Fiona McCallum

Australian Dreams

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      Nurse Lawson waited until Claire’s torrent ended. She’d obviously done this before. ‘He’s fine, calm, lucid. None the worse for wear as far as we can see. Of course, the doctor will have to confirm that in the morning. He seems to know who and where he is, and what year it is. But there was something odd – one of the first things he said after waking. Something about a paycheque. It might be something that’s come up from his past. But he was quite adamant that someone needed to find this lost paycheque. Does that make any sense to you?’

      ‘Yes,’ Claire sighed, smiling now. ‘Paycheque was one of his racehorses.’

      ‘Oh, right, well I guess that makes sense then. Look, I’d better get back to my other patients. I just wanted you to know.’

      ‘Thanks so much for calling.’

      ‘It’s my pleasure – nice to finally have some good news. Sorry for calling so late.’

      ‘No problem, it was worth it.’ Claire was about to hang up when she thought of something. ‘Nurse?’


      ‘Could you please tell him I’ll be in to see him in the morning?’

      ‘Doctor will be doing his rounds until about ten, so if you come after that we’ll know more.’


      ‘Goodbye then.’

      ‘Goodbye, and thanks again.’

      Claire put the phone down and looked at Bernadette. They stared at each other in wonder for nearly a full minute before grabbing at each other and whooping with delight like they used to do at the end of exams.

      They slumped back onto the lounge, and almost immediately began yawning. Five minutes later they had cleaned their teeth and were saying goodnight and turning off lights.


      Claire lay in bed staring into the blackness above, wide awake. But it wasn’t her father’s waking that kept her mind ticking over, nor thoughts of the day’s events, but Paycheque.

      The time was coming when she’d have to tell Jack what she’d done. She couldn’t check on the horse and just leave it at that. Not now. No, she had to get him back, give her father something real to come back for. But what if someone had discovered his potential, or perhaps worse, realised his sentimental value? She couldn’t afford to pay big bucks for him, but couldn’t afford not to. For all she knew she might even be too late. If things had gone as badly at Morphettville as Derek had said, he might have already been sent to the knackers. God, she couldn’t bear to think about that.

      As the grey light of the new day began to peep under the blind, Claire decided she’d start by ringing Al Jacobs. And with that thought, she finally drifted off.

       Chapter Eight

      Claire woke to the sound of water rushing through pipes and beating on the bathroom wall next door. She smiled at Bernadette’s off-key rendition of ‘It Must Be Love’. She lay there until she heard her friend in the kitchen, not wanting to upset her morning ritual and risk her being late opening the shop.

      When she thought about the day before, a shiver ran the length of her spine. Twelve months out of work. What if she’d forgotten everything she knew by then?

      Claire reached for the folded piece of paper from the bedside cupboard. There it was in black and white: she was having a year off. End of story. Nothing to worry about for ages. She read the note twice more to further convince herself. Anyway, for the next two weeks she was really on holidays – well that’s what she’d keep telling herself. And of course her father.

      Claire climbed out of bed and dragged on the worn blue robe that always hung on the back of the guest room door. She breathed in its comforting fresh floral scent. They used the same laundry products – regularly comparing notes on such things – but somehow Bernadette’s linen always smelled sweeter, fresher. She pulled on long purple socks and padded out to the kitchen where Bernie was pouring milk into two mugs.

      ‘Ah, there you are. Good morning,’ Bernadette said.


      ‘Here you go,’ she said, passing Claire one of the mugs.

      ‘Thanks.’ Claire took a deep whiff of the bitter, earthy aroma of instant coffee, psyching herself up before taking a sip.


      ‘Yes, thanks.’

      ‘So, other than going down to see Jack, what are your plans for the day?’

      ‘Well I’m going to wait until after ten when they think the doctor will have finished his rounds. Are you at the shop?’

      ‘Only until noon. I couldn’t find anyone else to cover for me until then – I tried before you arrived yesterday. Otherwise I would have liked to go with you to see Jack.’

      ‘Well I can hold off a few hours – it’s been two months, another few hours won’t matter. Bill and Daphne will most likely be there anyway. No doubt she’ll be frantically stitching the jumper together now she knows he’ll be able to wear it soon.’

      ‘Haven’t they been amazing?’

      ‘Hmm. It’s been so good to know they were there all the times I got caught up at the office. I’m going to have to get them something to thank them for everything they’ve done. Any ideas?’

      ‘They really wouldn’t expect you to. Just knowing Jack is okay would be enough for them.’

      ‘I know. But their support really has meant a lot.’

      ‘I’ll give it some thought.’ Bernie glanced at her watch. ‘I’d better get going. You’re sure you’re happy to wait until I finish at the shop?’

      ‘Absolutely. It’s always better visiting with company. And he’d love to see you. Anyway, I’ve got some phone calls to make that will fill in the time.’

      ‘Right. To let people know he’s woken up.’

      ‘No, I’m going to wait until I know more before I start doing that.’

      ‘What other calls then?’ Bernadette eyed Claire suspiciously.

      ‘Don’t worry, I’m not looking for a job. I’m going to try and track down Paycheque. Remember him? Apparently Dad was asking for him when he woke up. Sign of a true horseman when he asks for a horse before his daughter,’ she added, rolling her eyes.

      ‘Well, at least it means his memory’s relatively recent.’

      ‘Yeah. So I need to find out where the horse is so I’ve got something to tell him.’

      ‘Well, the phone’s all yours. Cheaper for local calls than your mobile.’



      ‘Thanks for everything.’

      ‘You’d do the same for me – I know that.’ Bernie hugged her. ‘Well I’d better skedaddle. Remember, the shop’s on speed dial two if you need me.’


      ‘Right, I’ll see you later. Good luck finding your horse.’


      ‘Hello, Al Jacobs’s stables.’

      ‘Hello, I was wondering if Al is available to speak with?’

      ‘Sorry, he’s at Morphettville today.’

      ‘Oh, right.’ Claire could have kicked herself.

      ‘Is there