Kate Walker

Modern Romance October 2016 Books 5-8

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of her underwear.

      She blushed when she thought of the urgency of their lovemaking against the door of the suite...and then the much more languid second time...and the third.

      She turned her head to see Ben sprawled in unashamedly masculine splendour. Déjà vu made her feel momentarily dizzy and her heart hitched. Instinctively she started to move, but those blue eyes snapped open and before she could take another breath he had her trapped under one powerful thigh, a hand on her breast. Lia’s blood leapt, and her sleepy body was awake and humming in seconds.

      ‘Where do you think you’re going?’

      His voice was deliciously rough. Lia could feel her nipple peaking under his palm and he moved it so that he could flick it with his thumb, rousing it to a sharp point. She almost groaned, but forced herself to put her hand over his—which didn’t really help.

      All her bravado, and the justifications she’d used in order to acquiesce to Ben’s lovemaking last night, felt flimsy in the cold morning light. Her emotions were too raw all of a sudden.

      ‘I should go.’

      Ben ignored her hand on his and continued torturing her breast. He also subtly moved his thigh, so that his erection nestled close to the juncture of Lia’s legs.

      ‘I think that’s a very bad idea.’

      Ben bent his head and started to press kisses along the exposed shoulder nearest to him. His hand deftly dislodged hers and he pinched her nipple between his fingers, just as his hot mouth found and started torturing her other breast.

      Not able to hold back the groan this time, Lia felt all resistance fade as Ben’s hand smoothed its way down over her belly to between her legs, pushing them apart so his questing fingers could seek and discover for himself how much she wanted him—again. Already.

      He lifted his head and smiled smugly. A surge of irritation at her own weakness galvanised Lia to move and she took him by surprise, coming up to straddle him, her hands holding his arms back behind his head. She knew he could break free easily, but it was still momentarily heady to have him at her mercy, however illusory.

      She moved her body back until she could feel the head of his erection against her and, keeping it between them, slowly started to move up and down, sliding her body along his thick length, seeing his face flush and his pupils dilate.

      ‘Witch,’ he ground out, and she could feel him lengthen and grow harder under her.

      Their breathing became more laboured as Lia obeyed the dictates of her body to go faster, press down harder. Ben lifted his head and captured her nipple, biting gently with his teeth. It sent a shudder all the way down to between Lia’s legs.

      And then, proving how little control she really wielded over him, Ben moved and she was flat on her back, trapped under him again. He reached for protection and expertly rolled it over his erection, and then, before Lia could take another breath, he was sinking deep inside her, his eyes on hers, not letting her escape for a moment.

      The climax that broke over them came swiftly and was brutal in its power, washing everything else away. And in the shuddering aftermath, when Ben pulled Lia close and wrapped his arms and legs around her, something inside her just...melted.

      * * *

      Lia was feeling marginally restored as she belted a thick robe around herself after taking a quick shower. When she’d woken again Ben hadn’t been in the bed and she’d spied him in the living area, dressed in dark trousers and a long-sleeved thin grey jumper that did nothing to disguise his muscles. He was pacing up and down while talking on his mobile phone, so she’d taken quick advantage, locking herself in the bathroom.

      She’d avoided looking at herself in the mirror, not wanting to see the aftermath of their cataclysmic night and morning. She’d also avoided letting her mind stray to dangerous thoughts like, Why did he come here really? And, What happens now? She’d decided she was just going to nip it in the bud now because sleeping with Ben again had only reinforced her fears about not being as emotionally detached as she’d like to be. As he undoubtedly was.

      When she padded into the living area of the plush suite, Ben was seated at the table, reading a newspaper. He put it down as she approached and that blue gaze swept her up and down. Even under the thick robe she could feel herself respond.

      ‘I’ve ordered some clothes for you to change into.’

      For a second she felt inordinately touched at his consideration and relief for the fact that she wouldn’t have to do the walk of shame out of the hotel, into the glaring London daylight. ‘Thanks, I’ll pay you back.’

      His eyes flashed at that, but he let it go as she sat down and looked at the array of breakfast/brunch items laid out. ‘I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I ordered a selection.’

      Lia slid into a chair, avoiding his eye. Her pitifully few experiences of morning-after situations with her ex-fiancé had been sterile, dispassionate affairs—she’d never experienced this intense level of awareness before.

      ‘Coffee will do for now.’

      Ben reached for a tall slender pot and poured fragrant coffee into a cup. She couldn’t take her eyes off his hands: large and masculine, yet elegant, too. She fought back a blush as she thought of how they’d felt on her skin, and took a quick sip of coffee to try and dislodge her lurid memories.

      When she felt able, she looked at him. ‘So...what’s your plan while you’re here in London?’

      Ben looked at her and a small smile played around his sensual mouth. ‘You, Lia. You’re my plan.’

      To hear him confirm that he really was here just because of her was seriously disarming—and overwhelming. Emotion swelled and it made her want to push him back.

      She put down her cup with a jarring clatter of porcelain. ‘You can’t expect me just to drop everything to accommodate you. I have a life here...work.’

      Ben’s eyes narrowed on her. ‘Work for your father? Like you were doing last night...being his emissary?’

      Lia felt immediately defensive. ‘It’s a family business.’

      ‘But what about your plans for your own work?’

      She immediately regretted telling him all that she had. ‘I don’t think you’re here to discuss my career options.’

      Ben inclined his head slightly in concession. ‘Not really, no. But as it happens I have an office here in London. I’m taking advantage of the trip to check in with my team on the ground. We’ve got several projects in development, and they’re setting up some meetings for me while I’m here.’

      Lia cursed herself for not guessing that he had an office in London, or checking.

      He leaned forward then. ‘But, more importantly, I want to get to know you better, Lia. That’s really why I’m here.’

      Her silly heart hitched as trepidation warred with that illicit sense of hope. She’d run from this in Bahia and he’d chased her down. She was afraid that she wasn’t strong enough to walk away again. And he knew it.

      * * *

      Ben felt a surge of triumph when Lia didn’t immediately jump up from the table at his declaration that he wanted to spend time with her, and tried to hide it from his expression.

      Even though she’d acquiesced to him last night, he’d known she’d be prickly in the morning—no doubt lambasting herself for her weakness. And he knew that a large part of why she’d succumbed had been because he’d all but ambushed her.

      He was still reeling from the effects of seeing her again after a week. He had intended to come to London, find Lia at the charity function where he knew she’d be, and woo her. Show her how determined he was to get to know her. But he’d taken one look at her across that crowded room and something inside him had turned feral. He’d had to have her. And then he’d morphed into some kind