Susan Crosby

The Single Dad's Virgin Wife

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never gotten involved with an employee, nor do I intend to start.”

      “You should take a page out of my book. Worked for me.”

      “You took a huge risk by getting involved with your housekeeper. She could’ve quit, or filed a lawsuit, or—”

      “Get engaged to me,” David interrupted. “Turned out great.”

      “You were lucky.”

      “Damn straight.”

      “I didn’t mean it in a good way, David.”

      David laughed. Noah settled into his chair. Actually, he was glad not to have to deal with interviewing and hiring yet another nanny, but he didn’t want David to think he had free rein to interfere.

      “The kids seem to like her,” Noah said. “They’ve had to adapt way too many times. I hope this one sticks.”

      David was quiet for a few seconds, then, “That’s my hope, as well.”

      Noah heard someone coming down the stairs and assumed it was Tricia. “I have to go. We’ll talk more at the office on Monday.”

      “I guess I can wait until then for my thank-you gift.”

      Noah shook his head as he hung up. David wanted everyone to be as happy as he was, now that he’d found the right woman. Noah had already found and married the right woman, once upon a time.

      A knock came at his door. “It’s Tricia,” she announced.

      “Come in.” He tried to take in her tall, curvy body again without her noticing his interest. Easy on the eyes, indeed, he thought, remembering David’s comment. He indicated the chair across from his desk.

      “They’re all tucked in,” she said, crossing her legs, her foot bouncing. “They are sweethearts.”

      He leaned back. “Thanks. It’s been hard on them since losing their mother.”

      “I’m sure it has. That was three years ago, right?”

      “Right, but don’t give me any pop psychology about how they should be over it by now.” He was so damn tired of hearing that.

      Her foot stopped bouncing. “In some ways it gets even tougher as time goes by. They’re probably not able to bring up her face so easily now, and I imagine that bothers them a lot. It’s scary when the images fade, and you want so much to keep them near.”

      Her observation struck home hard with him. He was going through the same thing, even with pictures as reminders. He couldn’t hear Margie’s voice anymore, except that Ashley and Zoe laughed like her. “You sound like you’ve had experience with it yourself.”

      “My father died when I was eleven, so I do understand their loss.”

      He appreciated that she had that in common with the children. It could only help.

      “Shall we discuss the job?” she asked. “Did David fill you in on me?”

      “He said you want weekends off and would live in during the week. Cora, the woman who cooks and cleans for us, also only works Monday through Friday. That leaves me without anyone on the weekend.”

      She smiled in a way that said she wasn’t biting. “Since you don’t need the house cleaned or the children schooled on the weekend, you only have to feed and play with them. I assume they make their own beds? And you must be able to cook by now.”

      Apparently she was going to be difficult. “Is there a particular reason why you can’t live here full time?”

      Her brows went up. “Do I have the job description wrong? David said I was mostly to be your children’s teacher. That’s a Monday through Friday job, as far as I’m concerned. And everyone is entitled to time off, you know.”

      “The rather lucrative salary I pay,” he said, “has always included the general care of the children. A nanny as much as a teacher. That means weekends, too.”

      “Then you’ll have to cut my salary proportionately, because I don’t want to live here 24/7. I live in Sacramento. Is there some reason why you can’t parent your children on the weekend?”

      She’d touched a nerve. He was already aware he was failing as a father. He didn’t need someone who didn’t know anything about him or his history telling him that, too. “Sometimes I have work to do,” he said.

      “Then we’re at an impasse. If you can’t watch your children yourself, you’ll need to hire weekend help. David must have told you I’m fixing up my mother’s house to sell it.” She cocked her head. “And I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but you seem to be in a good position financially. You could hire a full-time, live-in staff.”

      “I haven’t always been in that position. It’s made me careful. Too careful, David tells me. I do what I feel is right for me, my family and my business.” He had children to provide for now and in the future. He also had employees who depended on him, on the business he brought in and the solvency of the company. He lived up to his own personal standards, was proud that he did.


      All four of his children stood in the doorway, crammed shoulder to shoulder.

      “What are you doing out of bed?” Noah asked.

      Ashley took a step into the room, her hands clasped. The others huddled around her. “We want Miss Tricia to be our new teacher.”

      He leaned back and steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. “I see. Well, I can’t say for sure yet that she will be. Miss Tricia and I are still in negotiations.”

      “What’s that mean?” Adam piped up.

      “It means we’re trying to figure out what would work best for all of us.”

      “The best is for her to live here,” Zach stated, his voice quiet but strong.

      Silence filled the room as the least talkative of the bunch announced his wishes.

      “You just need to pay her a lot of money,” Ashley said.

      “It’s not about the money,” Tricia said, looking pleased at the children’s insistence. “Your father pays a very good salary. The issue is that I need weekends off.”

      The children all looked at each other. Ashley seemed to take a silent vote. “We’re not little kids anymore, Father. We don’t need to have a nanny all the time.”

      “I’ll take it into consideration. Right now you all need to go back to bed and let us discuss it.”

      Zach went up to Tricia and shook her hand, one big up-and-down shake, his expression serious. Adam followed suit, grinning.

      Zoe came next. “Do you know how to play soccer?”

      “I sure do.”

      “Okay.” Zoe stuck out her hand for a shake, then left the room bouncing an imaginary ball from knee to knee.

      Ashley finally approached. “Please say yes, Miss Tricia,” she said, then gave Tricia a quick hug before she hurried out.

      Noah saw how the children affected her. If she could become that attached after just a few hours, she was definitely the right one for the job. It would be a great weight lifted from his shoulders, too.

      “So,” Noah said after a long, quiet moment. “Saturday morning to Sunday evening off. And you’ll be here this Sunday night.”

      She smiled. “Jessica’s not leaving until Monday.”

      “Jessica will be gone by Sunday afternoon.”

      “I see.” Tricia nodded. “Is five o’clock okay with you, Mr. Falcon?”

      He stood. “Noah. And yes, that’s fine.”

      She stood, as well.