Brenda Minton

The Cowboy's Reunited Family

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of the months of worrying were about to end. She drew in a breath, but then she realized it wasn’t true. The worry wouldn’t end. There could be complications, rejection of the donor organ, infection. She knew every possible outcome. She’d talked to so many doctors. She’d worried so much.

      A hand reached for hers, Blake’s hand, bigger and stronger than hers. She looked down at the man in the hospital bed, the picture of health, of rugged masculinity. He smiled up at her, a smile that still turned her world inside out. Even after all of the years apart, it still happened.

      “Don’t worry,” he said without a bit of hesitation. “I’ve got this.”

      She nodded but didn’t trust her voice to answer. Nurse Palmer touched her shoulder, standing close to her.

      “Jana, the emotions are going to hit now. I know this has been a long and difficult journey. I know there are still concerns and you don’t know how you should feel. Take a deep breath and be relieved. There will be plenty of time later to worry more—” Nurse Palmer smiled “—but there will also be great times ahead for you and your family. Blake is a perfect match. He’s a little older than we like—” she grinned at him “—but he has two healthy kidneys, and one of them will save your daughter. That doesn’t mean there can’t be complications, but it really does make things so much better for Lindsey.”

      Jana nodded again. Blake’s hand on hers was warm and strong, sending his strength to her. “I’m good.”

      “We need to get these two prepped for surgery. We’re going to move them in a few minutes. A nurse will take you to the O.R. waiting room. A social worker will give you updates.”

      Jana closed her eyes as her body began to tremble. It was all too real. The moment was upon them, and suddenly she couldn’t be strong anymore. But she had to be.

      “Jana, hug Lindsey. We need to go make a kidney swap.” Blake’s voice was light, casual. She opened her eyes and managed to smile, not cry.

      “Thank you.” She leaned, and still holding his hand, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

      He reached up, cupping her cheek with his hand, forcing her to look him in those hazel eyes of his. “This is going to work. Don’t lose faith now.”

      “I won’t.”

      Slowly she released his hand and turned to Lindsey. The MP3 player was on the tray and Lindsey’s eyes were huge, worried. Jana found her strength again. Right now she had to be Lindsey’s rock.

      “You’re going to be healthy again, Lindsey.” Jana hugged her daughter close. “You’re going to be able to do all the things you love.”

      “Ride a horse?”

      Jana laughed at that, “Let’s take one thing at a time.”

      “Mom, I’m not afraid.” Lindsey’s smile grew. “I’m ready.”

      Jana nodded. Lindsey had found faith before Jana, and she’d led her mom to God. Now she said the words with a different meaning. She was ready for whatever happened.

      “I’m going to be there when you wake up,” she promised.

      “I know.” Lindsey cleared her throat. “I know I said things. I was mad. I’m still mad. But I love you, Mom.”

      “Oh, Lindsey, thank you.” She hugged her daughter again, holding her tight.

      “Time for us to go.” Nurse Palmer put a hand on Jana’s back. Jana turned and suddenly the room filled with staff that hadn’t been there seconds ago.

      “Okay. I need to tell Blake’s family.” Jana swallowed hard. Through the surgery they would have each other.

      She tried not to think about being alone. She’d done this to herself. Tears clouded her vision as she glanced back at Lindsey and then at Blake.

      Be strong. Be strong.

      “Jana, we’ll get through this.” Blake spoke as she reached for the door. She wished she could say something, but her throat tightened and tears clouded her vision. She nodded and walked out.

      We. The word stuck in her mind as she headed down the hall. She knew he meant that he and Lindsey would get through the surgery. But she needed to be a part of that we. She needed it, at least for today. For the next week. For the next year. She needed to be included in his life, in the strength that was Blake Cooper.

      And once Lindsey had recovered, then Jana could be strong on her own again.

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