Linda Hudson-Smith

Promises to Keep

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      Cheeks aflame with embarrassment, Courtney pointed at his desk. “The ladies in the photographs are also stunning.”

      “Ah, Candice and Mom. They are beautiful. Candice’s inner spirit matches her physical beauty.” He suddenly grew silent, his eyes misting. “Candice needs protecting. She’s very fragile. I try hard to make sure she’s always happy.”

      Courtney looked concerned for Darius. He looked so sad all of a sudden. “A surprise reception should make her happy. I’m sure she’ll be pleased.” She wanted to ask him more about his mother, but something told her not to. The fact he hadn’t offered any personal information about her, not even her name, was enough to deter Courtney from making any inquiries.

      “I’d do just about anything for Candice, including laying down my life. I’m her fiercest protector. Our relationship is immovably strong and refreshingly honest. I’m beyond certain that no one can ever come between us. We are in each other’s blood.”

      Darius’s comments gave Courtney chills and goose bumps. She’d never heard any man voice his feelings for someone in such an emotionally moving way. Whatever Candice had or didn’t have, she had a fiancé who loved her, a man who was willing to die for her. How many women were able to say that? Courtney could only imagine what it might be like to have someone communicate with her in such a profound way. That he hadn’t included his mother in his statement had Courtney thankful she hadn’t opened up what might be unpleasant for him. She just didn’t know what was what.

      Courtney thought about the one and only serious romantic relationship she’d had in her adult life. Unfortunately, the liaison had turned out to be a huge, painful disappointment and failure for her. She often thanked God for bailing her out of the toxic situation before she’d fallen hard for Michael Scottsdale, a corporate executive.

      Unwittingly, excruciating heartbreak had been waiting for Courtney around every corner. By the grace of God, she’d been led onto another path, but only after she’d taken an unfortunate detour to Michael’s cheating, unfeeling heart. Many women had fought hard in the trenches to become number one in the life of this successful man—in hopes of winning him over. Just as many ladies had lost the battle, including her. Yet losing had really turned out to be a win for her in the end.

      All the endless, lonely nights in Courtney’s life were as much her fault as anyone’s. Safeguarding her precious heart had become as important to her as breathing. She preferred to be alone than to have her leisure time filled with a meaningless relationship. Loneliness was sometimes a hard row for her to hoe, yet she had finally found peace in merely sharing her time with girlfriends and others with whom she’d forged mutual bonds.

      Courtney spread out on the coffee table several sheets of paper that outlined her plans for Darius’s special event. Everything had been illustrated in painstaking detail. “Please take a minute to look at what I’ve come up with.”

      “My time is yours. That’s why I asked you to meet me here in my office.”

      Courtney nodded. “In that case, I’ll wait for your comments.”

      A knock came on the door again. Just as before, it opened and Jasmine stepped inside. Walking across the room to the corner table, she set down the tray and left the domed top in place. “Can I get you something other than water to drink?”

      “Water is fine.” He looked up at Courtney. “What about you?”

      Courtney nodded. “Water is perfect for me, too.”

      Darius smiled warmly at his assistant. “Thanks. The food smells wonderful.”

      “It came from Miss Lilly’s.”

      He grinned. “Cube steak, gravy and mashed potatoes?”

      Jasmine laughed. “Your favorites are what I always order from Miss Lily’s. Hot applesauce and a salad are there, too, along with thick wedges of cornbread and sweet potato pie. If you need anything else, just let me know.”

      “I will,” he said. “Thanks again.”

      Darius stood and moved over to the table, inviting Courtney to join him. Once she was seated, he sat down and said a humble blessing over his meal. Picking up his fork, he took the first bite of cube steak, closing his eyes to savor the delicious taste. The meat was tender and the thick, dark gravy was seasoned perfectly.

      Scooping up a forkful of mashed potatoes and another piece of steak, he held it up to Courtney’s mouth, shocking her silly. He noticed the reluctance in her eyes. “You just have to taste this wonderful dish. Please indulge me. You won’t be sorry.”

      Despite her surprise, Courtney took the proffered food. She wasn’t keen on eating off his fork, but she did so rather than making a fuss over it. It was the closest she’d come to sharing a kiss with him. She decided not to deny her desire to taste the full, sensuous-looking lips that had wrapped around the fork first. She suppressed a satisfied moan. “It is delicious! Where’s this restaurant located? I’ll have to give it a try.”

      “Perhaps we can go to dinner there together. I’d love to take you to Miss Lilly’s.”

      Not sure of an appropriate response to such an inappropriate comment, Courtney said nothing. It was wrong of him to ask her out to dinner. Maybe Candice didn’t have a man who loved her. Or perhaps his suggestion was perfectly innocent. It was possible she’d read too much into his remark. She quickly convinced herself that had to be it.

      As he picked up one of the sketches, he drew in a deep breath. “Did you say you sketched these designs?”

      “I did. I love art. There was a time when I thought I might pursue it as a career, but learning all I could about catering kept me too busy to take on anything else.”

      “There’s no reason why you can’t do both. These sketches are exquisite. You have quite a creative eye.”

      “You think so?”

      “I know so. I’ve taken a few art courses in my day. It dovetails with my desire for filmmaking. They’re both artistic talents. I love sketching. Sculpting, too.”

      Courtney nodded. “That’s great! Which sketch of mine do you like best?”

      He pointed at the drawing with the angel’s wings fully extended. “It’s beautiful. I love the soft shades of lavender you chose. The wingspan suggests a flight to me, a journey into paradise, which is where I hope Candice will always live.”

      You can make sure of that by sharing paradise with your precious Candice.

      “Where is paradise for you, Courtney?”

      Courtney lowered her lashes momentarily. “I haven’t given it any thought.”

      Darius looked totally surprised. “You’ve never thought of paradise, of what it might be like or what you’d want it to be like?”

      Courtney did everything she could do not to grit her teeth. Why did Darius care about her paradise? Why was he pushing her on the issue? She hadn’t given up on living an idyllic lifestyle. She just tried very hard not to think about it. Her illusions about heaven and love on earth had been shattered a long time ago. Love and happiness would come as a complete surprise if either found her, since she simply wasn’t searching for them.

      He looked closely at Courtney. “I seemed to have hit a nerve. Who hurt you?”

      Getting up from the table, Courtney walked across the room and stood at the window. As she looked out at what many would happily refer to as paradise, she fought to keep her emotions in check. As she glanced toward the Hollywood Hills, she saw the sun playing hide-and-seek with the jagged mountain range. The colors in the sky were the same soft ones she’d used to sketch one of the angels amid a lovely floral arrangement.

      Courtney suddenly stiffened. Darius was right behind her, close enough for her to hear and feel his breathing. As his hands came down gently onto her shoulders, she balled her fists tightly. What did he think he was doing?