Linda Hudson-Smith

Destiny Calls

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a grant he hoped to receive, but he hadn’t gone into much detail. He’d seemed secretive about it. Publish or perish, she figured.

      Dakota had been impressed with his credentials, but his job wasn’t what had turned her on. It was something deeper.

      Ethan helped Dakota out of the car after parking under the Redondo Beach Pier.

      The ocean air was crisp and cool, smelling strongly of sea salt. “We’re dining at Tony’s. Are you familiar with the popular restaurant located in the heart of the pier?”

      Dakota nodded. “I hear great ocean views and fiery sunsets make it very romantic, but I’ve never eaten there.”

      After Ethan assisted Dakota with the tangerine sweater, she held up his navy single-breasted Pierre Cardin blazer while he slipped into it.

      Ethan took Dakota’s hand and began strolling leisurely toward their destination. “We don’t have to be in a hurry.” He looked at his watch. “We have thirty minutes before our reservations. Sunset is about an hour or so away and we definitely don’t want to miss out on the spectacular view.”

      “The boardwalk is such a fun place, with lots of interesting things to do and see and enjoy. I ride my bike around the pier every now and then.”

      One thing Ethan wanted to make sure he accomplished was to purchase a candy apple for Dakota. She had told him how much she loved them and how hard they were to find around L.A. L.A. heat caused the candy to melt easily. Because he wanted her to have a nice surprise, he planned to slip away to the candy-apple stand once they were seated.

      Ethan let go of Dakota’s hand and put his arm around her. “Are you cold?”

      “It was a bit chilly before I put on my sweater. I’m fine now.”

      “If you need my jacket, tell me. Don’t want you freezing.”

      “I started to bring a lightweight jacket, but I didn’t want to get bogged down with a lot of stuff. I’ve lived in Southern California all my life. I knew what kind of weather to expect. I promise to ask if I need your blazer.”

      “I’ll gladly give it up. I also keep a windbreaker in the trunk, so we’re prepared for how chilly it might get.”

      “It seems you’re always prepared for everything.” She liked that about him.

      Ethan was an orderly person, much like she was. He was also big on anticipation, including contemplating her needs. She’d often thought he could read her mind. They also had scheduling in common. She kept a daily planner and so did he. The hours of her days were accounted for practically down to the minute. Dakota didn’t like last-minute anything. Things in her life worked better when there was order.

      When Ethan had phoned Dakota on the spur of the moment, the evening of the first meeting, she recalled welcoming the call. He had made his intent crystal clear before they’d finished talking. She had been interested in him from the start, loving how charismatic he was. He would’ve never known how much she liked him if he hadn’t taken the initiative.

      Ethan gave his name to the hostess stationed at the restaurant podium. The couple was immediately seated at the window table he’d requested beforehand.

      After making sure Dakota was comfortably seated, he took the seat right across from her. He liked gazing into her sparkling hazel eyes, mesmerized by everything about her. His attempts to play it cool often ended in disaster. When she looked at him, his eyes betrayed him, melting into hers. The girl gave him goose bumps and caused him to have a raging fever, all at the same time. Reaching across the table, he covered her hand. “What about a glass of wine?”

      Dakota smiled softly. “White merlot, please.”

      Ethan summoned the waiter. Once the young man appeared, he ordered the drinks. He liked wine but he preferred a chilled pomegranate martini every now and then. One was his limit when he was the designated driver.

      Before Ethan got to his feet, he leaned in closer to Dakota. “Excuse me for a few minutes,” he whispered in her ear.

      The soft music playing overhead soothed Dakota. She couldn’t believe she already missed Ethan. He hadn’t been gone more than a couple of minutes. Although he hadn’t said where he was off to, she assumed his absence had been necessary.

      While sipping on the white merlot, she began to feel a little self-conscious. A couple of guys a table away were giving her the once-over, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. People staring at her unnerved her. She knew it was probably silly, but that’s the way it was.

      Ethan quickly reseated himself across from Dakota, giving her that megawatt smile she loved. Before she could blink her lashes again, he leaned across the table and kissed her gently on the cheek. “Did you miss me?”

      “I did. Glad you’re back.” She looked over at the table with the two guys, fighting back the urge to stick her fingers in her ears and turn them back and forth. “I was a bit uncomfortable while you were gone.”

      Ethan looked puzzled. “Why’s that?”

      “The guys at the next table had fun staring me down. It made me nervous.”

      “You’re very pretty, Dakota. Any red-blooded male would enjoy staring at you. I’d think you’d be used to it by now.”

      Dakota shrugged. “I’m not. Having someone eyeballing me so intently isn’t something I’d want to get used to. I guess you think I’m silly.”

      Ethan shook his head. “Not in the least. Sorry if I gave you that impression.” He briefly covered her hand with his again. “Ready to order?”

      The lobster was pretty expensive but that’s what Dakota wanted. She didn’t have the money to offer to pay all or even half of it. “Is it okay if I order the lobster?” She felt classless as soon as the request was made.

      If Dakota hadn’t been serious about her query, Ethan probably would’ve laughed. From the look on her face, he knew he shouldn’t make fun. “Order anything you want. I don’t go to restaurants I can’t afford.”

      Eyeing Ethan with open curiosity, Dakota considered his comments. “If I ever ask a guy out to dinner, I’d like to know what I’m getting my wallet into beforehand.”

      Disliking Dakota’s comments about asking out another man, Ethan frowned. “I hope I’ll be the only guy you ask out. I’d be jealous if you dated someone else.”

      “What exactly are you saying, Ethan?”

      “It’s simple. I don’t want you to date anyone but me. Understand?”

      Nervous now, she swallowed hard. “You’ve made yourself plain enough. What about you? Dating anyone besides me?”

      Watching Dakota closely, Ethan took a sip of his martini. “I haven’t asked anyone out since the first night I called you. I’m a one-woman man. I haven’t dated exclusively in a long time, but I’d like to have that with you. Is it possible?”

      Dakota admittedly had some issues of trust, but she worked on that particular insecurity on a regular basis. Her heart had been broken before, a couple of times—and not just by men she’d been romantically involved with. Neither was it only men that she didn’t always trust.

      Dakota was flattered by Ethan’s question. He seemed very sincere. She didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to be happy. The last steady boyfriend she had was over six months ago. She wasn’t sure she was ready for anything exclusive, but she did love being with Ethan. If they didn’t have a chance to act on their obvious chemistry, she’d never know how far things could go.

      The waiter arrived at that very moment. Feeling like she’d better take the bull by the horns, Dakota decided it was best to go ahead and answer Ethan’s question. He would only revisit the matter later. “About your question, I’d love to give us a chance to see if we can build toward exclusive. I like being with you. I feel special when