Lynne Marshall

Temporary Doctor, Surprise Father

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She felt kind of bad, refusing her.

      “A hot toddy might be just what the doctor ordered. You know what I mean?” Carmen added.

      Jan dragged in an indecisive breath.

      Looking disappointed, Carmen said, “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be in the Emergency Room.”

      The Emergency Room was the after-hours hang out for many of the Mercy Hospital staff. She knew exactly where it was, though rarely went there.

      Deciding that Carmen probably had something on her mind and needed a friendly ear, Jan reconsidered. The fact that she was dreading another night of tossing and turning with visions of Beck Braxton in her head helped change her mind.

      “You know, a hot toddy might just be the ticket. Give me a second to change out of my scrubs and I’ll meet you.”

      “Why don’t we drive over together?” Carmen shoved her arm into a black jacket. “I’ll drop you back at the parking lot on our way home.”

      Jan shimmied out of her scrubs. “You’re on, but just one drink.”

      “Sure, just like the doctor ordered,” Carmen said, as she left the locker room, leaving the door to flap behind her.

      * * *

      Similar to a real emergency room, the bar was busy and noisy, but that was where the similarities ended. Dark and fueled with a completely different kind of energy, the tables and booths were close to overflowing that Saturday night. The latest female American Idol winner belted out a song through the piped-in music. A heated game of darts went on in a corner called the “Surgical Ward” and the adjacent billiards room had a sign over the door, “Hospital Administration.”

      Carmen pointed out an empty booth, grabbed January’s hand and led her to the back of the room. While passing the bar she ordered their drinks and showed the bartender where they were headed.

      No sooner had they sat down than Gavin Riordan appeared.

      “What’s he doing here?” Jan blurted.

      “Beth took the twins to visit their grandmother in Florida. And his son’s away on a Scouting trip for the weekend. He must be lonely.”

      Jan smiled at the newly domesticated head of ER. She would never have believed a quiet allergy nurse could have tamed her boss when she’d first started working at the Mercy Hospital ER two years ago. It only went to show that miracles could happen.

      Carmen waved him over.

      “Ladies.” Gavin nodded and pushed his way into the booth next to Carmen. “The drinks are on me.”

      “That’s fine with me, as long as they aren’t going to deduct this from my Christmas bonus.” Carmen sprang into action with her boss. Sure, they spent most of their time at work verbally sparring, but no one was fooled by their antics. They’d go to the mat for each other in a heartbeat.

      “You didn’t get the memo about the suspension of all bonuses this year?” he chided.

      “Don’t even go there,” Carmen snarled.

      The drinks arrived and Gavin paid.

      “Bring a couple of beers, OK?” he instructed the waitress.

      “You drinking for two tonight?” Carmen asked, with a mock-innocent toss of her head.

      Before Gavin had a chance to answer, Jan’s heart dropped. Pushing through the crowd was the unmistakable figure of Atwater’s notorious bad boy, Beck Braxton. What was she supposed to do now?

      She cast a terrified glance around the bar for an emergency exit. “Listen, I’ve got to go.” Jan started to stand, but Gavin’s strong grasp kept her from reaching her full height.

      “Have a seat,” he said. “You’re among friends.”

      He had no idea the fire he was playing with. In panic mode, Jan darted her gaze to Carmen.

      “Drink your toddy and relax. That guy’s a hunk by anyone’s standards. I should be so lucky.” Carmen took a deep swig of her white wine and gave a Cheshire-cat smile that Jan had an overwhelming desire to scratch off her face. Relax? Easy for her to say.

      Beck’s step faltered when Jan peered out of the booth and caught his gaze. He recovered so quickly, anyone with less of a trained eye would never have noticed. She did what she’d been told and gulped the warm brandy-and-honey concoction and tried to act nonchalant when he reached their table.

      Beck filled the only remaining spot in the booth, the seat beside her.

      “I ordered you a beer,” Gavin piped up.

      Beck nodded his thanks and glanced to his side, at Jan. She wondered if her smile looked as unconvincing as his. They all sat in momentary silence and sipped their respective drinks. Gavin broke the silence with a question for Beck.

      The men discussed the day’s events, and Carmen sat rapt, chin in palm, swigging her wine and listening. With the aid of the twelve-hour antihistamine, Jan’s drink swirled through her head and soon she found it hard to focus. Dull buzzing droned in her ears. Occasionally Carmen would kick her foot under the table to urge her to join the conversation. Jan ignored her and sat mute, staring at her hands.

      Soon a warm blush settled in and she loosened the top button of her shirt to help cool off. She hadn’t felt this uncomfortable since the first day of open-grade art class when she had been fifteen, and seventeen-year-old Beck had been her big secret crush and had taken a seat next to her.

      Jan blinked and squinted to try and focus better. As far as men went, Beck was an incredible specimen. Dappled shadows from the bar lights accentuated the line of his jaw and the depth of his eyes. Still, his magnetism frightened her. She didn’t dare study him for long.

      “Are you OK?” Beck asked, bumping her thigh with his knee under the table.

      “I’m feeling a little strange. What’d they put in this drink?” She turned to Carmen.

      “Brandy. When’s the last time you had a real drink?” Carmen tossed her a disbelieving glance.

      “I’ve never had brandy.”

      Carmen raised her hands and glared at her boss. “Guys, I swear I had no idea the woman was so backward.”

      Gavin chuckled and finished his beer. “You need a ride home, Jan?”

      “Carmen’s going to drop me back at my car.”

      Beck broke in. “You shouldn’t be driving. I’ll take you home.”

      Jan glanced toward Carmen for help. She found evasive eyes and a fidgety hand smoothing coarse black hair. Wasn’t she going to bail her out? Knowing Beck, he’d grill her until she’d told him the truth about why she’d broken up with him. She wasn’t anywhere ready to tell him what had happened. What in the world should she do now?

      Beck stood at the exact moment Gavin did. They shook hands goodnight, and Carmen skirted behind them and headed for the door.

      “Thanks a million,” Jan said under her breath, leaning out of the booth.

      “I should be so lucky,” Carmen whispered, tossing a glance Beck’s way. Jan stood along with everyone else. Soon she’d be on her own…with her ex.

      She weaved fingers through her short bob and straightened her glasses. The drink may have soothed her throat, but she felt wobbly, parched and edgy. Realizing Beck was checking out her low-slung second-skin jeans, she quickly put on her extra-long sweater. His eyes traveled back to her face.

      “You can wear my helmet.”

      Her head shot up the moment she realized the mode of travel Beck had in mind.

      “It’s against California law to ride without a helmet.”

      “I’ll have to take that chance, won’t