duty for exemplary service after extended back-to-back deployments and had left Afghanistan the same day.

      “H’lo.” Caleb shouldered his phone to his ear as he