Кэрол Мортимер

Freedom To Love

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it take long?’ she asked nervously.

      ‘About an hour, ma’am,’ he said in a slow Canadian drawl.

      An hour of Adam Wild lying half naked in her bedroom! ‘No sooner than that?’ she almost begged.

      ‘Afraid not. You see——’

      ‘Hurry up, darling,’ Adam Wild called from inside the room, ‘This bed is very lonely without you.’

      The boy’s speculation grew—and so did Katy’s anger. ‘Thank you,’ she gave the boy a bright smile before turning furiously back into the room. ‘How dare you!’ she exploded. ‘Why on earth did you do such a thing?’

      He lay back, a lazy smile on his lips. ‘He was bound to think that, I just didn’t want him to be disappointed.’

      Katy marched over to stand next to the bed, her expression one of indignation. ‘You had no right—Oh!’ she gasped as one of his hands snaked out and pulled her down beside him on the bed. ‘Let me go!’ She struggled against him.

      ‘Don’t be silly,’ he murmured against her throat. ‘You went to all this trouble, don’t let’s waste the opportunity now that we’re here.’

      ‘What trouble?’ Katy fought against him, squirming as his lips probed the sensitive area beneath her earlobe. ‘Stop that. Stop it!’

      ‘Not on your life. I’ve had a lot of things tried on me, but no woman has ever gone to the lengths of tipping her drink down me to get my trousers off. You only had to ask, Katy, I would gladly have taken them off—for you.’

      Anger burned deep within her. ‘I didn’t want your trousers off! And I certainly don’t want you in my room. Now take your hands off me!’

      ‘Just relax,’ his breath was warm against her cheek, his mouth coming to the edge of her lips. ‘Relax, Katy,’ he groaned as her struggles began to ebb. ‘Why fight what we both want?’

      ‘But I don’t. I don’t!’


      She was a liar, she was even lying to herself. This man was an expert when it came to woman’s sensuality, knowing exactly what areas of a woman’s body to probe and caress. Katy had no defences against such expertise, trembling uncontrollably as his mouth finally claimed hers.

      He was in no hurry to do more than kiss her, obviously thinking they had all night to progress. But his mouth on hers was enough to quell all the fight in her, taking her lips again and again as she lay beneath him. Katy hadn’t known there were so many ways of kissing, with gentleness, with passion, and finally with thrusting savagery, his lips probing hers to deepen the caress. She had never known such intimacy, feeling as if he really did possess her in that moment, quivering helplessly against the hard arousal of his body.

      ‘Aren’t you going to touch me?’ he whispered huskily.

      ‘I—I’ve never——’

      ‘Don’t play the innocent with me, Katy Harris.’ His voice hardened. ‘That routine bores me. No girl, of eighteen or otherwise, is innocent nowadays. Women are born offering themselves.’

      Katy gasped, ‘That’s a cynical attitude!’

      ‘Learnt the hard way, little girl. Are you going to take this dress off or do you expect me to make love to you when you’re fully clothed?’ He pulled at the zip fastener at the back of her dress.

      ‘No!’ She stilled his movements, pulling away from him. ‘I don’t know what you think I am, Mr Wild, but I can assure you I don’t hop into bed with a man I only met today.’

      ‘Do I come back tomorrow?’ He watched with narrowed eyes as she stood up to straighten her dress.

      ‘I won’t be here tomorrow,’ she snapped.

      ‘Neither will I—Thank God! You’re a tease, do you know that? You’ve been giving me the green light ever since you got on the plane, and now I’ve decided to take you up on that offer you’re playing hard to get.’

      ‘Hard to get! Why, you——! You must be the most conceited man I’ve ever met! I’ve done nothing to encourage you, I even ripped up that card you gave me with your telephone number on.’

      ‘Only so that I stayed interested. I bet you didn’t rip up the second one?’

      ‘Well … no. But——’

      ‘I thought not. I’ve had every trick in the book tried on me, the “I’m not interested” routine is the most frequent.’

      ‘And if a girl really isn’t interested?’ Katy demanded.

      ‘That doesn’t happen very often,’ he said dryly.

      ‘Well, it’s happened this time,’ she said with dislike. ‘If and when I choose to sleep with a man I hope he doesn’t have your conceit. How awful to make love to someone because you feel it’s expected of you!’

      Adam stiffened, his eyes hardening to blue slits. ‘Is that why you think I did it?’

      ‘Of course,’ she scorned, moving to the other side of the room to look out over the lit-up Calgary. ‘The irresistible Adam Wild has to keep up his reputation.’


      ‘Oh yes. The newspapers are always reporting on your prowess. I’ve lost count of the amount of women you’ve been seen escorting.’

      He lounged comfortably on Katy’s bed. ‘If it’s offered …’

      ‘You take it,’ she said disgustedly. ‘Only this time it wasn’t offered. And it never will be, not to you! God, you think you’re so magnificent, don’t you! Well, this is one time where you didn’t strike lucky. You’re the sort of man who most turns me off!’

      ‘That wasn’t the impression you gave a moment ago,’ he drawled insultingly.

      ‘How typical of you to bring up a thing like that!’

      He smiled. ‘You have to take what you can in today’s world.’

      ‘Well, I’m not for the taking! God, I wish your trousers would come back so that you can get out of here!’

      ‘You can’t wish it any more than I do,’ he scowled.

      ‘Then stop looking so damned comfortable. Why can’t you sit in one of the chairs instead of lounging about on my bed?’

      ‘Because I am comfortable.’ A knock sounded on the door. ‘My trousers, I hope.’

      It wasn’t. Gemma stood outside the door. Katy kept the door half closed, her heart in her mouth. If Gemma should find Adam Wild in her bedroom …! She would never hear the end of it!

      ‘Is there anything wrong?’ she asked Gemma with a calm she was far from feeling.

      ‘No, I just came to make sure you’re all right. You aren’t still sulking, are you?’

      ‘I don’t sulk,’ Katy said stiffly. ‘If you choose to sleep with Gerald then that’s your business.’

      ‘But you don’t like it,’ Gemma sighed.

      ‘It isn’t up to me to either like or dislike it, it’s your decision.’

      ‘You’re such a prude.’ She eyed Katy suspiciously. ‘I thought you were going to have an early night?’

      Katy blushed. ‘I am. I’m just going to take a shower before going to bed. I——’ Oh no! Behind Gemma she could see the porter stepping out of the lift with Adam Wild’s newly cleaned trousers. She closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.

      ‘Here we are, ma’am,’ the young boy grinned at her. ‘I got them back just as soon as I could.’

      ‘Thank you,’ she