Christy McKellen

The Dare Collection November 2018

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struck me to find Leonora and tell her about my exchange with Bryce, I killed it dead.

      I couldn’t deny that whatever it was that pulled me towards Leonora, she had me hooked. Nor could I deny that I was looking forward to riding the storm. But that was all.

      And right now, I had a bet to win.

      I tackled my paperwork for the next two hours, then fired up my laptop. My assistant had done a good job of streamlining my inbox, which meant that email was at the top of the queue, highlighted and screaming for attention.

      The lightness faded. Everything blurred away until only a single image remained, one I’d been trying to forget for the better part of three years.

      Damian and Penny.

      Their double betrayal had derailed me for a long time. Enough for me to keep tabs on Damian for almost a year, the need for vengeance burning harsh and bright.

      He’d more than succeeded with his business ventures in the States. Hell, he’d thrived, the addition of his name to a popular venture capitalist TV show elevating not just him, but The Mortimer Group by association.

      For the better part of the year, the desire to destroy him the way he’d destroyed me had occupied vast amounts of my waking moments. That need for vengeance no longer burned bright.

      Granted, I’d redirected it when the true depth of betrayal had been revealed much later. The final blow Penny had struck by getting rid of my child was not only unforgivable. It’d been unforgettable.

      Unlike with Damian, I hadn’t throttled back my vengeance when it came to her. Especially when I found out she was using my name to bolster the event-planning career that was so precious to her.

      I’d derived immense satisfaction from watching her twist in the wind after losing one client after the other.

      That satisfaction eased my fury now.

      If Damian was intent on bringing himself back into my orbit, then I’d deal with him when the time came.

      Till then, I had an empire to run.


      I watched the speedboat depart with the last of Vadim’s guests for the bright light of Budva, a quarter of a mile away.

      At just past eight p.m. I was officially off the clock, but my inner boss lady hadn’t relaxed until the guests were off the boat.

      I was dressed to go out, too. Montenegro in general and Budva in particular were two of my favourite places. While researching places to bring my clients, I’d fallen in love with the place. From my balcony, I spotted the smaller water taxi I’d organised for myself approach. Purse in hand, I left my cabin and headed for the first-floor deck.

      I hadn’t seen Gideon with Vadim, and, finding myself watching out for him, I’d grimaced with self-disgust. The hours I’d spent convincing myself I was better off staying clear of him frittered away to nothing as I caught a glimpse of his tall, breathtaking body, leaning against the railing.

      I still couldn’t believe what had happened at the lunch table, and not just that mind-blowing orgasm he’d given me. There was something about hearing the man admit his flaws while clinging to his vows that had kicked something into life inside me. I’d walked away from the deck craving him even more.

      But as he’d pointed out himself, I’d be a fool to let any newly discovered attributes sway me from the fact that the man could reduce me to a blithering mass of sexual emotion while barely exerting himself.

      Our business together was transient at best. And now I knew the true nature of what was going on with him, I didn’t intend to become the toy he amused himself with while he waited for his self-imposed sentence to be over.

      Gideon spotted me and approached as I reached the exit ramp. ‘Going somewhere?’

      ‘Yes, I’m heading into town. I’m officially off the clock. If you need a ride off the yacht, I can make a call for you.’

      One corner of his mouth quirked in that sexy way of his and I struggled not to let his heated gaze affect me as it moved from the top of my head to my feet.

      ‘Or I can catch a lift with you.’ His eyes performed a return journey up my body.

      My olive-green dress wasn’t as sexy as the black number I’d worn to the casino, but it showed enough bare legs, arms and shoulders to make a statement.

      The bareback design also negated the need for a bra and I watched his gaze blatantly linger on my breasts for five flame-inducing seconds before moving up to my face.

      ‘Do you mind?’ he asked.

      When I shook my head, he held out his hand.

      I took it, let him help me into the taxi, and when his fingers lingered on my skin I tried not to hyperventilate. He followed me to the bench seat at the rear of the boat, sat down next to me and spread his arms along the top of the cushioned seat. The action brought his body sizzlingly close to mine, his aftershave tantalising my nostrils.

      When the movement of the boat nudged his body against mine, I clenched my thighs to keep from making full body contact with him.

      ‘Aren’t you joining your guests?’ I asked as the small speedboat raced us towards shore.

      ‘No. A tactical withdrawal is in order tonight.’

      I took in his attire, the way the tailored black trousers clung to his powerful thighs and his dark purple shirt emphasised the lean, hard masculinity of his upper body. He’d showered recently if the damp strands neatly styled were any indication. Thoughts of showers reminded me of what had happened in his hotel suite on our first meeting. Imploring myself not blush, I met his gaze.

      ‘Are you headed anywhere in particular? The taxi can take you if you like.’

      He didn’t immediately answer, granting me the excuse to study his face as we stepped onto the pier. Something wasn’t quite right. There was a stiffness to his jaw, tension riding his shoulders. ‘Is everything okay?’

      Piercing grey eyes locked on me. ‘Nothing a few drinks won’t take care of. And since I don’t have a destination in mind, mind if I join you?’

      ‘Join me?’ I parroted, fighting the throb of excitement suffusing me.

      He nodded. ‘Unless you object? Where are you headed?’

      ‘For an appointment five minutes away. I don’t want to be late.’

      His eyes narrowed. ‘Take me with you.’

      There it was again, that odd note in his voice that tugged at something inside me. Still, I bit my lip in hesitation.

      He closed the gap between us, wrapping me in his heat as he stared down at me. ‘I’m feeling...out of sorts. Not the kind that makes me want to drink alone and not the kind that wants Vadim’s sort of company. That leaves you. Also if I remember correctly we’re currently zero for two in the IOU stakes.’

      ‘And taking you with me goes a step towards evening our odds?’

      A darkly wicked light gleamed in his eyes. ‘I’d prefer to even it out in like-for-like terms but if an evening with you is what’s on offer, then I’ll take it. Unless whatever you’re doing involves another man. In that case I’d strongly advise you to get rid of him. I’d hate for him to be an unwanted third wheel.’

      I couldn’t help myself. I laughed. ‘Okay, you can come with me.’

      He inclined his head in that almost-regal way that emphasised his upper-class upbringing and fell into step beside me. But even though we walked in companionable silence, there was an edge in the air, a swelling of angst and anticipation that shortened my breath.

      Whatever he was feeling out of sorts about was huge, and I couldn’t help wondering if he regretted telling me about his family this afternoon.

      Despite the dysfunction