Lucy Gordon

Swept Away!

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to study her closer. He was rewarded for his moment’s patience when she turned to look at him. There was concern in her eyes, and he realised she was genuinely worried about ‘cramping his style’. Without thinking about it he reached out to her, brushing a long lock of damp auburn hair away from her cheek. ‘Even if I was seeing someone, which we both know I’m not—unless, of course, you count you—I wouldn’t be able to make love to them in the house while you were there.’

      Molly noted the quiet affection in his voice and smiled down at him. He really was just such a nice guy. Still, she couldn’t resist teasing him. ‘What’s wrong? You make too much noise?’

      His eyes widened in surprise at the jibe. Recognising the teasing light in her eyes, he knew he had no choice but to reply in kind. ‘Baby…’ he blew onto his fingernails before polishing them on his T-shirt ‘…it wouldn’t be me making the noise.’

      Molly erupted into convulsive laughter. ‘You complete great arrogant lump!’

      They laughed together for a moment before watching the crowd again in companionable silence. Ryan thought about the conversation. ‘So if you met someone, and the situation was reversed, would I cramp your style?’

      ‘Make love with someone while you were in the same house?’ She blushed a fiery red and laughed again. ‘No way, José.’

      ‘You make too much noise, right?’ The question did things to his imagination that it had absolutely no right doing.

      She hid her face in the blanket while he watched her shoulders shake with laughter. Her voice was muffled when she eventually spoke, forcing him to lean towards her to hear her words. ‘I don’t think I could concentrate on what I was doing if I thought you could hear anything.’

      Jealousy, like a bad cramp, gripped his chest hard, shocking him with its intensity. Thinking of Molly in that way had always been off limits. Now their conversation had opened a doorway he hadn’t intended looking through, and he didn’t much care for his reaction.

      Clearing his throat, he sprang to his feet and peeled off his T-shirt. ‘Just as well Molly, ’cos whoever he was I think I’d probably be forced to deck him.’ He frowned as he looked towards the water. ‘I’m going for another swim. See you in a while.’

      Molly’s head shot upwards at his sharp announcement. But she only focused her vision in time to see him walk briskly to the end of the nearest pier before diving smoothly into the cool water. Where had that outburst come from? She knew he could be protective, but even so…

      Their relationship was changing. She sighed as she realised the simple fact of it. It hadn’t been the same since she’d come home. She’d begun to realise that when she had noticed Ryan staring at her so often of late. It was as if he’d never really looked at her before, or as if he’d noticed something that he hadn’t seen before. She wondered what it was?

      And these last few days they had walked onto very new ground; she supposed it was only natural they’d need time to adjust. Time to find and test the new boundaries. But they cared about each other in ways in which she, certainly, had never cared about anyone else. Ryan was her most special of friends, and no matter what adjustments they made she knew they wouldn’t—couldn’t—affect that attachment. They just couldn’t.

      ‘Someone as lovely as you shouldn’t frown like that.’

      Turning onto her back, she looked up into Nick Scallon’s smiling face. Dressed in a pristine white T-shirt and khaki shorts, he resembled a model from the pages of a summer catalogue.

      ‘I’ll keep that in mind.’ She smiled. ‘It’s nice to see you again. How are you?’

      ‘I’m just grand.’ His blue eyes moved down over her body and her long legs before returning to her face. ‘You should wear a swimsuit all the time, Molly. Wow.’

      She sat upright, unconsciously drawing her knees up as she glanced towards the lough.

      ‘He’s still in the water.’

      ‘Who is?’ She blinked at him.

      Nick smiled. ‘Your friend the Park Ranger.’

      She glanced back towards the water. ‘Oh, you mean Ryan. Yeah, he likes the water. We had swim races here every summer as kids.’

      He crouched beside her, taking a deep breath. ‘There’s a lot of history between you two.’

      She looked at his face, surprised to find him so close. ‘We’ve known each other a long time. Yeah, we’re close.’

      A quick glance over his head caused her to smile at the look of disapproval on Mrs Collins’ face. ‘In fact I think you’ll find your sitting here is setting quite a few tongues wagging.’

      He didn’t look too worried. ‘Your Ryan is well liked in this community. How can I possibly compete with that?’

      ‘From what I hear, a guy like you doesn’t let a little matter of competition get in his way.’ The words were out before she could stop them. But the minute she spoke Nick’s chin dropped, and Molly regretted the innuendo.

      ‘I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I’ve always considered a person innocent until proven guilty. I guess I shouldn’t treat you any differently.’

      ‘Molly—’ He reached out, touching her arm with one long finger, then running the palm of his hand towards her shoulder as he held her gaze with his. ‘I—’

      ‘I believe you’re occupying my space!’

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