Tori Carrington


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rolled to her side and propped her head up on her hand. “And a quick finisher.”

      He chuckled. “Very funny.”

      She lightly shrugged her shoulders, causing her delectable breasts to bounce. “Until you prove differently, that’s going to be my story.”

      “Your story?”

      “Mmm-hmm. You’ll go down in my personal sexual history as Quick Withdraw McGraw.”


      “You’re telling me.”

      Despite the humiliation that threatened, Will found her easy banter putting him at ease. “What would be the female equivalent to what just happened?” he asked.

      “Oh, I don’t know,” she said quietly. “My reading a newspaper while you went about your business.”

      “Now that would be downright rude.”

      “Do you see a newspaper anywhere?”

      Will considered the shadows playing against his bedroom ceiling. He hadn’t opened the vertical blinds from the morning and the room was dim and cool.

      And the woman beside him was sexy and hot.

      “Be a good bird and hand me another condom, won’t you?”

      Renae blinked at him, then down at his growing erection. She lay back and reached into the drawer to get another square packet. “Are you sure you want to subject yourself to this again?”

      He took the condom from her. “I think the question is are you game for another round?”

      “Seeing as I can barely remember—oh!”

      Freshly resheathed, Will rolled quickly back on top of her, pinning her arms above her head and allowing his gaze to roam over her deliciously shapely body. He spread her thighs with his knees then positioned the tip of his fully throbbing arousal against her once again. This time when he filled her, he took his time about it, absorbing her every shiver and quake…and keeping his own control tightly in check.

      Finally he was into her to the hilt and she moaned. He kissed her mouth then pressed his nose against hers. “What was that you were about to say?”

      Renae restlessly licked her parched lips, her heart thudding hard in her chest, her womb contracting to the point that she believed she might be on the verge of climaxing.

      Considering that moments before she’d firmly believed that pillow-shock syndrome had struck hours too soon, the rush of physical need that suffused her muscles, and the sensational chaos Will was so easily re-creating in her, was…well…shocking.

      And oh so nice.

      He began stroking her with his manhood in a way few men knew how to, expertly skimming the head of his erection against her G-spot then withdrawing before plunging in and tilting his hips to hit her pleasure spot head-on again. Oh, nice was so not the word for the way she was feeling. Orgasmic was closer to the mark. Out of her mind with pleasure would also fill the bill. She curved her hands around his tight posterior and squeezed, holding him deep inside her for a moment longer and grinding her pelvis against his, cherishing the friction of his hair against hers.

      Oh, yes. That was so much closer to what she’d expected. She moaned as he stroked her again. In fact, it was quickly surpassing it.

      His hips stilled and she cracked open her eyelids, afraid he might have bailed before her again. Instead she found he wasn’t climaxing. Rather he was cupping her right breast then bending to run his tongue slowly along her distended nipple. Renae swallowed hard, unable to blink as she watched him swirl the tip of his tongue around and around then pull her nipple deep into his mouth, seeming to tug on some sort of invisible chord that linked her breasts to her throbbing sex. Without his having moved his hips she felt ridiculously on the verge of orgasm.

      She stretched her neck and closed her eyes, trying to regain control. She wanted this to last. Wanted him to deliver on his promise to perform better the second time around.

      She wanted to make the risk she’d taken by coming into his condo with him worth it.

      He withdrew halfway then plunged almost roughly back in to the hilt. Renae’s back came up off the bed and a long moan escaped her throat.

      Then before she knew it he was rolling so he lay on his back, her on top.

      Considering she’d been on the verge of climax, she wasn’t sure she liked this change in position. At least not until he thrust upward and chased all coherent thought from her mind.

      Bracing herself against his shoulders, she tilted her hips forward, then back. Oh, yes. That was so, so good. Will’s size practically guaranteed a girl a good time. Of course on the condition that he could actually maintain an erection. What good was a big member if you couldn’t keep it that way? But despite his unpromising beginning, the sexy E.R. doc was delivering everything and more than she had spent all day imagining.

      Her stomach began trembling and hot, liquid fire exploded through her body. She gripped his shoulders tightly and threw her head back, riding the exquisite waves crashing through her like a trained surfer. Only not even she was prepared for the length and the power of her orgasm. As her muscles began to calm, she tried to calm her surprise at her incredible reaction. After all, when she’d handed him the second condom, she’d been devoid of any expectation.


      Well, now that she’d just experienced what could possibly be the best orgasm of her life, she didn’t quite know how to respond.

      “And?” Will asked, fondling her breasts.

      Another shudder worked its way through her body and she smiled down at him.

      “And that was definitely worth the risk of giving you a second chance.”

      Damn, he was sexy. His hair always had a kind of just-got-out-of-bed look about it, but now that it had really been tousled, he looked like the worst kind of devil, grinning up at her with his lopsided, British grin.

      She began to roll off him.

      He stayed her with his hands on her legs. “Where do you think you’re going?”

      She blinked at him. It was three in the afternoon and she hadn’t been back to her apartment yet.

      “Oh, Miss Truesdale, I’m nowhere near through with you.”

      She playfully widened her eyes. She’d been so enthralled by her own climax she hadn’t noticed whether or not he’d come again. “Oh?”

      “Mmm. I figure since we’ve gone this far, we might as well go all the way.”

      Renae found herself licking her lips in sweet anticipation. “Excuse me, but isn’t all the way what we just did?”

      “Uh-uh.” He shook his head, his fingers drifting from her outer thighs so he could press the pads of his thumbs against the magic button between her legs.

      Renae moaned.

      “That was just the appetizer. And I fully plan for this to be at least a five-course meal.”

      Renae gasped when he lifted her from his hips then coaxed her in the other direction so she still sat astride him, but facing his feet.

      “Be a good bird and get me another one of those condoms, won’t you?”

      Renae reached back and took out a handful of condoms. She let them rain down on his chest as she grinned in naked challenge. “Now make this bird sing.”

      HUMPH. Seemed ironic somehow that while he was having such a hard time getting one woman in his bed, he couldn’t seem to get the other one out.

      Will stood drinking an extra-large glass of orange juice from the doorway to his bedroom. It was past 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning and, a part of him told him, time for his bed partner to make a graceful departure. In the hopes of rousing Renae