Yahrah St. John

Delicious Destiny

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they’d gotten hitched. Of course, his parents hadn’t been happy. They’d expected a large ceremony full of pomp and circumstance. It didn’t matter, though, because his marriage had lasted less than a year.

      Why? Because Grant had regretted the decision almost instantly. Marrying Dina had been one of the poorest decisions of his life. Worse, he’d resented his father, Warren Robinson, for forcing him into a loveless marriage. As soon as he was able, he’d started his own restaurant specializing in New American cuisine. One restaurant had turned into two and so on and so on. Now he owned a chain of Robinson Restaurants across the East Coast.

      Regrets. Missed opportunities. Lost time. Those were the words he thought of when he thought about Shari Drayson. But no more. He’d come here today to find out if there was a chance to recapture the passion they’d shared that one night. Now that time had passed, Grant was sure that his emotion hadn’t been one-sided, that Shari had to have felt it, too. This time he wasn’t walking away until he found out.

      Grant pulled on the brass-plated door handle and walked inside. When he did, he was overcome with the aroma of freshly baked goods. His nose savored the sweet smell, and his eyes grew large as he looked around the showroom. He was impressed by the crystal chandeliers, marble floors and counters, but even more so by the delectable treats, pastries, brownies, macaroons and cakes aligned in the display counter. He’d come here to see Shari and Carter, but first he had to have a taste of one of these sweet treats.

      * * *

      Shari couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever. Otherwise, her family would get suspicious and come looking for her. She stared at herself in the mirror. She was in no way ready to see Grant Robinson again. Look at her! The “mom clothes” she wore every day—blue jeans and a simple white peasant shirt cinched at the waist—didn’t scream sexy by any means.

      To make matters worse, she had no makeup on other than some lip gloss. Whenever she was baking in the kitchen, she preferred to keep it simple and comfortable.

      When she emerged from the bathroom, her family had dispersed in different directions, and she was on her way back to the conference room for her purse, in the hopes that her foundation compact was in it, when a baritone voice said from behind her, “Shari? Is that you?”

      Her heart went pitter-pat. Slowly, Shari turned on her heel and looked up to find Grant standing next to Carter and smiling down at her. She’d forgotten how tall he was. He was at least six feet, and those dimples and green eyes... Now, those she remembered...because she saw them every day looking back at her. On her son’s face.

      Grant was still sexier than any man had a right to be. He was wearing a stylish suit with Italian loafers and a blue striped tie. He was the picture of a successful businessman. He’d clearly achieved what he’d set out to do when he’d obtained his MBA at Ledgeman.

      Before she could speak, Grant pulled her firmly against him for a warm hug. He didn’t immediately let go, allowing Shari to smell his musky, masculine scent.

      She eventually was the one to pull away, and she looked up at him with an open, friendly smile. “Grant, it’s good to see you again.”

      “You, too.” He grinned broadly.

      Shari sighed inwardly. The years had been good to Grant. And he looked even more handsome, more distinguished than he did back in college. Her inner muscles churned, letting her know that the tug she’d felt years ago hadn’t dissipated and was still strong—no...stronger than before.

      Shari came out of her daze and noticed that Carter and Grant had moved away, so she shuffled after them. Carter was introducing Grant to the rest of the family in the kitchen. Her father, especially, seemed very impressed with Grant’s success.

      “Well, I for one don’t appreciate you trying to steal a member of my family away,” Grandma Lillian said from over by the massive table where she, Belinda, Malik and Drake were working on one of the wedding cake designs for the You Take The Cake competition.

      When had they gotten started? Shari wondered. Probably when she was in the restroom for half an hour trying to figure out how she was going to handle being in the same room as Grant again. Why is it that he still has the same effect on me as he did when I was twenty? It still felt like he’d taken up all the air in the room, which was why she was having a hard time breathing again.

      Shari tried to focus her thoughts when Grant turned to her and asked, “So everyone knows I tried to steal Carter?”

      Shari nodded.

      “Well, it was a worth a shot,” Grant said, turning back around to answer Mrs. Reynolds-Drayson’s question. “But after seeing this operation—” he motioned around the kitchen “—I can see why he wouldn’t leave. Your family is pretty amazing, which is why I have a proposition for you.”

      Grandma Lillian eyed Grant suspiciously. She was wary of strangers, especially someone trying to steal one of her cubs.

      “But first, I need Shari for a moment.” Grant pulled Shari away from the kitchen and into the conference room. “I was hoping we could talk.”

      “About?” Shari could only muster one word sentences when in Grant’s presence.

      “About what happened that night between us,” Grant said, shifting uncomfortably from side to side. He hated to bring it up, but he had to clear the air.

      Shari looked at the door. She didn’t want any of her cousins to overhear the conversation. “Grant, I don’t think this is the time or place—”

      Grant interrupted her as if he hadn’t heard a word she said. “I always thought you were a great girl, Shari. I still do. I just hope you don’t hold it against me that I took advantage of you that night and behaved so abominably.”

      Shari wasn’t sure how to react to Grant’s apology. Maybe she wouldn’t have held it against him, if he hadn’t jumped from her bed into her best friend’s. But was it all his fault? She had told him that night that there were “no strings attached.” Even so, that didn’t change the fact that he’d rushed off into Dina’s arms and married the woman.

      “So how’s Dina?” Shari inquired, her voice holding a touch of bitterness. She couldn’t allow herself to get caught up in Grant again.

      Grant’s face darkened. “I wouldn’t know. We’re divorced, and I haven’t spoken to her in years.”

      Shari’s heart leapt. He was divorced! When? Why? For how long?

      “Mommy, Mommy!” Andre came bounding down the hall toward her. Shari bent down and he flew into her arms. Her heart began hammering furiously in her chest. She hadn’t been prepared for this introduction so quickly. She had no choice but to introduce her son to Grant and pray for the best. Perhaps he wouldn’t realize her secret...that Andre was his.

      Chapter 3

      “Andre, Mommy would like you to meet one of her old friends,” Shari said, turning and looking up at Grant, who was looking at her strangely. Was he surprised that she had a child? “Andre, this is Grant Robinson.”

      Grant looked at Shari curiously for several moments, but didn’t say a word. Instead, he squatted down and shook hands with the little man.

      Shari was floored. What should she do next? Should she say, by the way, this is your son?

      “Nice to meet you,” Andre replied, shaking Grant’s hand. Shari’s throat constricted as she watched father and son interact for the first time.

      “How long have you known my mommy?”

      “A very long time,” Shari replied for Grant.

      Grant rose to his feet. “He’s beautiful, Shari.”

      “Thank you.”

      Shari didn’t get to say anything more because Grandpa Henry came over to meet Grant. “Sorry, Shari,” Grandpa Henry apologized. “Andre got away from me up front.