Renee Andrews

Yuletide Twins

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the man’s books in two plastic bags. “I’ll be fine.”

      Zeb placed a hand on David’s forearm and squeezed. “You have a blessed day, son.”

      “I will.” The words had barely left David’s mouth when he heard someone moving through one of the aisles from the front of the store. He hadn’t heard the bell sound, but he definitely had another customer. “Hello?”

      Zeb turned so that he saw the pregnant woman at the same time as David. But David was certain Zeb didn’t recognize the lady, since she wasn’t from Claremont. David, however, did, and his heart squeezed in his chest the way it always had whenever he saw the stunning blonde in college. Infatuation had a way of doing that, lingering through the years, and David’s had apparently hung around. “Laura?”

      “Hey, David.” She continued toward the counter. “I came in when the other man left,” she said, which explained why David didn’t hear the bell, “and then I didn’t want to interrupt you while you were talking to a customer.”

      “Well, I’m about to leave.” Zeb extended a hand. “I’m Zebulon Shackleford, but folks around here call me Zeb.”

      “Laura Holland,” she answered, shaking his hand and giving him a tender smile.

      Holland. David didn’t miss the fact that she was still Laura Holland. No married name. Why not? And who was the father of the baby she carried? So many questions, and he wanted to know the answers.

      “I...” She hesitated. “I hope it’s okay that I came here.”

      Shell-shocked, David realized he hadn’t said anything more than her name. He mentally slapped himself out of the momentary stupor. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Yes, of course it’s okay.” Though he suddenly wondered why she was here, in his bookstore, when he hadn’t heard anything from her in over two years. The last time he’d seen her, in fact, she’d been very much in love with his college roommate.

      Zeb slid his arms between the loops of the bags then pulled them off of the counter as he stepped away. “David, if it’s okay with you, I might sit a spell and read in one of your nooks before I head out. I’m feeling a little weary and think it might do me good to rest a few minutes.”

      David had to forcibly move his gaze from Laura, still amazingly beautiful, to Zeb. “Sure, that’s fine. And let me know if you want me to drive you home. It isn’t a problem.”

      “Aw, I drove today, wasn’t quite feeling up to walking this time. It’s just that I parked on the other side of the square, and I think I’ll handle that walk a little better if I sit a minute or two.”

      “Take all the time you need,” he said, glad that his mind began to work again, the surprise of seeing Laura finally settling in to reality.

      She looked even prettier than he remembered. She had her straight blond hair pulled back, drawing even more attention to pale blue eyes and a heart-shaped face. Jared had often compared her to Reese Witherspoon, and David agreed they were similar, but Laura was...Laura. Back then, he’d found an instant attraction toward the striking beauty, but as usual, he’d fallen into the role of second fiddle when she dubbed him her friend, and Jared her love. Then again, David was wise enough now to realize that his fascination with her had been merely that, a fascination. But beyond the intriguing element that’d always been a part of his relationship with Laura, had been the friendship that David had found with Jared’s girl. He was certain that friendship was what brought her here now, because David knew she was no longer with Jared. His buddy had married in June.

      Laura forced a smile, blinked a couple of times and then seemed to struggle to focus on David, as though she were afraid if she looked directly at him, he’d see too much. Which was probably true.

      In college, he mastered reading her eyes. If Jared had hurt her, David could see it in those telling eyes. He’d seen that look way too many times. Even though he was close to Jared, David never believed his old friend treated Laura the way she deserved. She had a kind heart and would do anything for anyone. Jared took advantage of that; he’d taken advantage of her love. David hated seeing that look of emotional pain in her eyes back then.

      He studied her now and didn’t see pain, but he saw something else that bothered him almost as much. Fear.

      “Laura, is something wrong?” he asked, then quickly added, “I’m glad that you’re here, but—” he decided it best to state the truth “—I haven’t heard from you since I graduated from Tennessee, so to see you now, over two years later...” His gaze moved to her belly. “Do you need help?”

      Her lip quivered, and then tears pushed free. She quickly brushed them away with two flicks of her hand. “I told myself I wouldn’t cry.”

      David felt bad for causing her to release those tears, but he didn’t know what else to say or do. However, he did know this—he would do whatever it took to help her. “Hey, it’ll be okay.” Rounding the counter, he did the only thing that seemed right—opened his arms and let her move inside his embrace. But he had no idea why she needed his comfort, so he said another silent prayer for God’s guidance.

      Laura let him hold her for a moment, but then he sensed her gaining her composure again, her shoulders rising as she sniffed then eased out of his hug. She looked up at him, and David suddenly felt taller than his six-one. He’d forgotten how petite she was, no more than five-four. Her size made him feel an even stronger urge to protect her from whatever had her so upset.

      “I’m sorry I fell apart. I’ll be okay.” A lock of blond hair had escaped her barrette and rested along her cheek. She gently pushed it behind her ear. “It’s been a long day.”

      David knew that was an understatement, but he’d maintain his patience and wait until she was ready to explain. He tried to think of what he could do to make her feel more comfortable. He had no idea where she’d parked or how far she’d walked to get to his store. Finding a spot at the square was sometimes difficult, so she could have walked a bit to get here, probably not all that easy with the pregnancy. “Why don’t we sit and visit?” He pointed to the reading area nearest the counter. “I’ve got some lemonade in the kitchen. I’ll get us a couple of glasses, and you can tell me what’s going on.”

      She nodded. “Okay.”

      He went to the small kitchen in the back and poured two glasses of lemonade then returned to find her sitting in one of the oversize chairs pressing her hand against her belly and smiling.

      “Here you go.” He placed a glass on the table beside her and then took a seat on the sofa nearby. “Everything okay?” He indicated her hand, still rubbing against her stomach.

      She nodded. “Yes, they get a little more active as it gets closer to night.” A soft chuckle escaped when her hand actually edged out a little as something pushed—or kicked—from inside. “Makes sleeping quite a feat.”

      David would have said something about that kick, because he’d never seen anything like it, but instead he keyed in on the most important word in her statement. “They?”

      Another nod, then she said, “Twins.” She took a sip of the lemonade, swallowed and then announced, “Twin girls.”

      “Twin girls,” he repeated, amazed.

      Then, before he could ask anything like how far along she was, she added three words that put every question David may have had on hold.

      “And they’re Jared’s.”

      He focused on her stomach. Twins were there. Jared’s twins. His mind reeled at that. It’d been, what, over four months since he stood beside Jared as a groomsman at his wedding?

      David continued staring at her swollen belly—he couldn’t help it—and wondered how far along...

      “Seven months,” she whispered, obviously following his thought process. “I found out about the pregnancy the end of May, the week I graduated. By that time, our relationship had been over for two months,