Jennifer Labrecque

Daring in the Dark

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pant of her panic. “A thing?”

      “Yeah, I don’t like it worth a damn.” Her laugh verged on pathetic and tugged at his heartstrings. As if everything she did didn’t tug at them. “Curiosity got the better of me and I managed to lock myself in a closet for a couple of hours when I was four. I was terrified. Ever since, the dark freaks me out.”

      She laughed again, and if he hadn’t been so tuned in to the nuances of her voice, he might’ve missed the nervousness still lurking behind it. Against his better judgment—touching her, as he’d found a few minutes ago, was definitely bad judgment—he caught her hand in his. “It’s okay. I’m here. Does your building lose power often?”

      “Twice before. But it was always during the day.” Her voice sounded surer, less panicked, and her hand was steadier. She tried to pull her hand from his. “I’m fine now.”

      Her slight breathlessness gave her away. She wasn’t fine, but she was doing her best to give that impression. He fought the urge to pull her closer, wrap his arms around her soft vulnerability and reassure her everything was okay. Instead he contented himself with clasping her hand tighter. “Well, I’m not. I’m blind as a bloody bat in here. Where’s your flashlight?” he asked.

      She turned into him and her cheek brushed against his shoulder, setting his heart racing. It was agony to be so close to her, touch her, smell her.

      “I don’t have one. It got broken when I moved and I keep forgetting to replace it.” Her breath feathered against his neck and her hair teased along his jaw.

      “Okay. No flashlight. Move on to plan B. Where’s a window?”

      Her fingers curled around his. “My bedroom. There’s one in the bathroom, but it’s small.”

      “Okay. Lead on to your bedroom.” Despite the dark, he closed his eyes when he spoke. Under different circumstances…

      “This way.” She tugged him by the hand and within seconds he ran into something hard.

      “Ow. Damn.” Obviously the wall.

      “Sorry,” she apologized, her disembodied voice beside him.

      He rolled his shoulder. “I take it you didn’t hit the wall.”

      “No. I’m in the doorway.”

      Brilliant. She was laughing at him. Actually banging into walls was rather funny but hard on the shoulder.

      “Walking beside you isn’t going to work. I’ll walk behind you.” He braced his hands on her bare shoulders. In the dark he could well imagine her naked. Correction. It was as if she was naked, the way he’d imagined her so many times before. Her shoulders were soft, her skin like warm, supple suede. Her scent surrounded him, seduced him. He ached to pull her back into him, to lower his head and kiss the delicate skin at the back of her neck, shower kisses along the curve of her shoulder. He wanted to absorb her heat, her taste, her.

      Longing pierced his very soul. To have her in his arms but still out of reach was cruel beyond measure. Just one taste of her… He leaned forward and she swayed ever so slightly back into him, tensing beneath his fingertips. Wisps of hair brushed his face. What the hell was he doing? He jerked his head back.

      “Simon?” The husky way she said his name always curled heat through him.

      “Give me a second to get my bearings.” Clothes. He needed to touch clothes. “How about this?” He grasped her full, round hips just below the curve of her waist, the same way he would if they were dancing in a conga line. Yeah, or having sex from behind.

      “That’s fine.” Her voice sounded strained. Or maybe it was just him. This proximity had him near daft.

      “Okay. Lead the way.” Sod it if he sounded harsh. Better she think him rude than randy.

      He walked behind her, keeping a firm grip on her hips, trying to ignore the sweet sway beneath his fingertips. Wouldn’t she be impressed? While she fought off a panic attack, he was getting a stiffy from merely touching her and inhaling her scent with every breath he took.

      In the room behind them Tawny’s cell phone rang. She hesitated, tensing, turning slightly in the direction of the ring. Simon tightened his hold on her. “Just keep going. We don’t have a chance of getting to it before it goes to voice mail. Not to mention banging the hell out of us along the way.”

      They resumed their dark journey. Almost immediately Simon’s cell vibrated at his side. “Hold on. Someone’s ringing me.” He plucked his cell off his side and flipped it open one-handed, keeping the other hand on her hip. “Thackeray here.”

      “Simon, are you with Tawny?” Elliott asked without preamble.

      “Yes. She’s right here.”

      “I just tried to call her and she didn’t answer.” Elliott’s voice held a petulant note.

      “It’s pitch-black in her apartment. She couldn’t get to it in time. Where are you?” Bugger, Elliott. He should be the one here with his hand on Tawny’s hip, tortured by the feel of soft flesh and her womanly scent. Except it wouldn’t be torture for Elliott because she wasn’t off-limits to him.

      “I’m at the gallery. We don’t have any lights either.”

      “Why are you there? What’s going on?”

      “I don’t think we’re under siege, if that’s what you mean. I think it’s one of those blackouts like we had a couple of years ago. I was running late. Richard and I had a few things to iron out and then everything shut down.”

      Simon welcomed the dark. Tawny couldn’t see the expression on his face. He didn’t give a farthing about Richard and Elliott’s details, but if Elliott had been here with take-out Thai as arranged, then Simon wouldn’t be holding on to Tawny in the dark. Alone. Tempted nearly beyond measure.

      “Excellent. How long do you think it’ll take you to get here?” Simon asked, deliberately keeping his voice neutral.

      “We’re locked in. When the electrical system is compromised, the security system goes into total lockdown.”

      This was getting better and better. “You’re locked in at the gallery?”

      “That’s it in a nutshell.” Simon heard the murmur of another man’s voice in the background followed by Elliott’s breathless laughter. “Listen, you don’t have to stay with Tawny. I’m sure she’ll be okay.”

      Hot anger lanced him at Elliott’s careless, cavalier regard for Tawny. This afternoon he’d been annoyed with Elliott. Now Simon was furious with his friend. Did he not know or simply not care that the woman who met life head-on was terrified of the dark while he was cozied up with his new lover? What the hell had he been doing hanging out with Richard instead of meeting at Tawny’s the way he’d set it up? Where did Elliott get off taking that proprietorial tone when he told Simon he didn’t have to stay? And there was no way he could say any of that to Elliott with Tawny listening.

      “Of course, I’ll stay with her until the power’s back on. I wouldn’t dream of leaving her alone.”

      She moved closer to him, and without thinking he tightened his hand on her hip. They’d both shifted during his phone call and now her left hip nudged his, his hand was still on her other hip, his arm wrapped around the curve of her back. This was bad—very, very bad. How long would he be trapped in this apartment with this woman who drove him crazy? Who touched him somewhere deep inside? Who seemed to slip past every barrier he’d ever erected? His body thought it brilliant, his mind recognized it as a big mistake.

      “No. I said you don’t need to stay,” Elliott snapped.

      What the hell? Simon didn’t want Tawny to know Elliott was so bloody self-absorbed that he’d have Simon leave her alone in a blackout. Better that his selfish friend appear the considerate fiancé he should be than wound her with the truth. “Don’t give it another thought. I won’t